Can You Keep a Secret

Chapter Nineteen

The next few days at work, Max and I fell into the pattern of eating together at lunch. Things at work felt a little easier when I wasn't worrying about things at home. I wasn't oblivious to the fact that I was a lot more at ease. I decided it was because I wasn't worrying about things with Eric or the thief anymore. 

Eric had gone on a shopping spree that could only be related to one of a filthy rich woman. He bought a new TV, stereo system, DVD player, and God only knows what else the other gadgets were for. 

His TV was, of course, bigger than the old one. 

"Where did you grow up?" I asked curiously. 

Max swallowed his food. "I grew up in Maine and moved to Texas when I was a teenager. My parents got a divorce and I stayed with my dad," he explained. 

I nodded my head. "How was Texas? I've only heard stories about it."

He chuckled. "It was am-"

"Max, my parents got a divorce, too! I'm so sorry. I know exactly what you went through," Shelly exclaimed. 

We both looked over at the sound of her voice. She rushed forward in her stiletto heels. Her hands were all over his arm and shoulder. 

"Uh, I'm fine with it. It never bothered me much," he told her. 

She nodded. "Was your mom a bitch or something? She must have been if she let you go," she teased. 

I almost rolled my eyes at her. 

"She was a drug addict," he stated blandly. 

Shelly's eyes got big. "Wow. That must have been hard growing up with. I'm so sorry. If you ever want to talk, I'm here for you," she promised. 

I almost choked when she kissed his forehead and strutted off. Max looked at me oddly. "I will never understand her," he muttered. 

I shrugged. "She wants you. That's about it," I summed up for him. 

Max laughed. "She does not. She's nice to everyone."

I snorted at him. "Max, that was not nice. That was being sweet to get to you. She wants your cock and that's about it."

Max continued laughing. "Thank you for you blunt attitude. It makes lunch so much more fun," he told me. 

I smiled and continued to eat my cheese sandwich. 

"How are things going at the place you're staying in?" he asked me. 

"Good. Things are kind of weird. It's a strange feeling knowing someone has gone through your home. Everything suddenly feels... Impersonal," I told him. 

He flicked a crumb to the ground. "Home?" he questioned. 

I gave him a weird look. "Yeah. It's my home..."

"You're really that comfortable living with him?" he continued. 

I rolled my eyes. "Well, yeah. I'm really comfortable with him. We grew up together and I lived with his family for a long time... He's also a pretty close friend when I think about it, too," I rambled. 

Max nodded slowly. "Do you like him?" he blurted out. 

I choked on my sandwich. He quickly reached over to slap my back. "Why would you ask that? Of course not. He's my brother's best friend," I quickly exclaimed. 

He gave me a smile. "I just had to check," he said with a laugh. 

I gave a half smile to him. I couldn't help but feel slightly awkward after that question. I wrapped up my trash and dropped it into the trash basket. "I'm going to head back to my office," I told him. 

He gave me a wide smile and waved. "Alright. See you later."

I nodded before heading out of the staff lounge. I passed Shelly, who was standing by the door. She grabbed my arm before I could get far away from her. 

"Listen. Stay away from Max. He's mine. Got it?" she snarled at me. 

I swore this was right out of some ridiculous high school movie. "I'm not into him. Go for it," I told her. 

She smirked. "Leave him alone. I mean it. You might regret it if you don't," she warned. 

I rolled my eyes as I walked away. Shelly was obviously stuck in high school. How she got a job at this company, I would never understand. She needed to grow up and get her head on straight. I wasn't going to let her bother me, though. She wasn't going to affect me at all. 
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Didn't edit again~~