Can You Keep a Secret

Chapter Twenty

"Juno is so much better than Napoleon Dynamite."

"Fuck some pregnant 16 year old. Napoleon is awesome."

"Juno has the best one-liners ever! How can you argue with 'Bleaker is the cheese to my macaroni'?"

"Easy. 'But my lips hurt real bad'!"

"Your lips are going to hurt after my fist hits them..."

"I'm not worried. It'll feel like a little tap."

"Want to test that theory?" I asked.

Eric smirked at me. "You don't have the guts to hit me."

I stared at him a few more minutes before giving up. "Whatever. If I was really mad, I'd do it."

"No you wouldn't."

"Stop doubting my beastliness."

"You are as much of a beast as a puppy," Eric said with a riot of laughter.

I threw my slipper at him in response. He was sitting only a few feet away making it basically ineffective. The fact that he caught it made it even more ineffective.

"Shut up, you stupid giant," I retorted lamely.

Eric laughed again. "Whatever. You need to work on your comebacks," he told me.

I scoffed before getting up to put the DVD into the player. "We're watching Juno. You can deal with it," I told him, placing the DVD into the small slot.

Just after the DVD was sucked into the player, Eric grabbed my around the waste. "No! I told you we were watching Napoleon Dynomite!" he exclaimed.

He held me away from the system as he tried to switch the DVD. "No! Eric!" I yelled, fighting back. I tried to reach around his sides to get to the buttons. "Eric! Stop!" I grabbed the DVD case out of his hand and started to run away.

"No! We're watching that movie!" he yelled back.

"No, we aren't!" I called. I ran into my room before quickly stuffing the movie case into the drawr with my underwear and bras. I slammed the drawr shut just as Eric burst into my room.

"Ricky..." he began slowly, moving towards me.

I backed up against my dresser. "Eric," I mimicked.

"Shrimp, you know I won't hesitate to reach in that drawr and grab the movie, right?" he asked. His finger was pointed at the drawr behind me.

I didn't respond. He grabbed me around the waist again and pushed me behind him. "No!" I yelled out.

Eric had my drawr pulled open and my under clothes flying. He picked up the case and started moving back down the hallway to the living room. I dove to the ground and grabbed his ankles. Eric supported himself against the walls so he wouldn't trip. "Come on, stop being a child! Let's just watch the movie!" he teased.

"I am not letting you put that DVD on," I retorted.

We glared at each other for several minutes. My phone began ringing in the kitchen. Eric smirked at me, knowing I probably needed to answer it. I glanced at the kitchen and back up at Eric. "Ugh. Fine," I groaned, scrambling up to my feet to get to my phone.

Eric chuckled before disappearing to turn on the TV.

I answered my phone just before it went to voicemail. "Hello?"

"Hey, what's up? We haven't talked in awhile," Marc greeted.

I grinned. "Aw, perfect. My favorite Staal!" I exclaimed pointedly.

Eric snorted. "We all know I'm the prefered Staal."

Marc laughed. "You and Eric fighting?" he asked.

"Arguing over movies... Fighting... Close enough," I responded.

I could practically hear him roll his eyes. "I don't know if you two living together is the best idea anyone had..."

I scoffed. "Bitch, we have a blast together. Nothing is wrong with this," I returned.

I heard both of them laughing. "Whatever. Tell me how your job is going. You haven't updated me lately on anything," Marc told me.

I took a seat at the island on one of the bar stools. "Not much is going on. There's a woman I work with that is a little ridiculous. She acts like she owns someone I've become friends with. She acts like she's going to make some big deal about us being friends. It's annoying, but I'm ignoring it. Not much else is going on," I told him.

"Why does she do that to you?" Marc asked curiously.

I flicked around a piece of napkin on the island. "She wants his body and thinks I'm trying to take him away from her or something, I guess. She's always glaring at me and has told me to just leave him alone because he is hers," I explained.

Marc grunted. "Sounds like a bitch."

"You're telling me," I retorted.

"How's stuff going after the break in?" Marc asked.

I glanced over at Eric. He was focused on the movie that was playing on his TV: Juno. I smiled to myself.

"Better. Your brother went on a shopping spree like some spoiled rich house wife. Then he called some security company and had them come look around to make an estimate on installing a security system. The police still haven't found anything," I informed him.

"That's good. Of course Eric would go shopping like a rich house wife. He's such a little diva."

I laughed at his comment. "Your brother thinks you're a diva. Is that true, Eric?" I asked.

"Hells yes, girlfriend!" Eric called out in a feminine voice.

I continued to laugh. "So, what are you guys up to?" I asked Marc.

"Nothing much. Lindsey said she bought her dress today for the wedding," he told me happily.

I grinned. He was so in love with her. I loved it. I could only dream of having someone feel that way for me. "I can't wait for your wedding. It's going to be so amazing," I said.

"I can't wait, either. I'm so happy. I'll get to call her my wife, Ricky. I... I can't tell you how happy and excited I am for that day."

I leaned back in the stool. "I'm happy for you, Marc. I am glad you found a girl so good for you."

"Thanks. Now we just have to find you a man," he teased.

I rolled my eyes. "There's a guy out there somewhere for me. I've probably scared him off, though," I joked.

"No, if he's the one for you, he wouldn't get scared off. You'll find him one day. If you haven't met him yet, that is," he added on.

I sighed. "I guess," I mumbled softly. "I better go. I think Eric's getting lonely watching the movie by himself. I'll talk to you later," I told Marc.

"Alright. Take care. Tell my brother I hate him and I'm going to kick his ass when I get there next week. Love you."

"Love you, too."