Can You Keep a Secret

Chapter Twenty-One

Christmas tree lit: check
Presents situated under the tree: check
Showered and dressed: check
House vacuumed:

"Eric!" I yelled out in a panic. 

"What?" he asked, his mouth full of food. I rushed around the couch to look at him. His eyes hesitantly drifted from the game on the TV to me. 

"We need to vacuum! I don't know how I forgot about it. Your parents are going to be here in an hour!" I exclaimed. 

He rolled his eyes. "I vacuumed last night. Relax," he told me. He patted the spot on the couch next to him. 

I let out a tired sigh as I fell on to the couch. "You stress too much. Why are you so nervous, anyways? It's just my family."

I gave him a look. "Because... I want the house to look presentable. I want it to look good," I mumbled. I couldn't explain the need I felt to make sure the house was in good shape. It was like I felt the need to impress Eric's parents since I was staying with him. I felt like his fucking girlfriend meeting his parents for the first time, not  someone who had grown up with his family. 

Eric shrugged. "I think our house looks good all the time." He stuffed another bite of biscuit into his mouth. "Where did you learn to make these things? What did you call them, again?"

I glanced over at the plate Eric was holding. "Sinkers. My grandma used to live on a farm in Arizona. She used to make those for breakfast almost every morning. My grandpa would take them into the field with him for a snack and lunch," I told him. 

"These things are amazing," he announced over his food. I smiled to myself, happy he was enjoying what I'd made. 

We stayed on the couch for a few more minutes. Things had been calm for the past almost two months. The moment Christmas sprang up, everything seemed to be hectic. My work annually gave everyone a vacation from the 19th to the third of January. Everything fell into a pattern at work. I would get in, greet everyone on my way to my office, work until lunch, eat lunch with several of the people I worked with, finish up the day, then head home. Every now and then, Eric and I would get lunch together if his practice got out at the right time. One thing that remained a hassle, was Shelly. 

Shelly stopped making comments, but kept up her glares. I had a bad feeling about her still, but I chose to ignore it. Paranoia wasn't something I needed. 

I took Eric's dirty dishes and went to clean them. "Shrimp, I'll get it. Sit down and relax," Eric called. 

"I can do the dishes, it isn't a big deal," I responded. 

"Except the fact that I used them and you've cleaned everything else in this house," he said, taking the plate from my hands. 

I frowned. "Come on, I can do it myself. I'm a big girl," I pointed out. 

He turned the water on. "If you're going to be stubborn about this, then let me wash and you can dry."

I sighed. "Whatever," I responded teasingly. 

He smirked. "Good woman. Take your directions."

"Eric, I swear if you start up with those jokes, your will have dish soap in your hair," I promised, trying to hold back a smile. 

He snorted. "Only kind of harm a woman can think to do involves kitchen supplies," he muttered to himself. 

I couldn't resist tipping the soap upside down over his head. "Shit!" he exclaimed, backing away. The plate fell into the soapy water, making a dull "thud."

I almost fell from laughing so hard. His face was priceless. He hadn't expected I was serious at all. 

"Hello!" called a feminine voice from the doorway. 

We both looked over to see his parents walking inside. Linda grinned. "Hello!" she called. Henry followed her inside with their two suitcases. 

I controlled my laughter enough to respond. "Hi. How was your flight and drive?" I asked. I gave them both hugs. It felt good to hug them. It was like seeing family again after a long period of time. 

"Good, good. What were you two so giggly about over there?" Linda asked. She gave her son a look as he rubbed his head with a towel. 

I choked out a laugh. "Your son tried to wash his hair with dish soap," I lied. 

Henry chuckled. "Son, I didn't know you needed that kind of help. Doesn't the league provide any kind help with that?"

Eric pretended to laugh. "No, they don't really condone killing pesky friends," he returned. 

I smiled sweetly at him. "You guys want me to take your suitcases to your room?" I asked. 

Henry waved me off. "Oh, no. I can get it myself. Just show me where to go," he instructed. 

I smiled and lead him down the hallway to the guest room they would be in. "Here you go. I even made sure Eric opened the heater vent earlier so the room wouldn't be too cold or anything," I told him. 

He smiled. "You're good for him. Keep him in line."

"Someone has to," I joked. 

"I think this is the first time we've come to visit and the bed was already made, too," he pointed out. 

I rolled my eyes. "He almost left it bare again this time."

I heard a round of laughter in the kitchen. "Mom, it isn't funny!"

Henry and I joined the two in the kitchen. Eric was bent over the sink, scrubbing at his hair while his mother laughed at him from the other side of the island. 

"I think it's hilarious," I pointed out. 

"Screw you, shrimp. You're being locked in the kitchen for good from now on," Eric declared. 

"What was that, Eric? I can't hear you. Your face is in the sink," I responded. 

He glanced up to glare at me. In the process, the soapy water rolled down into his eyes. "Fuck! God damn-"

"Eric! Watch your mouth," Linda scolded automatically. 

I smiled to myself before rounding the corner. "Let me help you," I sighed. I moved Eric's head so it was in the middle of the sink before grabbing the sprayer. I covered his head in water, using my other hand to help wash out the soap. 

Linda and Henry both started a conversation on their own. The front door swung open yet again. "Hello, my family and Ri-why are you washing Eric's head in the sink?" Marc asked. 

I looked up to smile at everyone coming in. Jordan, Heather, and Lindsey walked in around Marc. "I dumped dish soap in his hair and baby couldn't get it out of his hair on his own. Where's Natalie, Jared, and Ray?" I asked curiously. I thought they were supposed to be coming together. 

Just after I had finished my sentence, my brother paraded into the house. "I'm here, everyone!" he announced. He gave me a weird look. "Why is Eric's head in the sink?"

"She's washing dish soap out of his hair because he's a sissy and couldn't do it," Jordan explained. Eric held up his middle finger in the general direction of his family. 

Linda slapped his hand down before hurrying over to greet her sons. I turned off the water and handed Eric a towel. He ran it over his head a few times before dropping it onto the counter. He pushed me in the direction of everyone. "Let's go be social," he decided excitedly. Christmas was finally here.  
♠ ♠ ♠
Probably a lot of mistakes in that one. Oh well