Can You Keep a Secret

November 17, 2003


Ray looked at his coach, stopping what he was doing. There was a hesitant look on his coach's face. Eric was standing next to him, looking confused.

Ray skated forward. "What's up?" he asked.

A man held out a cell phone. "This is yours, right?" he asked. Ray looked down at his familiar phone. He nodded. "It's been ringing for at least an hour straight by now. I think it might be important," the guy mumbled.

Ray took his phone just as the screen lit up and his ringtone began playing. His sister had set it to "Cowboy Casanova" the last time they were together. He hadn't changed it because it reminded him or her. He missed her a lot. She was only 16 and on her own in Thunder Bay. Ever since their parents had passed away, she'd been living with the Staal family.

"Hello?" Ray said. He anticipated the sound of his sister's voice. She had probably dropped her cell phone again and broken it. She was most likely calling him about getting a new one. He was the one in charge of all of their money. He could already feel a small smirk on his lips. She was going to be so upset because he'd just bought her an expensive phone for her birthday.


Ray frowned. It wasn't his sister at all. It was Eric's mom. Ray glanced up at his best friend.

"Yeah?" he responded.

"Ricky... She... Oh God, I'm so sorry."

"What happened?"

"She was... Her boyfriend put her in the hospital..."