Can You Keep a Secret

Chapter Twenty-Eight

I greeted the team as they all filed out of the locker room. I knew all of them a little at least. I nudged Jeff. "How's it going with Jenna?" I asked curiously. 

His face turned a bright red. "I, um... I asked her to be my girlfriend before we left and she said yes," he answered. I could see the wide grin he was trying to hold back. 

I smiled. "I'm happy for you. She seems like a good girl."

He nodded. "She's amazing. She's so down to earth and just the kind of girl I want," he told me. 

I grinned. Ray pushed forward to give me a hug. " 'Scuse me, Jeffy. I need to hug my baby sister," he declared. 

Jeff laughed while I groaned at his bone crushing hug. "Bye, Jeff. Congrats!" I called out. He nodded and waved. 

I hugged my brother back tightly. "You going to be okay up here on your own?" he asked. 

I scoffed. "No. Why would you ever think that?" I teased. 

He rolled his eyes. "If you ever need anything, you call me. Got it? If you're having money problems or anything," he warned. 

I rolled my eyes. "I'm a grown woman. I can't take care of myself," I told him. 

He scoffed. "You are only 24. You aren't completely grown up. That means you still come to your big brother if you ever need any help," he told me. 

I laughed. "I'll miss you, Ray," I told him. 

He nodded. "I'll miss having our sibling time. We'll see each other if we play here again or just this summer," he promised. 

I gave him one last hug before saying goodbye. He piled onto their bus that would take them to the airport. I stood by the door, waiting for Eric to come out. He was always the last one to leave. I shivered and held my jacket closer to my chest. 

The door pushed open and Eric appeared. I felt the tears in my eyes again. He gave me a sad smile before pulling me into him. His duffle bag full of gear bumped against our sides. 

"I'll miss you, Shrimp," he told me. 

I nodded, scared if I spoke, I would start crying again. I held on tighter to his jacket. "Call me when you start your job here. You can call me anytime if you need anything. Just remember to take it all one piece at a time and that it isn't permanent," he reminded me. 

I nodded my head against his chest. I held my breath, begging the tears not to spill. "Take care up here," he told me. 

We finally pulled apart. He gave me a side smile. "Don't cry. Things aren't forever," he assured me. I simply nodded again. 

He sighed. "Come on. Don't be so sad. You're in New York City! People would kill to get to be here!" he exclaimed. 

I laughed a little, brushing  my gloved hand against my cheek to catch an escaped tear. "I hate it here," I muttered. 

Eric laughed, causing me to smile a little. "You'll grow to love it. Or grow to despise it and then come back home to Raleigh," he told me. 

That sounded like the most appealing thing at that moment. "Eric, let's go!" his coach called out of the bus. 

Eric glanced at the bus. "I'll call you sometime tomorrow," he promised, pulling me into another hug. "Be safe. Love you," he whispered. 

I felt a few more tears fall. "Love you, too. Tell Ray that I guess I love him, too," I mumbled. 

Eric laughed and pulled back. "Bye," he waved. 

I waved back. I stood by the arena as the bus pulled away and began heading to the airport. I stood there a long time. I guess I was just wishing that they would realize they forgot something and turn around. 

The bus turned at the light and disappeared, though. 

I looked around. I was alone now.