Can You Keep a Secret

Chapter Twenty-Nine

 People say that after a few months, you start to find a home for yourself in a new city. 

Those people could kiss my ass. Seven months later, I was not settled in New York. I had a few good friends and several people I had friendly conversations with, but it wasn't the same as having a set life. Everything didn't feel real. 

"I can't believe you hate New York. I love it there," Lindsey said as she looked through the clothes I had packed for the week of her wedding. "You should wear this. It's cute," she told me. 

I looked over at the sun dress she was holding up. "Okay," I responded. I went back to tugging a flat iron through my hair. 

"Eric is going to freak out when he sees you," she stated casually. 

I laughed. "No, he won't. I haven't changed," I said. 

She rolled her eyes. "Dear, that man has missed you more than peanut butter misses jelly when they aren't together."

"That's a nice simile. Where'd you learn that, elementary school?" I teased. 

She laughed. "Yes. I did." She went back to picking our my outfit for the day. Everyone was just arriving today and spending time together. The wedding wasn't going to be huge, but it was big enough to include family and friends. "How much have you two kept in contact since the move? I always mean to ask you, but forget to," she said. 

I shrugged. "Average. We call each other a few times a week. We talk on Skype some. Usually we send each other texts," I answered. 

"So you guys stayed close?"

I shrugged again. I cursed when the iron hit my skin. "I guess so. We talk about everything, so I guess we are pretty close still."

Lindsey walked over to stand beside me. "You're so pretty. I get jealous of you sometimes," she mumbled. 

I blushed. "Whatever. You are the gorgeous one," I replied. 

She laughed. "Hurry and get ready. People are starting to show up," she told me. She left after that. 

I finished my hair up and went to pull on the dress she had suggested. It was a simple white sundress that had a small blue design along that bottom. The dress fell to just above my knees. I slid into the heels that match the dress before leaving my hotel room. I met Lindsey in the lobby. 

"Everyone is on the lawn off to the side. The hotel set up a small snack buffet," she told me happily. 

We walked out to the side of the hotel to meet people. Marc was there talking to Jordan and a few other family members were standing around, conversing. I walked over to Jordan. He caught my eyes and grinned. "Hey! Haven't seen you in awhile. Looking good," he commented as he pulled me into a hug. 

I laughed. "Not too shabby yourself. You look like you're ready to head out in your boat," I teased. 

He laughed. "You seen my other brothers and Ray? I've been looking for them," he commented. 

I shook my head. "I just got downstairs. Lindsey and I were up in my room," I told them. 

We kept up light conversation for several more minutes. There was an all around happy attitude today. Marc looked ready to leap out of his skin with excitement. 

"Oh, look who just showed up. You better go give him a hug or he might cry," Jordan teased and pointed over my head. 

I turned around, hoping it was who I thought it was. My heart sank a little when it was just his cousin and their son, Blake. I smiled widely at Blake and held out my arms. He grinned and ran forward. "How have you been, buddy?" I asked. "You're getting so tall!"

He giggles. "I'm almost as tall as Daddy," he declared happily. 

I laughed. "You sure are. Are you excited for the wedding?" I asked. 

He nodded. "Lindsey is going to be so pretty," he announced. 

I nodded my head. "That she is." Blake stayed by my side after that. His parents apologized several times, but I waived it off. I liked little kids and Blake was no exception. 

"Do you want a snack?" I asked. He nodded. I took him over to the table and looked over the food. "What would you like?" I asked. 

"Cousin Eric!" he screamed out. 

My head shot over in the direction his finger was pointing. I could feel the wide smile breaking out when I saw him. He was walking beside Ray and Jared, laughing about something. His eyes flickered over the area before landing on me. He smiled back. 

I walked behind Blake to greet them. Blake attacked Eric first, so I moved to hug Jared. "Good to see you, Ginger," I teased. 

He laughed. "You, too."

I hugged my brother, as well. "You're looking nice and dressed up," he stated. 

"Lindsey decided I was going to wear this dress," I told him. He laughed. 

I looked over at Eric, who was already looking down at me. He pulled me into a tight hug, lifting me up off the ground a little. I laughed. "I missed you too much, Shrimp," he stated. 

"I missed you, too. Skype chats just aren't the same," I said. 

"Completely agreed." He set me down and looked me over. "What happened to your shoulder?" he asked, lightly touching it. 

I looked down. "I accidentally burned myself when I was straightening my hair earlier," I replied with a grimace. 

"Of course you did," he laughed. "Now come on. Let's go be social," he instructed. He draped his arm over my shoulders and began leading me to where everyone else was. 

"That sounds familiar," I said. 

He laughed. "That's because you are one socially awkward person."

"I am not!"

"You don't like to socialize with many people, Shrimp. I think we both can admit that."

I signed. "Whatever." 

My smile never faded. I stayed by his side as we talked to people. Not that I could leave, his arm didn't leave my shoulders for long. I was happy to stay with him, though. I had missed him a lot. I couldn't believe we were finally seeing each other in person. 

"Look who found their side kick!" Lindsey exclaimed as she walked forward. We both laughed. Eric gave her a quick hug before his arm went around my shoulders again.

"You ready for this week?" he asked her. 

Her eyes lit up. "Absolutely," she answered. Her name was called by someone in a different group. She apologized before walking over to them. 

"She's got it bad for your brother," I said. "It's amazing."

Eric nodded. "It's the Staal genes. We're all just so amazing that everyone wants to marry us," he said. 

I laughed. "Right. That's why you, Jordan, and Jared are all married, too, right?"

He scoffed. "I was almost engaged, thank you very much. And those two have quite serious girlfriends," he replied in a sassy tone. 

I giggled. "What about yourself? No girl back home waiting for you?" I asked. My stomach sank a little at the thought. 

"Nope. I got my side kick and that's all I need," he joked.