Can You Keep a Secret

Chapter Thirty

I tapped my fingers on my stomach as I leaned back against the headboard behind my bed. My laptop played a song I had stuck in my head all day. It was close to eleven on the night before Marc's wedding and I was just hoping to relax a little before a full day tomorrow.

A knock sounded on my door. I debated between ignoring the person and staying my comfortable bed or getting up to answer the door and leaving my comfortable bed.

I sighed after the person knocked a second time. Looks like I would be getting up. I set my laptop aside before walking to the door tugging the jersey down so I wouldn't look like a complete whore in it, seeing as it fit like a dress so I wore it like one.

I pulled the door open to reveal Eric. I snorted out a laugh when I saw his outfit. He was dressed up like some kind of club hopping frat guy. His hair was spiked up with gel, he was wearing sunglasses, and his black button up shirt was still unbuttoned quite a bit. "Hey. My name's Eric. Nice shoes. Want to fuck?" he asked.

I laughed even harder. "I'm not wearing shoes, smart one," I commented, stepping aside for him to enter.

He walked into my room and looked back at me. "So? Look at that, you're already preparing to sleep with me. You're not even wearing pants!" he declared.

I blushed instantly. Could he see anything? I quickly felt my backside, making sure the jersey covered me. "How do you know I'm not wearing pants?" I questioned nervously.

He smirked. "I'm not stupid. It's obvious you have no shorts on under that jersey, my dear," he informed me before turning away, laughing. He took off his glasses and fixed his shirt before dropping down onto my bed.

I sighed, regretting not pulling on shorts before I answered my door. I quickly pulled a pair of shorts out of my bag and tugged them on. "So, what were you up to?" I asked him.

He shrugged, making himself comfortable on my bed. "Just hanging out with my brothers. We all got dressed up like douche bags," he told me.

I rolled my eyes, not surprised. I took my spot on my bed again, resting my laptop on my lap. Eric looked over. "What are you reading?" he asked curiously.

"It's some article about all the stuff going on in NYC," I told him. I clicked out of window.

"Aw! I love your wallpaper," he declared.

I laughed and stared at the photo. "Of course you do," I mumbled. We were standing in his house, dressed up for a Rock Band war with Jordan and Heather. Eric and I were wearing the infamous pink shirt and white boxers with white socks. We each had on a pair of black sunglasses. We were posing like we were hot shit, ready to win.

The picture made me miss home. It made me miss living with Eric. New York wasn't as much of a home as Raleigh had been. I was fairly sure nothing would change that. I would give up a lot to go back, but I was scared to do so at the same time.

"I missed you," Eric said.

I looked over at him. "I missed you, too. I miss Raleigh a lot," I mumbled.

"You have to like New York some at least."

I shrugged before turning off my computer. "I guess. It's just not my place. I prefer going down south more," I said.

"Oh, you like going down?" Eric asked with a hint of suggestion in his voice.

I gave him a look. "You know what I mean," I said before laughing.

Eric chuckled. "Ugh, your bed is so much more comfortable than mine. I'm not leaving," he decided, rolling over to lay on his stomach.

I groaned. "You are not taking up that much of my bed, you lazy ass. Scoot over," I told him.

He laughed and did as I told him to. "So you mean I can stay?" he asked with a cheesy grin.

I rolled my eyes and put my laptop on the nightstand. "It's not like I can wrestle you out of my room," I reminded him.

"Smart girl. Now go to my room and get my PJs," he demanded.

I scoffed. "You can go get your own pajamas, little kid. I'm not your mama," I told him teasingly.

"Fine... I'll go get them myself," he announced dramatically. He left my room, swiping a key card on the way out.

I snuggled into my bed, only to be disturbed by my phone ringing. I let out a groan, but answered anyways. "Hello?"

"H-Rebecca?" Matt's confused voice asked.

"Yeah. What's up?" I asked in confusion.

"I'm so sorry, did I wake you up? I knew I should have waited until tomorrow to call, but I couldn't wait," he quickly rambled out.

"No, I was awake. What's up?" I asked again.

"Well... Our head manager was recently discovered to be having an affair with one of his employees, a certain Shelly from Raleigh. She's been sleeping with him to get favors. People found out and now everything is going crazy. He's being fired as well as Shelly. When asked what kind of favors she got in return, she mentioned you. So, I'm calling and rambling to basically get to the point that if you want your job in Raleigh back, it is here for you," he quickly rushed out.

My jaw was slack. "Are you being serious?" I asked. "You aren't drunk or anything are you?"

He laughed. "No, I'm completely sober. I've been working on this for awhile so I could call you. Do you want your old job back or are you happy up there?" he asked.

My stomach leaped. "I would love it more than anything to move back down there," I exclaimed.

He chuckled. "I'm happy to hear that. I'll call you back on Monday with details, but for now just know that your spot here is secured," he assured me.

I bit back my grin. "Thank you so much, Matt."

"No problem. We're all happy that you'll be coming back." We hung up shortly after.

I could move back to Raleigh. I could go back home. I could leave that God forsaken city known as New York and go home. I screamed into my pillow. I could barely hold in my excitement. I had to tell Ray. I had to tell Eric.

I paused. Maybe I should wait until Monday. I could wait until after the wedding to tell them. This moment wasn't about me at all. It was about Marc and Lindsey. I let out a happy sigh. For the first time in a long time, I felt like I could fall asleep and know that for sure, things would be okay.

Eric came back to my room shortly after I started to calm down. He was dressed in sweat pants and a plain T-shirt I had seen before. He tossed both of our key cards onto my dresser before excitedly claiming the portion of my bed he had deemd his earlier. His face smashed into a pillow.

"You happy there?" I asked. I got a muffled response in return. I smiled at the back of his head. I would be moving back to Raleigh...