Status: Active


Chapter Three; A Day On The Town

I walked down stairs and saw Val, Matt and Jaz sitting there all drinking coffee and talking. I smiled half heatedly.

"Morning." The three of them said at once.

"Morning." I said. "Matt, can I have a cigarette?"

He nodded and handed me a cigarette. I thanked him then walked out back. I lit the cigarette and looked up at the sky, I frowned.

He's up there somewhere. I thought to myself. I just wonder where at. At least, he'll be in a better place.

I took the last drag of my cigarette and tossed it out into the yard, Matt will yell at me about that later but oh well. I walked into the house just as Matt picked up the phone.

Yeah, this is him.
Yeah, it's true.
Oh she's well.
Of course she's here."

That's when he saw me. He put it on speaker.

"Can I speak to her?" The voice from the phone asked.

Matt looked at me. "Talk to Valary. I'm not going to discuss this with you." He handed Val the phone and she gave him a dirty look.

"Hello?" Val said.

"Val? How are you?"

"Oh, my best friend just died, so I guess I'd say I'm doing well." She mumbled sarcastically.

"Don't get smart with me. Can I talk to her?"

"Don't start with me, Jimmy just died and you aren't here to support any of us let alone Vix."

"I want to talk to her."

I looked at Val.

"I don't think she's ready to talk to you." Val said.

"Valary, ple-"

"I raised her!"

"But I'm her mom!"

"You might be her mother but you aren't her mom. If anything, Leana is." Val said before hanging up.

I looked at her, surprised and smiled. "Damn, I've never seen you like that before."

"Neither have I. Actually, I kind of like it." Jaz smiled.

Matt smiled but it faded when he looked at me. "What's wrong, Vix?" He asked me.

"I don't want to see her." I told them.

Val looked at me, "She's you mother, Vixyn."

"But she isn't my mom."

Jaz looked at me and bit her lip. "And Leana is?"

I look at Jaz and kind of chuckled, "Of course not. I think of Val as more of a mom then anyone."

"You know, Vix," Jaz says, "You're kind of a bitch." She smiles.

"I know." I say. I grin, cheesily.

"Vixyn, you don't have to see her or talk to her if you don't want but I'm sure she'll be at his funeral." Matt told me.

"Honestly Matt, I don't care. Let her go but I'll just ignore her."

"She'll call your one of your Aunts.. Or your Grandma."

"Let her."

Val looked at me, "Let's go out. Let's go do something. Mall?" She asked Jaz and I.

We nodded.

"Okay. Go get dressed."

We got up and walked up the stairs to our room and put on our clothes. Jaz quickly did her make up and smirked as I did mine.

"Let's get tattoos?"


"Fo-REV-er." She smiled. "For Dad, ya know? foREVer."

"I like it! I think we should." I smirked.

"Matt and Val will kill us so let's not tell them? We won't tell no one." She said.

"Deal." I agreed.

I smiled at her before grabbing my over-sized bag and walking out of the room and down the stairs.

"Hey Matt, Jaz thought of the most brilliant thing." I smiled over to Jaz.

"And that was?"


"Hm. I like it."

*At The Mall*

Val seemed to forget about my mom calling earlier and about the whole 'I'll ignore her' thing. I walked in the line with Val and Jaz talking.

"Let's go to Hot Topic?" Val asked.

"Yeeeeaaaah." I smirked and pulled them by the hand and walked into the store.

We looked around and just grabbed random stuff we liked and decided to buy it. I opened one of the bags and pulled something random out of it, I knew it was a shirt. I looked at it for a second before throwing it back into the bag.

"I'm hungry." Jaz said.

"Want to eat real quick?" I asked.

"Let's go to McDonald's with a drive thru. So we can go home and Matt can eat too."

"Okay." Jaz says.

"Let me call Matt, to see what he wants." I say as I pull my phone from my phone from my bag. I smile when I see the picture that is set as my back round before dialing Matt's number.

"Vix, you okay?" He says.

"Yeah. Val, Jaz and I are gonna get food from McDonald's, you want anything?"

"Everyone is here. Chelle and Gena are too. So you guys can just go. It's fine."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, it's okay."

"Alright then, see you in a bit."

I hung up and look at Val, "The whole fuckin' family is there right now.. He says just to go and not worry about him."

Val nodded and we walked to the car.

"Shotgun." I smirked.

"Fuck." Jaz mumbled.

She got into the backseat as I got into the front and changed the CD. I put in the A Day To Remember CD we had just got. I starred out the window the whole way home. Val pulled over, in front of Brian's car and we all got out. I walked into the house and everyone smiled at me.

"No McDucks?" Matt asked.

I shook my head. Val walked in and Jaz followed after her.

"I'm just gonna make dinner." Val told us.

I sat down next to Johnny and he threw his arm over my shoulder. I cuddled into his side and rested my head on his shoulder. I looked around the room and saw everyone was looking at me. I sighed.

"What?" I asked.

"How're you holding up?" Gena asked me.


"Vixyn," Leana said. "I can't afford the house anymore. We have to go through everything and separate it."

"What about all of my dad's stuff?"

"Your Grandma and Aunts are gonna take some." Matt said.

"And what about all of my shit?"

"It'll be moved here." Brian said.

"I guess it works." I sighed.

I walked away and trudged up the stairs and to my room, slammed the door behind me and played my iPod loud.

The intro piano from I Won't See You Tonight part 1 flowed throughout the room.

Once the song was finished I starred blankly up at the ceiling. I closed my eyes tight and bit my lip, trying not to cry.


"Look at my girls!" Dad said to himself, barely audible.

Jaz and I smiled as Dad and each of the guys kissed up gently on our foreheads.

"You girls look amazing." Matt smiled.

"All thanks to Val," I smiled.

"Sweetie, I didn't help at all!" She smiled. "You two did this yourselves and look amazing."

"Yeah but you took us dress shopping." Jaz said.

"Don't sweat it, girls!!" Val said.

Dad threw his arm over me and Jaz and we smiled as Johnny took pictures. The whole group gathered together and Johnny handed the camera to some random chick, she looked at him but took the picture any way. The flash blinded me making me blink.

"She blinked." The girl said and pointed to me.

"Oh, it's fine." Johnny smirked.

She handed Johnny the camera and he thanked her before walking over to my a picking me up bridal style and walking to the car. Dad, Jaz and everyone else followed after him and he opened the back door and threw me in before slamming the back door. I sat up and pulled my phone from the little clutch purse Val and I picked out to match my dress.

Where are we going? I texted Dad.

I waited a second before my phone vibrated, I slid it open and read the message;

It's a surprise :D

The A7X surprises never turn out well. If I end up in the hospital I'll stab Johnny. >.

I heard Dad laugh. Johnny opened the door, letting Jaz in before looking at me. "You won't stab me."

"Yeah, you're right. But Jaz will." I smirked.

Johnny shut the door and got into the front and pulled out of the spot he was in. He drove down the street to my house and pulled into the drive and let me out.

I walked in and saw the new TV on the wall before turning around and seeing about sixty people crowded in the kitchen. They jumped out and screamed.

"Surprise." They all said at once.


I felt the bed sink in at the corner and opened my eyes a little. Johnny smiled at me and fell back.

"What's wrong?"

"Everything. My mom wants to see me." I told him.

"How do you feel about that, Vix?"

"I hate the fact she thinks she can prance into my life after twelve years and expect everything to be all good."

"Well it's not 'all good' and she definitely shouldn't be doing this at a time like this."

"I know. Hey, Imma try to sleep.. Will you stay in here with me till I pass out.."

He nodded and laid back, I laid on his chest and closed my eyes again.. I laid there thinking for what seemed to be an endless amount of hours before sleep got ahold of me..