Status: Active


Chapter Four; Teachers and 'Promises'

I rolled over and saw Johnny there, smiling down at me. He kissed my head and we got up. I walked out the room and saw that no one was awake. I peaked my head into the rom Johnny was in and saw him standing there in his boxers, I smirked and looked at him.

"Put your clothes on!" I laughed. "Where are you cigarettes?"

"Shut up, you're not my boss."

"Matt is though." I smirked.

He shrugged and threw me his pack of cigaratees. I smiled and walked out back.

Jazmyn walked out back and I smiled at her.

"Wanna go to school today?" She asked.

I shrugged. "Let's wait til after the funeral? It's Wednesday."

"Okay. Well, what do you wanna do today?"

"Leana is selling our house.. I have to go pack."

"I'll help you. My parents have to work so they won't know I'm not at school."

She took my cigarette and put it out.

"Thanks, Jaz. The only thing keeping me sane was that amazing cigarette, and you just put it out."

"You need to stop smoking." She said.

"Ugh." I mumbled.

I walked inside and Jaz followed after me.

"I'm going to take a shower. Will you go into the room and turn the straightener on and shit?" I said to Jaz.

She nodded and I walked towards the bathroom.

I stood there letting the warm water drip from my body as my clouded thoughts left me confused. I turned the cold water on and washed my hair and body quickly. I stepped out of the shower and wrapped myself in a towel, I peaked out of the door and made sure none of the guys were around before running out of the bathroom and down the hall before smacking into someone and falling flat on my ass.

"Watch it." Johnny said.

"Shut up, Johnny." I spoke.

I picked up my clothes and held my chest so the towel wouldn't fall before walking off. I pushed open the door of my room and saw Jaz sirtting there on the phone. She frowned when she saw me.

"NO!" She yelled.

I set my clothes on the bed and went to the dresser, I pulled out my swimsuit and put it on. I looked at Jaz and grabbed her by her hand. We walked down stairs and I opened the back door and jumped into the pool.

She said a few other words before just hanging up and jumping into the pool.

"My clothes are soaked." She noted.

"I noticed." I said, "Matt and Val say were aren't allowed in the house if we're soaking so we either sit here until we dry or we text Johnny."

"Fuck, I'd say stay out here but since it's only six in the fucking morning let's text Johnny and have him bring us towels."

"We should see if we can get our permits today!" I said.

She nodded, "I'm sure we can. I turn sixteen in three months and you in July, so I'm sure we can."

"Sweet." I spoke.

We swam to the ledge of the pool and got out, she called Johnny.


"Come out back, please?"




She hung up and sat down, I smiled at her and she sighed before starting to sing her favorite song.

I've lost everything.
But I'm gonna find a way out.

Nothing's left for me expect malady and hatred
No evidence was found
They'll let me go for now
At least 'til tomorrow

And Hey!
When tomorrow brings the morning sun again
I'll be long gone
As I drive away and leave the past behind
I think I'm dying.

It's so pathetic
I hate you so much but I still miss you.
Karma is hard to change
When everything you do and say is awful
Remorse is hard to fake
When you only feel sorry for yourself

I'm coughing up more blood
It's filling up my lungs.
It's killing me.

When tomorrow brings the morning sun again
I'll be long gone.
(I'll be long gone)
Lying all alone on this motel room floor
I know I'm dying
(I know I'm dying)

Hey! (Hey!)
I've lost everything
Now! (Now!)
I've succumbed to grace
Hey! (Hey!)
It's not that surprising
A hero loses everyday"

I smiled at her. That song has become so familiar lately. With everything we're both going through she's been at my house a lot lately and we're always playing shit that Dad would normally hate but for once he let us play it without any objections. I sighed as I hummed quietly to myself.

"Here." Johnny said as he threw two towels in our direction.

I wrapped myself up and so did Jaz, we walked into the house and up to our room before we played Silverstein from the iPod. True Romance came from the small speakers and we sang along as we got ready.

"I'm not here to judge you
I'm just here to tell you, what you have done wrong

Beautiful girl, looking her best,
takes off a towel, puts on a dress,
fixes her hair to look good for someone,
wait in a car to go to a motel"

I turned the music down and looked over at Jaz, "I love you." I told her.

She smiled, "I love you too, Vix."

"Will you come with me?"


"To meet her."

"Yeah, of course."

"Thank you."

"You really want to meet her?" She asked.

I shrugged and bit down on my lip, "Kind of."

"What if she tries taking you?"

"Then we go to court. I haven't fully decided on going or not though."

She nodded and looked at the time, "Let's tell Johnny to take us out?"

I smirked and agreed, "Yeah. Let me finish my make up real quick."

I hummed Dear God as I worked on my make up. Jaz sat on the bed and watched me carefully. I looked at her and laughed before turning around and finishing up. Johnny walked in to our room right as I put my shoes on.

"Johnny..." I whined. "I'm hungry.."

"What do you want to eat?"

"Pancakes." Jaz said

"Are you two ready?"

"Yes." We said together.

"Let me go do my hair and we'll go."

"Okay." Jaz said.

I walked down the stairs and grabbed a sheet of paper from a notebook and a pen.

Going to eat Pancakes with Jaz and Christ. Call when you wake up! Love you guys, Vix ♥

I folded the paper and stuck it under their bedroom door and walked into the bathroom. Jaz was sitting on the counter watching Johnny fix up his mohawk.

"Gotta look sexy for those crazy fan girls, ya know?"

"You have a girlfriend." Jaz said.

"Well, I still have to look sexy. Don'tcha know that?"

Jaz laughed but nodded.

"Johnny, uh do you know what time we're going to my house?"

He frowned and shook his head. "No, sorry."

I smiled and walked downstairs. I checked the time.

A quarter til nine.

I shuffled through my contacts and stopped on Leana's name and hit the call button.

"You've reached Leana, sorry I can't come to the phone right now. Leave a message and I'll get back to you."

I sighed, "Uh, hey Le, I was wondering what time we were suppose to go over to pack? Can you call me when you get this message? Thanks, love you."

I ended the call as Johnny and Jaz were walking down the stairs. I grabbed Johnny's keys and walked out front. He shook his head and ran after me. "Give me the keys." He held his hand out.

"If I give them to you.." I glanced at Jaz, "Can we go driving later?"

"Yeah, sure." He said. I handed him the keys.

"Shotty." I smirked and ran to the passenger seat and climbed in quickly.

Jaz got into the back seat and smirked.

We drove to the iHop and parked. Johnny, Jaz and I walked in and saw the place was empty. I smiled at the hostess.

"Table or booth?"

"Booth, plaese."

She lead us to a booth in the back near the window, handed us our menus and walked off, I looked over the menu and smiled up at Johnny who was sitting across from me and Jaz.

"Johnny," I said, "I'm sorry."


"I've been bitchy a lot lately and I know that but it's just because -"

"Vixyn, you don't have to say sorry. You're entitled to be bitchy you just lost your father and your mother is trying to weasel herself into your life after what, thirteen years?"

"Twelve." I corrected him.

"Same thing, Vix. You said yesterday how you felt about that and you should just go with your gut feeling about this. If you really want to talk to her then go for it but if not then shut her out. I'm not saying you should shut her out because she is your mom-"

"Mother." I corrected him, again.

"She's your mother and you should try to fix your relationship with her but whether you do or not is totally up to you."

"I kind of want to meet her." I admitted to him.

He quirked a brow and looked at me, "Like I said, whether you have a relationship with her is up to you."

*Back At Matt's*

I looked at Jaz and smiled. "Let's go to a party? Something? Actually, can we stop by the school before going to my house?"

Jaz looks at me and nods. "You think Johnny will let us use his car?"

I shrug, "JOOOOOHHHNNNNNY!" I scream.

He walks into the room and looks at me. "Can we use your car?" Jaz asks him.

"Haha! You two are funny." He laughs.

"We're serious. I want to stop by school so I can get my science homework. That's the only class I care about." I say.

"The only class?" Johnny asked. "You should care about all of your classes. We're going to get your homework. Both of you."

"Okay." I grinned. I fixed my makeup and grabbed my bag before pulling Johnny oput of the room and into the car.

*At The School*

I walked into my science class and smiled at Mr. Moore, my teacher, before walking over to his desk and sitting down. I waited patiently as he finished teaching. He walked over to me and smiled.

"Vixyn, how are you?"

"Holding up. I need to get my homework for the week."

He handed me a packet. "This isn't what the class is doing, but it's pretty close so I guess just do this. It'll give you the same amount of credits."

I smiled and took the packet. "Actually, Mister, can I have what the class is doing, too? I don't want to take any chances on failing."

"Vix, you have an A+. I'm pretty sure your grade won't down to much but if you want whet they're doing too."


"Go get your book." I walked through the class and talked to the few people who I knew in that class as I headed towards the book cabinet. I opened it and pulled out book number 55 and walked back up to the class. Mr. Moore handed me a paper and smiled.

"Have a good week, Vix."

"Thanks. See you Monday."

I walked into the hall and smiled when I saw Jaz and Johnny. I handed Johnny my packet and science book and walked into my literacy class. Mrs. Testa was sitting at her desk, while the class read silently.

"I need my homework for the week."

"Read chapter one through five in your book and write a report."

"Thanks." I left her class and stopped by my history teacher. Mr Lynch smiled at me and walked over to talk to me.

"Hey Vixyn!"

"Hi, Mr. Lynch. Can I have my homework?"

He looked at me. "You? Homework? What brought that along?" He asked.

"My Uncle wants me to get all my homeowrk."

"If I give you your homework, will you do it?"

"Probably not."

"Who are you here with?"

"Jazmyn and my Uncle. Why?"

"Class, stay here. I'll be right back." Lynch said and walked out to the hall. I followed him and he saw Jaz and Johnny.

"I'm Larry Lynch." He introduced himself to Johnny and extended his arm.

"Johnny Chris-Steward." Johnny said. "I'm Vixyn's Uncle."

"You want me to give her homework?"

Johnny nodded. "Yes, please."

"She won't do it, she never does. She's one of the smartest kids but she never does her homework. Her and Jazmyn sit in class passing notes all period."

"Yes, she will. I'll make sure that Jazmyn and Vixym both do their homework."

"Okay." He walked in the class and I looked at Johnny.

"Fuck you!" I grinned. "Hey, can I have a cigarette?"


"Why not?"

"Cuz you're being a douche bag."

"Johnny, pleeeease!"

"Johnny," Jaz said. "Just give her one so she'll shut up."

He pulled his pack of cigarettes out and waved it in front of my face. I tried taking it and he pulled back and put the pack of smokes into his pocket.

"What the fuck!"

Lynch came out of the class with two packets and I looked at him, smiled and took it before walking off. Jazmyn and I walked outside. Johnny finally gave me a cigarette. I thanked him and smoked it as I walked to the car. I threw all of my shit into the backseat and leaned up on the door and took a drag from my cigarette before looking at Jazmyn. I smiled and she laughed.

"What?" I asked.

"Dad would fuckin' kill you if he ever saw you smoking a cigarette."

"Shut up, Jaz." I laughed.

I looked straight and saw a girl with short red hair coming towards me. I smiled at her and she waved.

"Vix, can we go?" Johnny asked.

I shook my head and looked at Jaz. The red head came closer and closer until she was right in front of me.

"You gotta light?" She asked.

I nodded and grabbed my bag and handed her my lighter. She lit her cigarette and handed the lighter to me.

"Vixyn...." Johnny said, irittated.

The red head looked at me, "I'm Tyler." She said.

"I'm Vixyn. She's Jazmyn." I moved my hair and she looked at my ears.

"You like Avenged Sevenfold?"

"I couldn't live without them."

"I know, me either. Shit, I've been obsessed since Waking The Fallen came out."

"I've been obsessed since STST." I looked at Jaz. "We both have."

"Have you ever met any of them?" Jaz asked.

"Nah man, I'd love to though. They're my fucking idols."

"You wanna?" I ask. I look over at Jaz and she smirks.

"That'd be amazing." She smiled.

"Get in the car." I told her. Jaz opened the door and Tyler looked at me.

"What? Why?"

"You must not be a big fan if you have no idea who I am." I say to her.

"What do you mean?" Tyler asked, a confused look on her face.

"Johnny, get out of the fucking car." I say.

I hear his door open and turn around.

"We have to go soon." Jazmyn tells me.

"Yeah, I know." I say to Jaz. "I'm Vixyn, Jimmy's kid. Ya know?"

"Oh. No wonder Johnny Christ is with you."

"Yeah. We'll we gotta go. See you sometime?"

"Yeah, you'll see me." She smirks and watches as Johnny, Jaz and myself got into the car and drove off.

"Let's go to my house." I said to Johnny.

He nods and takes the street down to my house. I walk up the front steps and unlock the door, I walk in and up to my room, Jazmyn and Johnny in toll. I fell face first on to my bed and inhaled the usual smells of my house. A bit of dads cologne, my purfume and candles. The usual Sullivan scents. I sighed and walked into his room, I opened his closet and grabbed out all of the shirts I wanted, same with his dresser. I raided his room and took everything I want and packed it up. Johnny and Jaz were standing in the corner watching me. I walked back to my room and started packing shit up.

"Call Matt and tell him to bring the truck." I order Johnny.

Johnny nods and walks off, Jaz looks at me and starts emptying out drawers and putting random shit into bags and suitcases. We started taking my bedframe apart when Johnny came back upstairs.

"Matt's coming." He says and startsd to help.

After my room is empty and Matt's truck is loaded up, I grab the bags I had in my Dad's room and throw them into the backseat of the truck and climb into Johnny's car. I sat there listening to the A Day To Remember CD. Johnny and Jaz got in and we drove off, I looked out the window and sighed. Johnny put his hand on my knee and squeezed, letting me know it'd be fine. I smiled and kept look out of the window. I sighed as we pulled into Matt's driveway and started taking bags to my room. Jaz hauled up the bag with all of my shoes and threw it into the closet, I thanked her and put my headphones in and blarred my music. I finished taking all of my belongings to my room and locked the door. I changed quickly into my swimsuit and put my favotire pair of shorts on and slipped into my flipflops before walking out of the room and out back. I layed a towel out on the grass and layed down. My music still loud in my ears, blocking the chaos of my every day life.