Status: Active


Chapter Five; Regret

A shadow blocked my sunlight and I groaned and looked up. Jazmyn was standing above me, with a smirk on her face. She bowed down and pulled me close to her.

"Party?" She asks me.


"I hear there's one over at Kaiden's." She says.

"His parents are gonna let him have a party?"

"Nah, work on the street is Hayley sent them plane tickets to visit her in Vegas until next week."

"Nice. Yeah, let's go! When is it?"

"At Eight."

"Okay. I'll be get ready about seven." I say.

Kaiden and I have talked, a lot actually but not about anything too big. Just about how his sister was and how my dad was doing. I guess we can say we're friends? Yeah, we aren't close but we're friends. We have a few classes together and he always sits in the back with his hood on and never pays attention. He's a pretty cool kid, actually. Kind of cute, in a wierd way, too.

I look at my phone and text Zacky.

'Can u come over, plzzz?'

What's wrong?

'Nada. Just wanna talk to you.'

Yeah, I'll be over in a minute.

'With Gena?'

Nah, just us. We'll go for a quick drive.

'Okay. See u soon.'

I got up and went to my room and put a white tank top over my swimsuit before putting on my flip flops and putting my sunglasses over my eyes. I walked down stairs and saw Johnny and Jazmyn playing the xbox. I sat down next to them and watched them play. Zacky walked in the door and I jumped up and walked to Jaz.

"Let's go."

She smirks and gets up. We walk out to his car, I lean pn the side and look at her.

"Let's see if Zacky will take us to Kaidens? But to the mall first?" I asked.

She nods. "Yeah, I need some thing to wear. Plus, you have been all emo since we got back so we have to get you into public!"

"Great." I mumble.

We climb into the car and I look back at her. She smiles slightly but looks away. I look out the wondow and put my headphones back in. Zacky gets into the car and looks at me.

"Vix," He pats my knee. "Where we going?"

"Mall. I need something to wear to Kaiden's."

"Kaiden? You talk to him?"

"Zacky, Kaiden and I have talked since last year."

"Oh, I thought just because of Hayley that you guys didn't talk."

"We don't. Only every once and a while. But there is a party and I'm going. I need something to wear." I tell him.

"Ah. You guys got your cards?" He asks.

"Yeah." Jaz says. I just nod.

He drives to the mall and pulls into a space, I unbuckled myself and got out, I hooked arms with Jaz and we waited for Zack. He walked along side us and the three of us walked into the mall. There were a few fans, I could tell by the way they looked when they saw Zacky. None of them approached us though. We smiled at them and headed towards Hot Topic. I walk in and look at the shirts before pulling one out. I looked at it and smiled, I showed Zacky and he laughed. I threw it over my shoulder and went back to looking at stuff. I picked out a pair of pants, a new swimsuit and two shirts before walking to the register to pay.

*Back at Zacky's*

I straightened my hair quickly and got dressed. I looked at the time. 7:30

I walked down stairs and into the kitchen and got something to eat. Zack walked in and looked at me, he smiled and grabbed his keys.

"Ready?" He asked.

I nod and look at Jaz. She smiles and we walk to the car.

"Matt and Val think you're sleeping at my house. If you need anything call me or Brian. We'll be together."

Jaz and I nod, Zack continues.

"I don't want you guys doing anything you'll regret later. I don't want to know what goes on tonight. I don't want you to do anything bad."

We nodded again as Zack pulled up to Kaiden's house. Jaz and I got out and walked up to the front door and Zack drove off. I sighed and we walked in together. Kaiden greeted us, kissing us both on the cheek, he took my hand and led me to the back yard where it wasn't as loud,

"You look nice, Vix." He says.

"So do you, Kaiden." I smile.

"How is everything?" I knew exactly what he meant.

"I live with Matt and Val now."

He nods, "Oh. Is that a good thing? Or a bad thing?"

"Both, in a way."

"Explain?" He smiles, and takes my hand in his. "Please?"

"It's complicated, but I'll explain when I figure it out." I smile.

"I'll hold you to that." He says.

"I don't think you will!" I smirk.

A girl with poofy, teased black hair walks up and smiles at me. "Hi, Vixyn. I'm sorry to hear about your dad."

I smile, and take a better look at her. It's Ecstasi, the quiet girl from my science class. "Thanks, so much." I say.

I notice Jazmyn coming towards us with the girl we met earlier, Tyler. I smile at them as Kaiden throws his arm over my shoulder. Jazmyn, Tyler and Ecstasi were all in front of me now and I looked at Jaz.

"I'm thirsty," I say.

"I'll get you something." Kaiden says.

"Thanks." I smile.

Jaz looks at me. "What the hell is that?" She asks.

"I don't know! First he holds my hand then the shoulder thing. I don't know, Jaz."

I walked into the house and saw all of my friends. Sabrina, Bianca, and Jaymi. Jaymi's twin sister, Natalia is here too but she's more of Kaiden's friend. I spun around and saw that Kaiden was behind me he handed my a drink and took me outside again. He grabbed my hand and lead me towards the swing, we sat down and he pulled me closer to him. He kissed me. I licked his bottom lip and he opened his mouth slightly. He pulled away and took my hand. He lead me upstairs to his room.


I pulled my shirt over my head and walked out of his room. I walked down the stairs and saw Jaz talking with Tyler. I smile at them and looked around the room for Jaymi.

"Have either of you seen Jaymi?" I ask them

"RIGHT HERE!" Jaymi yells over the music.

She pushes through the crowded room and stops once she's in front of me.

"Can you guys come out side with me?"

They nodded and all walked outside. Sabrina and Bianca were outside. I walked up to them and smiled.

"Can I have a cigarette?"

Bianca opened her purse and handed me her pack of smokes. I lit it and looked around at the five girls who surrounded me.

"Thanks, B. Do you guys wanna sleep at my house tonight?" I ask them.

They all nod. "Wanna go now? Wait, we're staying at Zacky's but he'll be cool with it."

They nod again and I call Zacky. I wait for a few rings but there is no answer so I call Brian.

"Brian, can you come get me and my friends?"

"Yeah, from Kaidens' right?"

"Yes, sir." I say. "Can I talk to Zack real fast?"

"Yeah." Brian says.

I look at the girls and smile.

"Hello?" Zack says.

"Zacky, can I has a sleepover? Pwweeease Uncle?"

"Kaiden isn't coming to my house Vixyn."

"Ew, no! I'm talking about Jaymi, Bianca, Sabrina, Natalia and Tyler."


"Yeah. We met her earlier."

"Yeah. They can come over. I'll be there in seven minutes."

"Thanks Zacky." I say.

I waited for Zacky. The girls standing with me. I sigh and look around.

"Jaymi, is Natalia coming?"

"Nah, she can stay here with Kaiden."

Zack pulls up in the SUV and we all climb in. He drive down the road to his house and let's us all out.

"Brian and I are going back to Johnny's Bar. We'll be home in a while." Zack tells me.

I nod and we walk up to the house. I push the door open and all the girls crowd into the large living room and Jaz turns on the TV and walked into the kitchen where I was standing.

"Go grab blankets and all the pillows except for Zacky's."

She walks off and I wait for the microwave to beep as I pour six glasses of pop and walk out to hand each of the girls one. I smile at them and they all drink their pop. Jaz walked into the room and smiled, she had pillows and blankets in her arms. She threw them on the floor and we made out bed. We turned a movie on and I sat there in a complete daze, thinking of what I had just done.