Status: Zombie.

Delicate Dreams

Calm Before the Storm

I screamed as the wolf tackled me to the floor, the same snarl still on his muzzle. Matt yelled something, but it sounded like he was a million miles away. My breath caught in my throat, and he went to bite my neck.

The sharp canines grazed the bare flesh on my exposed shoulder and I watched him go flying across the room as another wolf jumped onto him and growled loudly. I immediately recognized it as Matt. Groaning in pain, I grabbed my shoulder and when I pulled my hand back it was covered in blood. That shouldn’t have been as big a surprise as it was.

Johnny came running in with Brian to help out Matt. Jimmy came up behind me and picked me up carefully.

“Please, don’t hurt him…”

Jimmy rolled his eyes and slung me over his shoulder. “He just tried to kill you and you’re worried about him. True love does exist for wolves then, good to know,” he grinned widely and took me up the stairs into the guest bedroom where Ellie was sat on the bed, pouting.

“I wanted to go down there too, but nooo.”

I winced when Jimmy dropped me down next to her on the bed.

“Holy fuck Ashlyn what happened to your shoulder? Did a bear get into your house?”

I managed out a laugh. “It’s a bit stronger than a bear, actually.”

Her eyes widened. “Gorillas?”

“No Ellie, werewolves,” I managed out in between pained laughs. I was worried about Zacky and wasn’t paying much attention to her reaction, but Jimmy for sure was.

“That’s…. FUCKING AMAZING. Why didn’t you tell me you knew werewolves?”

Jimmy grinned proudly and I rolled my eyes at him. “We’ll discuss it later. For now. James. My shoulder. Do something.”

“Yes your majesty!” He ran into the bathroom and came back with a first aid kit.

I winced as he inspected the wound and Ellie just sat on, watching me and rambling about werewolves. She was beginning to get a lisp, meaning she was excited. Just wait until she found out about Jimmy, then.

“Well… Um…”

I looked up at him when he began stammering out a sentence.

“Yes? What is it? I don’t need to go to the hospital, do I?”

“No… that’s just it… you’re already healing…”

My eyes widened. That was impossible, I at the very least needed homemade stitching. I had been bleeding like crazy. I winced when Ellie poked it. “Ow.”

“That’s so neat… it’s just like. Healing.”

Yep. Those two were soul mates.

Downstairs, I heard claws clicking against wooden floors; undoubtedly scratching the fuck out of them. I sighed and groaned. Could today get any worse?


I looked up to see a blood covered Johnny standing in the doorway. Why yes, of course this could get worse. Jimmy and Ellie were behind me on the bed, discussing werewolves and the fact that Jimmy was in fact one of those things she found ‘fucking awesome’.

Getting up and walking over to Johnny was somewhat difficult. I felt funny and dizzy, and he caught me when I almost fell over.

“Woah there… we got Zacky under control. He seems to understand that Matt’s alpha, but he won’t be able to shift back until after the full moon. We had to lock him in the basement-“ I winced at the thought of that and shook my head to make Johnny stop talking.

“Look, Johnny… right now… all I need… bed.”

And then I was out, having multiple familiar dreams replaying in my mind. Over. And over. And over.
♠ ♠ ♠
kinda short and kinda a filler,
but i felt bad for leaving you guys on that cliffie. ♥
though now comments are going to be necessary for updates. c:
no comments from now on = no updates. silent readers this means you. >.>