Wicked Sinner

It's Never Over

She felt dirty under his gaze, knowing that he was stripping her with this eyes. She hated it and fidgeted in her seat. He came closer, breathing heavily on her neck. The sound of the priest’s voice droned on around them, but she didn’t hear. All she heard was the furious pounding of her heart and the roar in her ears.

His hand came down on her knee, pushing up the edge of her black dress. The lace scratched against her thighs as it slid along on her skin. His breath was hot on her ear as he whispered to her, the words indecipherable, but the meaning clear. A small whimper slipped past her lips and she pushed him away. She scooted to the edge of the pew and looked away from him, determined to keep her eyes on the front of the church.

He grabbed her hand and pulled her from the wooden bench. Her other hand clutched the seat, her knuckles going white. He tugged harder, his face growing a splotchy red with anger. She looked around, her mind racing, wondering why nobody was seeing this. He grabbed her arms and yanked her up. She stumbled behind him as he dragged her out a side door and down a hallway.

The growl that left his mouth terrified her down to her bones. She swallowed against the tears threatening to spill over from her eyes. He shoved her against the wall, her skull cracking against the brick wall. She felt soiled, tainted, as his hands ran up and down her body, pulling her dress up and her underwear down. She thought about running as he fumbled with this belt, but knew it wouldn’t work and that’d he catch her. His eyes connected with her's and she nearly choked on her horror. His angelic face was alight with a madness she’d seen one too many times.

His pants fell down and his body came back on hers, hard and angry. As he thrust into her, and grunts of hateful pleasure drifted from his mouth, she started to cry. Silent tears running down her face in anguish.

This was the life she had chosen.
♠ ♠ ♠
No idea where this came from. I just saw the picture, and this is what popped in my head. What does that say about me? This was more about how the girl felt, and describing that, then their facial features or surroundings.
Feedback would be nice.
