Status: Completed. :D

Easier Said Than Done

Baking Fail

“You know,” I sighed, turning Kurt’s TV off as the credits of Easy A started to roll, “I really want some of those cookies you made the other day. They were freaking fantastic.”

“I wish we had some left. But Finn’s kind of a vacuum cleaner when it comes to sweets, so those things were gone the day I made them.” Kurt ran his hand over his bangs, making sure that they weren’t out of place.

“Then let’s go make some more.” I got out of the bed and grabbed his hand. “Come on!” I urged, pulling him to his feet.

“Really, Ellie? I’m so tired.”

“Then making cookies will wake you up.” I walked out of the room, knowing that Kurt would follow me soon enough. As I went through the house, I turned on every possible light, making sure that no monsters were lurking in the shadows.

When I got to the kitchen, I flicked on the switch and started going through the cabinets. “Flour, where are you?” I muttered to myself, pushing a couple of different cooking oils out of my way.

“What are you doing?” a voice asked from behind me.

I screamed like some damsel from a horror movie, turning around to face Finn, clutching my chest. “Oh my God, Finn. Scare the shit out of me, why don’t you?”

His expression was a mixture of shock and amusement. “Sorry. I thought you heard me come in.”

“No, no I didn’t. Where’s your flour?”

“I asked you a question first.”

“Oh. Kurt and I are going to make cookies.”

Finn looked around for a second. “Um, I see a lack of Kurt.”

“He’s coming. Eventually. Once he realizes that I’m serious about the cookie thing. So where’s the flour?”

“The next cupboard over.” He pulled out a chair from the table and sat down. “So you just randomly wanted to make cookies at midnight?”

“Hell yeah. I don’t see the problem with that. I mean, I would have been fine with eating the cookies from a couple weeks ago but someone ate them all.” I turned to shoot him a look with a cocked eyebrow.

“Hey, they were cookies. They’re my weakness.”

“That is no excuse for you to eat my cookies.” Once I had all the materials, I sat down across from Finn at the table. “Now, Kurt can tell me how to make cookies his way, since I’ll probably make them explode into a giant fire.”


“I’m not the best cook on the planet,” I explained.

Immediately, it brought me back to the time when Puck and I made pancakes, and he had to take over because I was failing so badly. I bit my lip, fighting the smile that was threatening to emerge.

“You okay?” Finn questioned.

“Fine.” I put my head down on the table. “Where is Kurt?”

“Maybe you judged him wrong.”

“I did not. At least…I don’t think I did. He might have fallen asleep.”

“Probably. He was walking around yawning all afternoon.” Finn leaned in closer and lowered his voice. “I think he was up all last night talking to Blaine.”

“Aw, that’s adorable.” I stared at the doorway again, making sure that Kurt still wasn’t coming. “They are such a cute couple, don’t you think?”

There was a hesitation. “Well, I don’t know what a cute couple looks like, since I’m a dude. But I just know that Blaine makes Kurt happy, so that’s good enough for me. Plus, Blaine’s pretty cool. I like him. Burt does, too.”

I smiled at him. “Yeah, Blaine’s alright. I don’t know him that well, but Kurt talks about him like he’s a god.”

We waited a few more minutes in silence. “I think Kurt fell asleep,” Finn finally spoke up. “Still want to make cookies?”

“Kind of. Can you bake at all?”

“Nope. But we can just fail together.” He grinned as he stood up and made his way over to the counter. “Who knows? Maybe we’ll luck out.”

“I can just see the chaos that is going to ensue,” I sighed, standing up and pushing my chair in.

So, since we had absolutely no idea what we were doing, we just kind of threw stuff together so the batter looked okay. “It smells like cookie dough,” I announced, smelling it from a distance that was appropriate enough. After all, I wouldn’t want to eat anything that had someone’s nose stuck in it, and I was pretty sure Finn would feel the same way.

“Taste it,” Finn directed.

“Hell no. I don’t want to get salmonella.”

“Are you trying to say that our eggs are germy?”

“No! All eggs have the potential for salmonella. It doesn’t matter who owns them.” I laughed a little. “You try it.”

“After you just told me that I’ll probably get food poisoning? No thanks.”

I rolled my eyes and pointed to the cabinet next to the oven. “Can you get out a cookie sheet?”

Finn complied noisily, slapping the pan down next to me. “Thanks,” I responded sarcastically. “Now help me form the dough into little balls like this.” I held up the small lump of potential cookie to his eyes before putting it down on the sheet.

Once all the dough was gone, we put them into the oven and sat back down at the table. “How gross do you think they’ll be?” I asked, staring at the timer sitting on the stove.

“I think they’ll be great,” he responded, trying to be optimistic. “The best cookies ever made, even.”

“…Yeah. Like that’s going to happen.”

It was quiet for a second, and I felt like I should fill the silence with something. “So how are you and Rachel?”

“We’re good. She’s all excited because it’s the anniversary of when we first saw each other or something next week.”

“Oh…that’s exciting…I guess.” I coughed.

“How’s your situation going?”

“Uhh…fine.” Laughing to ease the tension, I added, “You know, I’m still just confused about everything. Part of me just wants to leave them both behind and move on, you know?”

“You’re a smart girl. You’ll figure it out, whether you choose one of them, or neither.”

I smiled at him as the timer went off. “Time to try the cookies!” I exclaimed, jumping out of my seat.

After grabbing the oven mitt, I pulled the tray out of the oven and threw it onto the counter. “They look really tasty,” I observed, looking at them from all sides.

“Wait a minute, and we can taste them.”

We stood, tapping our feet to pass the time. I think twenty seconds or twenty hours passed before I said, “Screw waiting.”

I picked up a cookie, spotting it with my other hand, since it was falling apart. Taking a small bite so I didn’t burn myself.

Immediately, I gagged. “Oh my God, Finn, don’t eat those. I’m pretty sure I forgot the sugar.”

He backed away from the tray slowly, as if it was a bomb that was seconds away from detonating. “How could you do that?”

“I told you I couldn’t cook, didn’t I?”
♠ ♠ ♠
I really like this chapter, for some reason. Maybe because it has Ellie and Finn bonding instead of the typical characters that Ellie hangs out with. *shrug* I dunno. Maybe I just like talking about baking cookies.

So my Thanksgiving was pretty good. We watched the Friday Night Lights movie. It was alright, but I like the show better. Does anyone watch that show? 'Cause if not, you should. It's really fantastic. But don't give anything away, since I'm only in the middle of the first season. Ha-ha. How were your Thanksgivings, if you celebrate it? If you don't, then how was your day? :)