Status: Completed. :D

Easier Said Than Done


Kurt sighed as he lied down on my bed, staring at the ceiling dreamily. “Ellie, I’m so in love with Blaine.”

I sat down next to him Indian-style, grinning like crazy. “Have you told him yet?”

“No. I’m waiting for the right time. I kind of want him to say it first. Is that totally old-fashioned?”

I thought back to the only time I said I loved someone, which was to Puck. I had said it first, while we were making out, and it had just been completely awkward. “I don’t think that’s old-fashioned,” I mused, blushing slightly at my memory. “I think it’s smarter. Safer.”

“Have you and Sam said the L-word yet?”

“No,” I responded, letting out a snort. “We’re almost adults, and we’ve only been going out a little while. We’re not like eleven year olds who say ‘I love you’ after ten seconds of being a ‘couple’.”

“Yeah, that’s true.” Kurt kept his eyes fixed on the ceiling. “Did I tell you about our date on Saturday?”

“Yeah, twice,” I responded, but it didn’t matter. I knew he was going to tell me again anyway.

“He took me to an actually good restaurant, not Breadstix. After, we went back to my place and watched a movie. Kissed a little bit…” He stopped and bit his lower lip. “God, he’s so great.”

“He sounds it.” A lot of friends would be annoyed with their friend talking about their boyfriend non-stop, but with how long I’d known Kurt, I was thrilled that he found someone he cared about as much as he did. It made me feel great knowing that his fears about being alone forever were completely unreasonable.

“He’s just so sweet. Like, he sends me texts throughout the day saying that he wishes he was with me at McKinley and stuff like that.”

“Maybe he should transfer,” I suggested, shrugging. “I mean, if he really wants to be near you so much.”

“No, I couldn’t ask him to do that,” Kurt gasped, sitting straight up, as if I had suggested dropping an atom bomb on New York City. “That would be completely selfish. He’s so happy at Dalton with the Warblers. He hasn’t been bullied in years for being gay. Plus, he kind of carries his Glee Club. It’s not the collaboration we have.”

“Yeah, I noticed that at Sectionals.”

“He’s in his junior year, anyway. Why would he want to switch schools just for the end of school? Really, he should stay put.”

I stared at Kurt, watching the wheels turning in his head. After a minute of silence, Kurt threw a pillow at my face, which I failed at avoiding.

“God damn it, Ellie!” Kurt groaned loudly. “What the hell is wrong with you? Now I can’t stop thinking about how great it would be to have Blaine around all the time.”

“Sorry,” I giggled. “I didn’t mean to irritate you. Maybe you should just…suggest it to him.”

“Shut up, no. I can’t. I really can’t.”

“You’re going to anyway, aren’t you?”

“Not flat out. He’s going to think I’m being pushy. I’ll just have to hint at it casually during regular conversation.”


There was another moment of silence before Kurt burst with emotion again. “But what if he doesn’t catch on? What if it just goes right over his head? I mean, I want him to get the idea, but I don’t want him to think that I’m forcing him to do it.”

“Kurt, honey,” I leaned forward and put a reassuring hand on his shoulder, “you’re over-thinking it. Blaine’s a smart guy. If you hint it, he’s going to get it. And he loves you, too, so he’s not going to think you’re forcing him to do anything.”

“I guess you have a point.”

“Of course I have a point,” I responded in a haughty voice. “I’m brilliant.”

“Don’t get a big head,” Kurt rolled his eyes.

I grinned at him, running a hand through my hair. “No guarantees.”

“Okay, I’ve been talking about Blaine so much, now it’s your turn. How are things going with Sam?”

“They’re going really well. I met his parents last week, and they liked me, according to him. I thought I ruined everything when I mentioned I lived with Aileen instead of parents, but Sam said I was blowing everything out of proportion.”

“You tend to be dramatic,” Kurt agreed.

“Oh, like you’re always so level-headed?” I responded bitingly.

“Point, I guess.” Kurt cleared his throat.

“Yeah, that’s right.” I stuck my tongue out at him as I leaned back on my arms. “Even I knew his sister loved me, though.”

“Why’s that?”

I told him the story, which he cooed, “Awww” after. “That’s so sweet.”

“I know. She was a real cutie.”

“How old is she?”

“I dunno…” I mumbled. “I should probably figure that out…”

“You are such a bad girlfriend.” He rolled his eyes and sighed. “Do you even know anything about Sam?”

“Yes!” I responded a little too loudly, making Kurt jump in shock. “Sorry.”

“Okay, so what do you know?”

“His last name is Evans, he has blonde hair-”

“Ellie! Not stuff that everybody knows, huh?”

“His favorite ice cream flavor is mint chocolate chip,” I offered. Kurt nodded, urging me to continue. “His favorite alien language to speak is Klingon.”

“That’s just sad.”

“I didn’t say I approved. I’m just saying it’s a fact. Um…what else?” I got up and started pacing back and forth, hoping it would help me think like it always did for people in movies. “He’s really caring and sweet. He didn’t care when Puck said in front of the entire Glee Club that I wasn’t a virgin.”

“Eh, I guess you know enough,” Kurt allowed, waving a hand to let me dismiss the subject.

“So,” I started, sitting back down on the bed, “what’s Blaine’s favorite alien language to speak?”

“Ugh,” Kurt groaned, “Blaine is actually cool. He doesn’t speak any alien languages, thank God.”

“Um, I’m sensing an attack there, and I don’t appreciate it.”

“It’s not my fault Sam’s a loser. Everybody knows that. And I mean that in the most loving, accepting way, of course.”

“Oh, of course.” After thinking for a second, I added, “You know, I bet Finn speaks alien languages. He kind of seems nerdy enough to do that. Nerdy in a loving sci-fi kind of way, not in a super-smart, eyeglasses-covered-in-tape kind of way.”

“I never got why nerds were shown that way on TV. I’ve never seen anybody look like that in real life.”

“Neither have I. But it’s all about the humor factor.”

“I guess. ‘Cause it wouldn’t be that funny to have someone that looked like you to be smart. You don’t look smart.”

“Thank you…I guess? No, that sounds more like an insult, the more I think about it.”

“I didn’t mean it to be one.”

I just laughed it off, waving my hand in dismissal. “I’m not even going to worry about it.”

About a minute later, Kurt pulled out his cell phone. “Should I call Blaine and ask him to transfer to McKinley?”

“What happened to being nonchalant about all of it?”

“It’s overrated. So is that a yes or a no?”

I let out a loud sigh and fell backwards onto my bed, hitting my head against the pillow. “Do whatever you think is best.”

Kurt stared at his phone for a good long while before tossing it to the side. “No, I don’t want to look needy.”

God, being friends with Kurt was trying sometimes.
♠ ♠ ♠
Only one more chapter. :( I'm getting really sad about the whole thing. But I think this does a pretty good job at kind of wrapping up Kurt and Ellie's friendship, and I'm glad that the last chapter of them as high schoolers was with Kurt and Ellie, not Ellie and Sam. 'Cause the very last chapter is going to be in the futureeeee. :D Hee hee.

Oh, and I know that, according to the show, Blaine is supposed to be a sophomore when Ellie and Kurt are juniors, but I think that's crap and that Blaine is supposed to be the same age as I changed it. :D Creative freedom rocks.

And alright, I know it's been wayyyy longer than a week, and I made a promise never to make you guys wait longer than a week. Really, my winter vacation was just really busy, then school came back and slammed me with homework, and here we are. I'm sorry, and I'm not trying to make excuses, I'm just layin' out the facts. Ha-ha.

On a better note, I currently have red hair. :o For those of you who don't know or haven't seen my picture on my profile, I typically have dark brown hair. But it's, like, a dark red/auburn color now. I like it a lot. Tee hee.