Danger Zone

June 26,1984

The day I graduate high school. After graduation my family came and gave me hugs and kisses. After the graduation ceremony we went out to eat. When we got settled in the restaurant everything goes from joyful to fearful. It all started with a slam from the car door. Then, four adults enter the restaurant wearing leather jackets, holding black briefcases with duct tape around them. Everyone in the restaurant got quiet and looked at the group. The group went to the women at the register and asked for all the money. The women hesitated to give them the money. Instantly, the group went to a table close by and opened their briefcases. inside the briefcases were parts to a gun. One person from the group set his gun up and aimed it towards the women at the register. I can tell that everybody's heart was racing faster and faster by the minute. Their hearts kept beating faster and faster and then......BOOM! The gunshot was triggered. Everybody screamed with fear as they headed under their tables. The group headed towards everybody. One person of the group says, "Everyone here has just received a warning, a warning from the Dark Onez!" As the group left, everyone got back into their seats and started talking about the event that just took place. My whole family and I left the restaurant becauseof the fear that we all just experienced.