Status: DONE :D

Suicidal Bright Lights


When Liam woke up, Christofer was gone. His arm was no longer resting beneath Liam's head and the heat that Liam believed to be Christofer was nowhere to be found. "Christofer?" He called, but was greeted with no answer.

Liam sat up, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, as he tried to get used to being awake. Looking at the clock, he noticed that it was only five o'clock in the morning. Liam sighed, no way was Christofer going to be there that early. He never saw Liam from the hours of eleven to six in the morning, ever. It was a weird quirk that Christofer had.

"Mom!" Liam called as he stepped out of his bedroom and headed towards the kitchen, still in his clothes from the day before, a white v-neck and black skinny jeans. Liam always liked to tell himself, for a Schizophrenic, you have awesome style. It always made him feel better about himself.

"Yes?" She called back. Liam's mother being awake that early was nothing unusual to him, she had work that started at six thirty, so for whatever the reason, she always woke up one and a half hours early.

Liam didn't realize what he was saying until the words had already left his lips, "do you know where Christofer went?"

She sighed, "Liam, you haven't taken your medication today, have you? You know that Christofer isn't real..." She tried to tell her son that, but she didn't think he would listen.

Liam just ignored his mother's words as he grabbed a piece of toast out of the toaster. "Obviously I haven't taken it yet, it's like, five in the morning." He sighed, "I'll take my meds after I eat," he said finally.

His mother rolled her eyes towards him, knowing that he'd probably not take his medication. "I'm running over to the neighbors', you going to be fine while I'm gone?" Why, his mother was headed to the neighbor's apartment, he did not know, but he nodded his head anyways. "Okay," she said, "I won't be home until seven tonight, so I suggest you make your own dinner." Liam nodded once again as he bit into the perfectly-toasted buttered toast, spewing crumbs everywhere.

When Liam's mother had finally left the apartment, Liam was finally able to be normal. Well, normal for him. He began pacing in his bedroom, picking up things on the way. Cleaning his room, one of his obsessions. He picked up a notebook that was lying halfway underneath his bookshelf. It was from back when he was in middle school, his eighth grade journal. Flipping through the pages, he found a journal entry titled, "Christofer and I." It began with a writing prompt, and turned into a story or explanation of whatever the prompt was.

Christofer and I
Prompt: Your best friend is...

Christofer Nutreen, my only best friend. The only person my age who will speak to me, without acting like I'm "special." I'm not that kind of special, I can promise you. I'm just... Abnormal. I kind of like it, though, it gives me a new look on life. Ever since I met Christofer he's always been there, no matter what I was going through. He's such a great friend. Funny, kind, and awesome to be around.

I met him earlier this year, it was a weird day. I was kind of upset at my mom, so I left to get something to eat. At first, I thought Christofer was creepin', following me or something, but he wasn't. He just happened to be going to the same McDonalds as I was. After I ordered my food, he came over to my table and sat across from me. It was kind of strange...

We hung out for a while, I really can't remember what I first said to him, but it isn't really that important anyways...

That's my best friend, Christofer Nutreen.

It was very poorly written, but Liam got a kick out of reading it again, anyways. It reminded him of when it was easier to be friends with Christofer, since nobody really knew about him.

He went black to cleaning, ignoring the feeling of emptiness that filled his stomach. It was a feeling of loneliness that had only come around at the thought of Christofer.

"Liam," Christofer pushed his shoulder, trying to wake him. Liam had fallen asleep, even though he hadn't realized it.

Liam rolled over, "go away, mom."

Christofer's sweet laughed filled his bedroom, his voice sounding more delicate than usual. "I'm not your mom, Liam." Christofer laughed again and said, "get up. It's almost noon."

Liam rolled over, focusing on Christofer. "Ugh," he sighed and stood up off of his bed once more.

"You should go for a walk with me today," Christofer suggested.

"Why?" Liam wondered aloud, thinking of all the reasons why Christofer would want to go for a walk with him.

"Because it'd be fun," Christofer smiled. "Don't you ever just go on walks for fun?" He asked while Liam just stared, dumbfounded.

"N- not really," Liam stuttered. He didn't know why, but Christofer began to make Liam feel uneasy, like he'd changed. Something was wrong. Very wrong.

"You okay, babe?" Christofer asked, calling Liam babe for the first time ever.

It was a weird feeling to Liam, a pet name, no one had ever given him a pet name. It was kind of cute, but it was strange to him, a strange feeling in general... Christofer was different, but it was impossible for Liam to point out how he was different. "Fine," Liam said as he tried to sort out his thoughts, which wouldn't have been easy even for a normal person. "I guess we can go for a walk, just let me get changed."

Liam made Christofer leave while he got dressed into clean clothes. He grabbed a band shirt that he couldn't exactly read, and a pair of grey skinny jeans, no in the mood to dress happy. "Sexy," Liam heard Christofer's voice as he took off his shirt.

Completely and utterly embarrassed, Liam held the shirt that was in his hands to cover his chest. "How the fuck did you get in here?!" Liam asked, half shouting.

Christofer laughed. "Just get dressed, ya' big baby."

"Turn around!" Liam pleaded, uncomfortable with his body.

"Fine," Christofer sighed as he faced the window apposing Liam.

Almost done(:
Please don't be a silent reader!