Sequel: Fade Away
Status: One Shot

Into the Nothing

One of One

The lovely music plays. People are dressed in their finest dark clothing, glancing solemnly towards a large black box placed on a beautifully decorated bier.

A boy, about 18 years of age, looks around, trying to locate someone he knows. He finally spots his mother, crying on his uncle's shoulder, not bothering to wipe away the tears that were streaming down her beautiful face.

The boy walks towards them and stops right in front of his mother.

"Mother," he says, "What are we doing here? Who has passed?" His mother fails to answer him and continues to cry. The uncle strokes her arm, her hair, occasionally kissing the top of her head and murmuring reassurances. 

People are finally told to find a seat, for the ceremony is about to begin. The boy follows his uncle and his mother to find a seat for himself. No one has taken the seat between his mother and her sister, so he takes it.

He tunes out for most of the ceremony, only listening out for the name of the deceased. 

"We are here today to mourn the loss of Christian Dawson, beloved son, friend, and relative." The boy's head snaps up.

"My dear grandfather has passed away..." He thinks to himself. But right then, he sees his grandfather calming down a rather hysteric grandmother of the boy's. If it is not his grandfather who has died, then who? Surely it could not be him, for he was here, and felt very much alive. Did he have another relative named Christian?

His thoughts were interrupted by everyone rising and standing in line to give one last goodbye to the dead, for it was indeed an open casket. Christian got in line himself, simply to see who it was.

As the line moved ahead, he got more antsy by the second. Whoever could it be?

He finally reached the casket and when he looked down at the body, he stumbled back in shock. There, laying in the casket, dead as a stone, cold as a snowy winter's day, was...


"How did this happen? When did this happen?" He thought out loud. That couldn't really be him. He poked his own side, seeing that it indeed solid; to him, at least.

He rushed over to his mother, trying to grab her arm. But when he reached out to touch it, his hand passed right through. He stumbled forward, almost going all the way through her.

He stumbled over to the plaque resting by the coffin, reading the inscription.

'Christian Henry Dawson
June 18, 1957-September 12, 1975
Beloved son, relative, and friend. He will forever be in our hearts.'

He fell backwards, feeling faint. He was dead, and he didn't even know it. 

A black mass started to form over him, trying to drag him down into the earth. At first, he tried to fight it. But after a little while, he realized there was no point. He was already dead.

So, he let the darkness take over and he was swallowed up into the ground. He felt weightless, floating in this darkness. He let what seemed like water take him down and down, breaking up his spirit until he was no more.

And he was gone, like a star swallowed up in a black hole, never to see the light again.
♠ ♠ ♠
Very short, but I was in a weird mood, so here you go! Comments would be lovely =]

Story title is lyrics by Breaking Benjamin.
