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Would You Destroy Something Perfect, in Order to Make It Beautiful?

Just Doing What I Need To Do

My alarm went off at 5am and I quickly sprung out of bed. I ran to the bathroom to shower. Every minute counted. After a 10 minute shower, I slipped on black skinny jeans and tucked a white flannel shirt in. I let my red hair fall into its natural curls and put minimal makeup on. It was 5:35 when I was done. I went in the kitchen and cooked eggs and made coffee. I popped some bread in the toaster. I put it all on a tray and went up a long flight of stairs and down a long hallway. When I got to the last door, I realized I was right on rime. 6:15am.

“Good morning Master Wayne,” I said loudly upon my entrance. I was prepared to see a half naked woman in the bed with him, but it was just Master Wayne. His blanket went up to his abs and as he heard me, he stirred. I set the tray down on the other side of the bed and went over to him. “Master Wayne,” I shook him. His brown eyes met mine and he groaned.

“Good morning Lillee,” he said.

“How are you this morning?” I asked, walking over to the windows. I opened the blinds and walked back over.

“Tired. Why did you wake me up so early?”

“You have work today. You need to be there by 8 for an important meeting,” I answered. He sighed and went to the bathroom. When he came out, he went to his tray and ate his breakfast.

“Wonderful eggs today,” he commented.

“You say that every morning, sir,” I informed him.

“I know, but they seem to get better every time,” he smirked.

“Well, thank you. How was your night?” His face hardened and he didn’t say anything for a moment. He finished his eggs before answering.

“I didn’t go out. I went to the cave, but I didn’t have the motivation to go anywhere,” he explained.

“Why not? What if Gotham needed Batman?”

“It wouldn’t have made any difference,” he shot. “Joker and his mob of goons haven’t done anything for a few nights. They’re planning something big,” he sighed.

“I know I cant be as much help as my grandfather, but if you need anything-”

“Thank you Lillee,” he interrupted. “And you are a great help. The only difference between you and Alfred is that you’re a girl and younger, and you cook better.” I could tell he was trying to make me feel better, but I knew that I wasn’t as smart, or as wise as my grandpa, Grandpa Alfred.

“You said 8?” Master Wayne asked, interrupting my thoughts.

“Yes, sir,” I replied. He got off his bed and went into his bathroom. “Are you done, sir?” I called.

“Leave the coffee,” he called back and shut the door. I set his coffee on the night stand and took the tray downstairs. I washed the plates and called his limo driver to come pick him up in half an hour.

I turned the TV on in the living room to watch the news. (Master Wayne liked the news on when he came downstairs. I checked my phone, but I hadn’t gotten any messages yet. I got a sick feeling in my stomach, but I ignored it.

A few minutes of standing around, I saw Master Wayne come down the stairs.

“Your driver will be here in roughly 10 minutes,” I informed him.

“Thank you,” he told me and sat on the couch as a commercial started. I stood a few feet away from the couch and straightened my shit out. Standing still, I waited for the car by the window.

When the news came back on, there was no bad news regarding Gotham, but if they only knew.

“Sir, your car has arrived,” I said. He got up and straightened his black suit.

“Do you own a dress?” he asked. I was taken a back. What kind or question was that? I pulled together my composure and answered.

“I think I have a few,” I said.

“Wear one and be ready by 6,” he commanded.

“Y-yes sir,” I said. He smiled and left. Why did he want me to wear a dress? Maybe it’s a business meeting he didn’t want to bring a bimbo to. I turned the TV off and went to my room. I changed into shorts and a light t-shirt. I put my hair up and checked my phone.

Still no messages. I sighed and pushed 2. After the phone rang a man answered, “What-tah?”

“When were you planning on calling me?” I asked. There was silence on the other line, but I could hear him breathing.

“Come now,” he said in a calm, yet rough voice. I hung up and went to the kitchen and grabbed an apple. I called a cab and I left the penthouse moments later.

It took 15 minutes in the cab before I paid the driver and started to walk down an ally. It took me 10 minutes to get to my final destination where I pulled over the giant metal door and slipped in.

“Hey Lil,” I heard. I looked over and saw Darrel, Joker’s most trusted henchman, except me of course. Joker trusted me the most.

“He Darrel. Where’s the Boss?” I asked.

“Beats me,” he shrugged.

“Hey toots,” I heard a low grumble from a man. I looked up and saw Joker at the top of the stairs.

“Hey,” I said.

“Were you excited to see me? Couldn’t wait to leave Bruce’s grasp?” he asked, walking down the stairs.

“I was ecstatic to see you,” I said sarcastically. “And Bruce is working.”

“Wonderful,” he laughed. “Round everyone up Darrel. We have one last meeting.” Darrel left and Joker took my hand rather lightly and led me to the meeting room. “I’m so excited for tomorrow, Lils,” he whispered.

“I am too,” I grinned. Joker brought my hand up to his lips and kissed the back of my hand.

“We should go out tonight. Be ready by 6,” he said, his eyes lighting up.

“I cant. I’m going to an important meeting with Bruce tonight,” his face darkened. As much as the mad man hated it, he knew I had to do this job. But he had no idea that I knew Bruce was Batman.

“How can we possibly express our excitement?” he growled.

“I’ll text you how late we’re going to be home, and if you still want to go do something, I’ll leave,” I said quickly.

“Fine,” he said as his goons started to show up. He called for the meeting to start and we began to discuss tomorrow’s plans.

“Tomorrow at three, Sunny and Goofy will be going to Gotham City Bank; Rainy and uh, Jake, you got to Gotham Elementary school; Darrel and Titian go to the hospital on 52nd, “ Joker ordered, letting out a hysterical laugh. “And then… And then, at 3:30, we blow up the places. You have all been working on the bombs, I’m hoping?” there were nods and a few mumbled, “yes”.

“What about you Boss?” Jake asked.

“Oh…I?” he let out an ear curdling laugh. “I, Joker, and Lillee are going to the station.”

“How are you going to get in there?” Goofy asked.

“No clue,” he laughed, and I joined in. “Meeting dismissed,” he ordered as everyone dispersed.

“We could celebrate now, you know. We have all day,” I told Joker.

“Where do you plan on going, sugar?” he asked, looking up at me.

“I-I don’t know,” I shrugged.

“Why do you have to work for Bruce?” Joker asked in a calm voice and turned to face me. He sounded like Jack.

“Because my grandpa did.”

“Well drop the job and work for me, all the time,” he said.

“Jack, you now that you’re my best friend, but I cant exactly drop this. It’s been in my family for 5 generations. If my parents or Nick were still alive they’d do it first, but you know what happened there,” I said. Jack groaned.

“I just hate sharing you,” he said.

I shrugged. “Sorry. Are we going to celebrate, or should I go clean the penthouse?” I asked. It seemed like we talked about this every day, but really it was more like twice a week.

“Too much planning to do. It will have to wait for tonight,” Jack said.

“Okay, I’ll text you tonight then,” I said as I left the room.

“Lils!” he called. I turned and he was a few feet behind me with a smile, “Bye!” he said.

“Bye Jack,” I gave him a smile and left the warehouse. After I walked to a more civilized area, I hailed a cab.

When I got home, I started to clean out of boredom. I hadn’t cleaned in a week, even though my job description calls for it daily, but Bruce is never home to notice or even care.
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