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Would You Destroy Something Perfect, in Order to Make It Beautiful?

With You Gone, My Life Will Be Turned Upside Down

I watched four episodes of The Jetsons, two episodes of The Flintstones, and two episodes of The Smurfs. When I was on the third episode of The Smurfs, Bruce came back. When he got out of his car, he looked worn out. I ran to him and helped him out of the suit.

“Who did it go?” I asked, hoping he had an unsuccessful night. He smiled as he took of his mask.

“I got him. He’s at Arkham right now,” he let out a laugh. I smiled with him, but on the inside, I was screaming. Jack was so stupid! Why didn’t he just listen to me?

“That’s great,” I said and kissed him.

“Are you ready to go home?” he asked. I nodded. We left in his car and went back to the pent house.

When I woke up in the morning, Bruce was gone, he had to go talk with contractors and do other business thins that I honestly didn’t care about. I showered and got dressed quickly and took a cab to the warehouse. When I got there, I barged in and saw Darrel.

“What happened?!” I screamed. He looked scared.

“Don’t get pissy at me, it was your fault!” he said.

“What?” I asked.

“After you called, he left. God knows where he went! But that ray got him. Now I’m out of work!” he yelled. I groaned loudly and stormed out. I got another cab and went to Akrham Asylum.
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I'm really ashamed of this chapter.
I really didnt want to post it.
But I had to do it because the next section HAS to be the beginning of the chapter.
Maybe I could have cut this section, but then everyone would have been confused.
I am typing the next chapter right now, and you will understand the shortness of this and why I had to make the next section a new chapter.

I'm not expecting comments or subscribers after this, but I'm always hoping.