The Day I Met Grimmie


Hey, I'm Jayden, and I'am 17 years old. I'm kind of one those weid emo kids,
you always see walking up and down the halls, wearing those baggy black phants with the chains hanging out with some kind of skull shirt or band-tshirt on, along with the emo hair due.

Anyways lets stop talking about me and get back to the story!

Well, one day I was bored straight out of my mind, so I started browsing youtube.
Just for the hell out of it, jumping from video to video to video to video, well you get the point

! Anyways i landed on Tiffany's Alvords page. Now I know what your thinking
"Why the heck is he listening to that shit? he should be listening to someone,
like Avenged Sevenfold or metillica, or slipknot!" All I got to say is shut the hell up, and re-read the first two paragraphs again and focus on the words: I WAS BORED!!!!!!

so I began to listen to the song" The little things" some thing like that I can't remember it, and to my suprrise, I autally liked it. of course at first I kept denying it to my self. I'll listen to the first few seconds and my self enjoying it, rocking back fourth to the beautiful sound of the acusitic and then remind my self , this is so not part of my style!!!! and then i would click, but the pattern kept going on, and on.

So since i came to terms that i Jadyen lance mckie was into this kind of crap began to surf through tiffany's videos and landed up on her duet with this girl, christina Grimmie.

"You need to stop listening to this before you become addictive and before people find out and you'll be the laughing stock of the whole school, and your friends will give your ass a hard time" I spoke out loud, but I couldn't help my self. christina just looked so pretty, and she looked pretty chill. so I clicked on the video by her and tiffany doing a remake of punk ass ll waynes song "How to love".

I then clicked on play.

----Wow, this is soo much better then his version, her voice is amazing, and the way she talks, omg...I think im in love!----

After the video, i told my self enough, enough. So I exit out.

RING RING RING, went my phone, it was 7 o clock in the mourning.

I must of fallen asleep after watching those videos.

I quickly turned off the annoying pieace of shit and started to get ready for school. After 8 mintues of doing so. i headed down stairs.

grrrr. Went my stomach from hunger pains. I started digging around for the ceral in the covered, it was a pretty crowded place. Everything was all cluttered together.
geesh this could take a while.

As I was searching I began humming one of christina's song.
"Thousands more miles till I get to see la la la la something something " i began to sang softly. I had a kid sister around 13,and the last thing I wanted was to get caught singing a song that was in my taste of music genre by her.

i started singing again but louder.
"A Thousands more miles till i get to see you, Counting the days, counting the days"

I then herd someone busting out laughing, I quickly shutted up. FUCK , i was afraid this was going to happen, I was just hoping it would'nt be this soon.

"Are y ou singing Grimmie?" my younger sister, liegh-ann, asked me.
" was a lyric part of some new band i discovered off of you-tube last night" I said trying to play it off cool.

"Really? Cause the way you were singing it sounded like that one song by her called, hmmm counting the days?" she said opening a box of coco puff into a pink bowl.

"You must be hearing things...I don't even know who, this grimmie chick is" I said defending my self as best as I could.

"Oh.....if you say so but if you want to know shes a new youtube singer, shes pretty amazing, I listen to her everyday..thats how I kind of assume you were singing her song because she has a song with lyrics similiar to the ones you were singing tooo a few mintues ago." she explained as she poured the milk on top of her puffs.

" naws, you be on that bull-shit again. chill out, damn!" I mumbleed slamming the fridge door, and pulled my back pack over my shoulder and headed out the door. "Laterz"

My sister stood there with a confused look upon her face.

As I began to walk I pulled out my mp3, and click on the song and began to listen as i made my way towards the school.