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It all gets better with time frerard

frerard love story

Thank fuck its 2:45pm and I get to leave this shit-hole some people call a school I guess ill just go for a dander for the next 15 minutes.

Its not as if I can leave early when theirs always a teacher at the main exit and yea there may be 3 other ways out but it doesn’t help when there locked so much for a fire door when it doesn’t even open.
What the hell 15 minutes wont kill me its Friday and I don’t have to come near this shit hole until Monday how joyful but as it came to 3pm and I was making my way to the exit from hell I passed the music room and something caught my eye.

I have to say I was fighting off a smile just for the simple fact that if u even look at anyone with the slightest look of happiness in this place everyone wants to know your bissnus and that dose my head in but on my way out I couldn’t help but think about it and before I new it I was walking out of school with the biggest grin on my face.
I was to lost in my own wee world to help myself and then I was walking done the steps to the train station. I went down got my ticket and next I new it me and mikey where on are way home I swer I never even saw mikey walking with me for all I new he could have been having a full blown conversation with me.

We got home and I went straight up to my room chucked my bag and jacket on the floor and just flumped down onto my bed I was mentally drained and I really didn’t want to be around anyone but of Corse next thing I know mikey is in my room sitting on my bed asking me why I was ignoring him and I couldn’t just come out and say why I was grinning from ear to ear so I just told him I had a lot on my mind.

Of Corse he wanted to know what was on my mind so I just ended up telling him I had an art exam due soon witch wasn’t a lie because I did and it was on my mind but just in the background but that seemed to do the trick but mikey being mikey isn’t that easy to get rid of.
I asked him why he was so happy even know its taken me near half an hour to notice he’s got a massive smile on his face and then he began into how he had a grate day and how he got moved into a music class and how much fun he has with his new friend ray but I was happy for him.
Yea me and ray are gunna go hang bout the music shop in town tomorrow do you wanna come down with us.
Or are you just gunna sit bout the house as usual but like you have to admit you go to school then if ur not in school ur in ur room and if ur not there you randomly dander about the streets doing nothing.

I couldn’t help but laugh at mikey he makes me sound like such a paranoid shut-in.
No its ok ive something planed for tomorrow ive got that art peace due so am gunna start on it.

It was Saturday afternoon by the time I woke up I got up stuck on a hoody and my jeans and went down to see who was about and who was away out but when I was down stairs I saw a note on the phone it said “Gerard we wont be back till late theirs money under the phone order something in for you and mikey”

This sort of thing didn’t surprise me its just what happens at the weekend but I don’t mind it its sorta fun .
I ended up getting started on my art and its just something that comes so easily to me but at the same time its very hard to do rite but when I get in to it I don’t even see the time going in.

I was in the middle of painting when I herd the door open and I herd mikey laughing I looked up at the clock for the first time from I started my art when I started it was 2pm and now 7pm and it only feels like ive been at this for about half an hour.
I went out in to the living room to find mikey sitting on the sofa with who I guessed to be ray I said hello and mikey jumped up and rite away was telling ray who I was ray said hello.

I asked mikey if he had eaten yet he said no so I went over to the phone and shouted over asking what he wanted from the chipy.
We all ended up sitting on the sofa having a munch watching some random move mikey found.

Gerard did you get started on that art thing you have due or was I rite and you just slept the hole day away?.

No I didn’t sleep all day Ive been up from 9am doing my art
( ok that was a lie but mikey doesn’t need to no that )
Yano me always up early doing what I can *giggles* mikey just smiled at me.

Grate Sunday afternoon and I have less than 24 hours before I have to go back to that hell hole. I guess its not all that bad I have my music class and my art class tomorrow and if am lucky ill get near all my art finished and then I get to go chill out in music like whoever though of having a music class must be a god a hole hour of chilling and listing to music and I get to be by myself it’s a godsend if you ask me.
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its only my first story and its 9am and i havent slept yet haha
so ill try and do number 2 tonight