Status: its slow updating but its updating

It all gets better with time frerard

chapter 14

I was laying in franks hospital bed when the nurse woke me up she had franks tests back she said
“I’ve just got Mr Iero’s tests back and his X-rays. It seems he has five broken ribs internal bruising and external bruising as you can see for yourself he has a broken wrist, broken nose and a concussion. After we put his wrist in plaster and reline his nose and rap his ribs up and ill be back in to stitch that cut on the side of his head ill give him some meds as well to help with the pain”
She added a hopeful smile when she was done talking.
I was still in shock from what had happened to frank that I didn’t really pay to mush attention to the nurse I herd what she was saying but all I could do was nod to her that I understood.

The nurse had left the room and I was standing over my frank he was black and blue. I felt so bad for him but if he had just told me about his dad and how he treated him I could have stopped this whole thing from happening. I can safely say that he is never going back to that hell hole again I wont let him and I wont let anyone take him away from me am going to be the one that’s always there for him as a friend or more I guess that bit is up to frank.
I know that he likes me more than a friend but am just not 100% that he wants to be my boyfriend but now isn’t the time for this I have to get frank back on his feet and help him with all this and be there for him.

I walked over to franks bed and as softly as I could I put my hand on his leg and pushed at him to try and wake him I called his name still nothing. I pushed him a little harder this time his eyes began to flutter open he tried to roll over onto his back but had no such luck he was met with a fire like pain in his ribs and his back and am pretty positive that he had a banging sore head by the look on his face he had two black eyes and a cut at the top of his nose and the rest of his nose was black and blue.
The next thing I knew before I could even ask him if he was ok the nurse walked back in with another nurse holding a tray that had a tub of white paste and sum bandages.
The first nurse walked over to frank and helped him sit up he was in pain as far as the words coming out of his mouth as he was sat up it sounded like he was in really bad pain.

I looked over at Frankie and gave him a every things going to get better smile well at lest that’s what I was going for he smiled back then looked at the nurse who was now rapping his wrist in plaster.
The other nurse looked over at me and smiled and said
“This is going to take about 20 minutes to dry after where done you could go get a cuppa you look like you need it”
I smiled back at her and nodded then looked over at frank and said
“Frankie am going to go grab a cuppa do you want me to bring you one up or even better do you want me to bring you up a hot chocolate?”
His face lit up and he nodded I just smiled and said ok and began to walk out of the room but before I walked out the door I turned to see frank was still looking at me I smiled and blue him a kiss he smiled and blushed it was so cute.
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well hello there its been a very long time from ive updated sorry for that ^_^
but am trying to get back in with it so ano this ones short but what can ya do =]