Status: its slow updating but its updating

It all gets better with time frerard


Grate its Monday 12pm and am somehow back in this hell hole but awk well am in my music class until lunch so I guess ill just chill out and blur into my on wee world and I did.
Next thing I know am being disturbed by the class door closing with a bang I near fell off my chair know one ever interrupted my music class but I regained myself to look up to see what was going on but when I lifted my head up.

I couldn’t help but stair and grin it was frank one of the most adorable guys in my year god maybe even in the school.
He has the most amazing green eyes not that I noticed or anything *giggles* but as I sat having a bit of a girly giggle over how he was overly good looking.
He turned around shit he must of herd me ammmmm ok ill just put my headphones back on and maybe he will end up leaving.

The thing is even know I think he looks amazing and I adore his eyes and he has a grate smile ive never spoke to him or even been in the same class as him.
I looked over once more to see what was going on he was just stood there talking to my teacher Mrs Madden she was really nice and she didn’t mind me doing nothing but chilling so I did like her in return.

Hello Mrs Madden I was told to give you this “hands over a note” ive been told am moving into this music class Mrs Madden just smiled at me and told me that it was grate and id be in the class with another guy called Gerard.
I looked over and saw a guy sitting with his head down and headphones on and he looked a bit on the red side I wonder why?.

I walked over to Gerard and I though id brake the ice and just say hello so I went over and sat on the desk and I pushed his headphones back and said heya am frank I guess where gunna be in this class together now and I just smiled at him.
He looked sorta surprised and he looked like he was trying not to smile it was cute he was cute he just had that sort of vibe to him and for some strange reason I got the feeling he was a good huger *giggles*.

Ok theirs something going on here I wonder what that note is that frank give Mrs Madden .
Ooh shit he’s looking again awk no I can feel my face getting warmer and warmer grate he must think am such a weirdo grate now he’s walking over what do I do ok ok ok came down ill just put my head down and it will be fine and maybe he wont see how red ive went.

Ok now I see his legs why is he sitting on the desk ?
Why is he sitting anywhere near me ?.
And the next thing I new my headphones fell off and the next thing I herd was frank talking to me he said “heya am frank I guess where gunna be in the class together now” and then he just grinned at me.
That smile of his just made me melt and if that wasn’t bad anuff he let out the most adorable giggle ive ever herd I didn’t know what to do or what to say I just wanted to smile at him but I didn’t want him to think I was weird so I just sat back and tried to fight off my grin and fight the urge to just jump on him and kiss him and before I knew it I was looking into those emerald green eyes.

It took me about a good 5 minutes before I could regain myself and get back to reality but frank was still looking at me I though he must be waiting for me to say hello so I took a deep breath and turned to frank and said hello there am Gerard and I smiled at him.

After about a 5 or 6 minute awkward silence he turned to me and said hello there it was cute I could tell he was nervous I just didn’t know why but it was when he smiled at me I just had a really big urge to kiss him and I can safely say I don’t get that feeling for most people.
I was sitting with Gerard and I was playing guitar and he was just happy to sit and watch me and listing to me play and most people I know don’t have any interest in me or my guitar playing.

The next thing I new I herd this loud bell and I stopped playing my guitar and I looked to see what time it was I didn’t even see the time going in but somehow id been playing for an hour and Gerard was listing to me for the hole hour with I smile on his face and that's when I think I realised this was my favourite class and I couldn’t help but smile.
I turned to Gerard and I asked him if he wanted to go get lunch with me he looked surprised but then he give me a big grin and said yes.

Wow frank is really good on his guitar and he looks really sexy when he plays he gets so into it and when I see him play I cant help but smile and am good at fighting back my happiness most of the time but I didn’t want to hide it when I was with frank.
The school bell rang and I think a part of me died inside because I new it would mean leaving frank but before I could do or say anything frank asked me if I wanted to get lunch with him ill admit it surprised me but I said yes and then I realised that bit of me I though had died in me frank just managed to bring it back to life.
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hey everyone sorry if theres
anything spelt rong or anything
like that am a school drop out so
am doing the best i can with what i know =]