Status: read and enjoy, comments and critisism are welcomed

Being Me

Bing Me

Chapter One: Just razy

Life is basically unexplainable, but coming from a typical teenager life is basically high school. The part of life where you are judged the most on everything, like looks, personality, looks, looks and looks. So basically what I’m saying is looks count for everything and when I say everything I mean EVERYTHING.

This is my diary on my life, to start it of I’ll fill you in on all the blanks you’ve missed on my life till this day.
My name is Alexandra Monique Elizabeth Mathews, quite long, I know. I am sixteen years old, I was born on the thirty-fist of October, yes I know my birthday is on Halloween how exiting, no, no its not .there is no word to describe my life it’s interesting. I’ve moved every few years so I’ve had to make and keep friends a lot and I’ve just moved to a new country, and guess what it’s America, New York to be exact. I’m a bit of a rebel… well delinquent to be exact I pay no attention to rules and the punishments are just a boost in my status, status of what? Well you’ll see.


Its Monday morning and my first day of school, how exciting…no not really because I’M FREAKING OUT MAN! This is high school, I’m a junior and luckily I’m starting at the beginning of the year, at least now there might be other new students and I might actually have a chance of making friends.

If only my parents had real jobs but no-o, they want to be archeologists and university professors, bloody idiots. They have no idea what moving does to a kid, I could need some serious counseling with all the things that have happened to me over the years, like people not liking my taste in clothing, I remember one time in gym class they decided to steal my clothes and what did I have to wear, nothing. I had to leave school in only a tiny little towel.

But enough about that, I may be emotionally and physically scarred from all the moving but I do live a very privileged life except for the fact that my older brother is the most annoying pain in the ass there has ever been in the history of the universe. His name is Chris; I will not mention his full name because he’s not that important. He’s two years older than me which means he’s a senior and the only reason I’m a junior is because I am an incredibly smart child.

So it’s now eight thirty and its half way through homeroom. School starts at eight but I just can’t be bothered to arrive on time. I arrived at school at the appropriate time went to the head office, got signed in and decided to get a coffee at star bucks because I want to make a grand entrance and also because I just really want a coffee.

My brother and I took separate cars because we just can’t be around each other for long without attacking the other and also because we have separate schedules.
I arrived in a black with white stripes mustang whilst he sported a black range rover sport.

I walked down the hall coffee in hand dressed in a pair of black skinny jeans, a black off the shoulder sleeveless sweater with a thick chain wrapped around my waist three times and connected at the ends with a big lock, a pair of black leather fingerless gloves with spikes on the knuckles and a pair of black six inch stiletto heels with spikes all-around the edges and up and down the heels. I had on just black and silver eyeliner with black mascara and black lipstick. My hair was styled its usual, long and straight with a few long bangs,, my hair is white with five thick black strips in it all around the area where my hair parts. I may not be the prettiest girl around but I got it in all the right places and even though a lot of people do say I am a looker I really think I’m not that good looking.

I stood outside my homeroom door briefly and took a short breath then opened the door and took a step in. All heads in the room turned towards me but honestly I just don’t care anymore. I walked towards the teacher’s desk and stood before a tall slim woman in probably her early thirties.

“Hi I’m the new student Alexandra Mathews” I said in a monotone type voice.
“You’re late miss Mathews, but since it’s your first day I’ll make an exception.” She said to me with a nonchalant voice.” Class this is our new student Alexandra Mathews, who just transferred here from Alaska.” She said to the rest of the class.” Miss Mathews please introduce yourself to the class.” She said turning to me.

“Well there isn’t much to say, my name is Alex, not the type of person you would want to mess with and music is my life.”I said with the most bored expression I could come up with.
“Does anyone have any questions?” the teacher said with just as much as a bored expression as mine.

At least seven students lifted their hands. The teacher picked on a girl who looked very peppy and excited.

“My names Cassidy and like I was wondering if like you where like Goth or something because of like your clothes and all the like black and stuff..?” she trailed off at the end with a very vacant look on her face and her head tilted to the side.
“No I’m not Goth, black is just my favorite colour and I dress the way I dress because I can.” I said with a somewhat annoyed expression on my face.

The teacher ignored the other people with questions.
“Well welcome to Zain Milton high school, I’m miss Berkowitz please take your seat.” Miss Berkowitz said with a very forced kind tone.

I rolled my eyes but took my seat in the front row right near the door, ready for a fast escape at any needed time. I was about to take a sip of my coffee when there was the loud slam of the classroom door being shut. I didn’t care to raise my head.

“Blake Blighton! You’re late, three days detentions now take your seat.”

Wait Blake Blihgton I know that name. No it couldn’t be, I lifted my head to stare right into the face of the person at the top of my ‘who to kill if I become a psychopath’ list.

“YOU!” we both said in unison whilst pointing at each other.

“Hello Bob, nice seeing you here, I thought you where dead, guess I’ll just have to try again.” I said with an all too sweet tone of voice and a very innocent smile. I call him bob because his initials are B.O.B, Blake Oliver Blighton.
“ Why isn’t it dearest Elizabeth, how very much of a displeasure to make your acquaintance, and I am not dead as you can see, my family moved here after the Paris incident, how long has it been two years now.”
“Three years actually but who’s counting, now get out of my face you inglorious twit.” I said with venom seeping through my words.
“My pleasure, you disgrace to humanity, see you on the dark sides.” He said as he walked to a seat near the back of the room.
“Oh I’ll be there, Bob.” I said to him as he retreated.

He’s not exactly the person I would want to see in my new school but I’ll just have to deal with it. And how dare he mention the Paris incident.
I just noticed how everyone in the class is staring between Blake and I but whatever.
You see Blake is basically the male version of myself, we think alike act alike we’re basically soul mates but the one problem is we hate each other thoroughly with all the hate one person could muster up.

The dark sides is basically underground activity. There is one in each sate/capital of every country in the world. It has many branches like underground racing; fighting etc. the part I specialize in is delinquency. To join the dark sides you have to be recognized by the league. The league being the best of each branch from that entire country. The capital league decides who is to take over the next position of vacancy in the leagues and the capital league is also the founders of the dark sides. The man I look up to is the best delinquent ever, he is about eighty years old but he will be remembered always for the things he did. I would tell you what he did but any member of the dark sides is sworn into secrecy on the founders’ abilities.

The Paris incident is where two feuding delinquent gangs went neck and neck at receiving the title of best new prank on a school faculty member. I was head of the ‘mind manipulators’, we where a group of seven girls who where just as good as the ‘dizzy spill’, Blake's group, they where nine boys who where ingenious but still a threat. Our prank was deadly, it was a stink bomb so powerful it would stink out the whole school, knock out a few and have a very repulsive smell that would last at least a month. When we set it off it was havoc. Their prank was an explosion in the science lab big enough to shatter all fragile items and also excrete a very strong stench. Our pranks were accidentally done on the same day, and you could guess what happened. We blew up three class rooms completely, damaged nine others and had the school smelling so disgusting we knocked out ninety three students. The smell lasted three months and we ended up having no summer and weekend classes to make up for it. Both our gangs where caught and where sentenced to six months of juvy, but Blake and I both got to spend an entire year in a juvenile delinquent school.
The prank ended in a draw and we have always hated each other since. The only bright side was the status boost, which meant our photos where up in every building of each dark sides ware house and that Blake and I got sent to different delinquent schools, I to an all females and him to an all males. They couldn’t handle me well there so as soon as my sentence was up thankfully we moved.
It’s after lunch and so far my day has gone by pretty well. No one has bothered me or tried to talk to me and that’s okay I guess but since my parents say we might be in his city for a while I might as well try and make some friends, but they would have to be the right type of friends of course e.g. delinquents, not afraid of consequence. And so far no one has met my standards so instead of looking I’m just going to let what ever happens happen.

I have four classes left until the end of the day and normally I would have left school by now but these are some of my favorite subjects and their usually the only good thing about school. I have creative writing, art, drama and then music.

2 hours later.

It’s finally music and even though I love music I’m still going to be late for the lesson. After drama I decided to get a slushy and there are no rules saying I can’t so what the hey.

I stopped in front of the big wooden doors to the music department. They had the names ‘Mr. Brigghtes and miss Devon heads of music’ on a plaque. I walked into the room and of course all the heads in the room spun to look at me.

“Miss Mathews, how nice of you to make our acquaintance.” Mr. Brigghtes said.
“Meh.” Was all I said in return.
“Well, can you please come onto the stage and introduce yourself to the class.” He said.

I did as told and made my way to the stage, I stood on center stage in front of everyone.

“My name’s Alex, not really the type of person to mess with and music is my life.” I said just like I’ve been saying all day in every single class.
“Well, since music is your life you wouldn’t mind singing something for us.” Mr. Brigghtes said.
“Yeah, sure just as long as someone from the class goes first, how about your best, I’m probably better anyway.” I said in a tone that says ‘don’t even bother you’ll just end up losing’.
“Well, I guess we’ll take that challenge.” He said to me.”Alicia please come up here and defend your title.” He said gesturing to a girl in the second row. She was tall and had brown hair flowing all around her head. She wore a simple white dress shirt and black skirt. One would say she was quite beautiful but in my eyes she was the type of person who would do anything o get what she wanted… not a problem for me.

I took a step off to the side of the stage and sipped my slushy as she took her place and began to sing. She sang ‘Grenade’ by Bruno Mars on piano. Not a hard song to beat. She began to sing and I noticed that she’s taking too many breaths and it’s hard to hear what she’s saying. This win is going to be easy.
When she finished Mr. Brigghtes looked a little bit proud. If I where her music teacher I would be ashamed.

“Is she really your best?” I asked.
“Yes isn’t she magnificent.” Mr. Brigghtes replied.
“To tell you the truth… she sounded like she was having an asthma attack.” I said with a bored expression on my face.
“Well since you think you can do better lets see what you can do miss hypocritical.” Alicia said.
“It would be my pleasure.” I said with the same bored expression on my face. “Prepare to be blown away.” I said to the rest of the class.

I grabbed a guitar and walked to center stage. I looked up at the class and began to sing and play the song ‘Hiding my heart away’ by Adele.

When I finished everyone fell silent.

“That was ..that was incredible,, you sound amazing, you where right, you are the schools new best.” Mr. Brigghtes said.
“Told you, good bye people I have blown away with my awesomeness.” I said to the still silent class.

And just like that I walked out of the music department and went home without anyone telling me I can’t.
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my first chapter...tell me what you think and if you have any suggestions on what should happen in the next chapter.