Status: In progress, slowly . . .


In closets and offices

Blake POV

I charged at Chase and rammed him into the wall; he hit his head on the side and lost consciousness.

“No lady deserves to be treated that way.” I said angrily to his unconscious body. I turned to Courtney, she looked shocked and scared.

“What have you done?” She asked. “Oh, he’s going to be mad, very mad, he’s going to hit me harder . . . oh, no, no, no . . .” She said distressed.

“Courtney, why didn’t you tell anyone? What he’s doing is illegal. He should be tossed in jail.” No girl should be treated this way, it’s just wrong.

“I can’t tell anyone! I know I shouldn’t be, but I’m in love with him! I can’t help it, and even if he hits me at least he gives me some attention!” She shouted at me.

“What the fuck! So what if you’re in love with the bastard! You should worry about your own safety! What if he decides to beat you to death some day?” She was silent, she had no answer. “Let’s get you out of here before he wakes up, he doesn’t even deserve to be punched, he’s too low for that.” I dragged her out by her elbow.

Courtney POV

“No, I can’t its going to be worse if he finds out I left.” I didn’t want to be hit, even though I know Blake is right, I can’t keep away from Chase.

“It’s already worse! He loves hitting you. It gives him some sadistic pleasure! It’s going to get worse no matter what you do, just stay by my side, he won’t be able to hit you.” I guess it will get worse, but I love him, I can’t break up with him. “No, Courtney, you’re not going back to him, I may have just met you, but even I can see you deserve way better than him!” How’d he know that I was going to go back? He pulled me after him to the principal’s office.

“No, Blake, no. Please.” He just glared at me, a glare that’s worse than Chase’s, he was going to take me there even if I don’t want to go, and he was going to make me confess. I stayed quiet and followed him.

“Mr. Grey?” He said as we entered the principal’s office. The old, chubby man poked his head out from under his desk. “We have a problem.”

“Yes, what is it? Surely she didn’t do anything to you?” Blake shook his head.

“That’s not it, I caught Chase hitting her in the janitor’s closet and I knocked him out before he could hurt her more.” Mr. Grey looked shocked. I on the other hand broke down in tears. It finally hit me. I was abused, for Chase’s pleasure. I broke down.

“But I don’t see any marks.”

“Can I have a wet wipe, please?” Blake asked, as soon as he got one, he gently removed my makeup. Blake might have the glare of a lion, but he can be as gentle as a butterfly. All my blue and red marks were slowly revealed as Blake removed my makeup. How’d he know it was there?

“My word! What a tragedy! And this was happening, right under my nose? I’m so sorry dear, for not noticing, no girl should be treated this way.” I just continued to sob, Blake held me. He felt so warm, and safe. It felt like no one could hurt me when I’m with him. “Blake, please go get Chase for me.” Blake left and returned, after a few awkward minutes with the principal.
“Sir, he’s not there anymore.” Blake said, he sounded angry. He lifted his hand . . . it was moving towards me, I flinched . . . a reflex, I guess. He gently placed his hand on my head; he had sorrow in his eyes. “Sir, do you mind if I take her home? I’ll start school tomorrow, promise.”

“Son, you don’t know where she lives.” Blake looked at the principal with a smile.
“She’s my new neighbor, sir.” The principal nodded.

“Fine, take her home and see that she gets first aid, you can start school tomorrow, I’ll let both of your classes know and I’ll notify your parents. I’ll also set out a search for Chase and call his parents. I’ll see you tomorrow.” With that Blake and I left for my house. When we arrived he gently cleaned and bandaged the wounds that needed it.

“How can you be so harsh, yet so gentle?” I asked him, he looked shocked and then smiled . . . such a breathtaking smile.

“I guess it’s because, I don’t like hurting people unless I have to, plus my mom taught me, and I had to take care of my younger siblings, they’re only six.”

“How’d you know about the marks?”

“When you asked me to not go to the principal’s office I noticed them, they were well concealed, but it’s just one of those things you know?”

“So, you weren’t glaring at me, but the bruises?” He smiled and nodded.

“I would never glare at you, you don’t deserve it.”

“Why are you so nice? You look like you were popular in your old school. A bit of a jerk, too.” He laughed, it sounded like music to me.

“No. Not at all. I pissed off the school Bitch and she turned everyone against me, I never had any friends.” He blushed “Do you want to . . . be my first friend.” He asked shyly, how could I deny such a request?

“Of course I will.” I smiled at him, and he gave me another one of his breathtaking smiles.
♠ ♠ ♠
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