Status: Love spells Revenge eventually


The Smell Of Revenge

He has me here in this invisible cage that I hold the key to. Instead of my freedom, I ask of him to throw away the key. I watched the metal fall deep into the abyss in which we would soon fall into. It is so dark down here, so pitch black that I can no longer see my own hands. I whimper at my own inner pain because it...he is too strong for me to contain. Those nocturnal eyes of his pierced my soul so deeply that I was instantly hooked. My tears were those of a lustful pain as we became one in this cage.

I kissed him tonight; never have I felt such coldness against my lips. Even in its coldness, I felt a hot passion. Now, I have gone mad..... Save me with your kiss, that sweet serenity of cold peace, dark tranquility. My heart is not okay, it is...unable to love with your words. Words of life, words of pure love. How I have fallen so deep into this trench, into this abyss. Someone get the defibrillator for soon my life with belong to him and his kiss of death. It is a delicious infection that has left me dead inside. What life do I have left? What sanity? He has taken it all with his greedy selfishness. He is a monster; a damned villain in my tragic story. Yet I stay in his arms, his grasp. Free me for I am a trapped demon in his personal Hell. My hands bleed as I clench onto the bars of my cage with all my damn might. The bars are made of thorns picked off of a rose of love. This was all from a moment, from a second of unity. I kissed him tonight; never have I felt such a darkness against my lips.

Now we are in the wake of destruction; the sun making sure to wake us from our slumber. My muscle's memory brings me to the tile plated bathroom; a place where light ceased to exist. I couldn't even look in the mirror because I felt so crazy about this. What situation have I found myself in? There was no doubt that my heart was no longer my own, but I do question my sanity. He put his hands on my bare body as I leaned over the sink in a lone depression. His lips on my neck were a perfect sense of peace.

The moment was ruined by the ringing of our house phone. We let it go to answering machine, making steam on the mirror in the bathroom. A female's voice came through the speakers, bearing his name. I stop him for a moment to listen to this familiar female's voice. It was the voice of a long time friend, now a down to Hell enemy. She spoke of hot, rough sex with the man whose arms I am in at this moment. Her words were so disgusting to hear and her invitation at the end only sounded like her death to me. I look at him; a man who had lost everything in his life, everything that was close to him.

I know how it feels to be so...distant from one person, but how could you stoop so low as to slice me open with my own knife of truth? It was sharp; it cut straight through me. My blood is proof of a lie; proof of a false and poisoned truth. My last breaths are drowned by blood. Why is this? I sharpened the own knife that ended my life. A beast that had turned on its master. Be it that I made a monster, I am no creator, no maker of anything but death. I am struggling to see what my heart sees; its eyes are filled with blindness, with wrong. That same knife of truth cut them from their core before it cut into my chest. We used to be friends, family, but now I am nothing but dead meat to you. Season me up right and toss me on the grill. Be sure not to overcook me for I taste worse when I am burnt in the fires of Hell. You tell me I was wrong; that you were the only light I should has seen in this darkness and my reply...I know how it feels to be so...dead.

He begged and pleaded so desperately with me as I took my simple possessions. His once sweet words were now screechy music in my non-tolerate ears. Was I that stupid as to not see that he lusted for another? Was I truly that blind? My new enemy would sure be the first this new found rage that has been unlocked inside of me. He better warn her because if she's there when I happen to stroll by her house, the best surgeons in this world will not be able to put her face back together again.

I carried no bag, just my cellphone, my wallet, and my car keys. The aviators over my eyes covered my forming tears as I lifted up my car door and plopped in. I clutch onto the steering wheel after closing the door just to feel something real again. The power my vehicle released when I stuck the key into it and made it moan brought power to my fingertips. Cars honked and swerved as I made my way through the blanked streets.

My hands are burning; an internal flame that is vividly scorching in my blood stream. I cannot control it, it cannot be contained. This anger is so bad, so high in the clouds of despair. It kisses the devil's metal ring. Ow my lips have burned from the connection of our lips. My name is the first in his books, all of them. I take up an entire page with my signature; every character its own vein in my body. Heat has become nothing to me now, just a simple flame in the core of my brain. Those fucked up nerves in my so-called cranium are loosing their electricity, their power. Soon I will be nothing but fire; a constant flame in the world's ice. I laugh at those who freeze in the world's coldness. You fools, freezing like little peasants while us rich demons feast on nothing but your fear. Sometimes the heat is too much. My hands are burning.