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Pink tux to the prom, what is this the 1980's?

Fast forward to the 80’s

Speeding through the parking garage while its raining and you’re wasted off your ass isn’t very smart, but when did Jeremy Alexander, Briden Tyler James, Cassie Marie James, and Huey Trey Jackson , do anything bright? Yeah that’s right, never.

So here we are getting drunk and fighting about which ninja turtle could kick which Ghost busters ass and how. that’s when Austin “Milkweed” Thompson noticed some really foxy girls get out of a sweet candy red Chevrolet Corvette. So we did what any young group of Stealer guys would do, we did wolf calls and ear splitting whistles only for those babes to glare at us and stalk off all pissed.

That’s what we did all summer long, we lived without a care, and thought what could go wrong? That was until we graduated and moved apart. Gosh I miss those days when our favorite band was Tears for Fears, but I guess I should tell you why I keep thinking back to those days.

Well my name is Mark David Zane the third but my buds like to call me “Duck”, I’m at the ripe age of 39 and I work at Kinkos. Yeah bro, I’m living the dream, huh? Not so much, I wish I could go back in time, maybe I’d do things differently… That’s not ever going to happen though. I’m going to work at this dead end job till I die, live with my parents and never have anything to show for all this wasted life.
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Idk, eh, It is what it is...