Status: A work in progress.


Chapter One

Steana sat under the great peach tree beside her queen. She didn't say a word as the women around her chatted quietly, mostly gabbing about her Majesty's beauty. Instead, she listened politely and absorbed her surroundings. Being appointed to the court was a great honour, but Steana felt she didn't quite fit in just yet. The women were all kind to her and she had assimilated fairly well, though she supposed that was partially due to her usual quiet nature. Steana smiled slightly at the loveliness of the area. The air was warm and soft, smelling strongly of the sweet peach nectar. All of the courtiers were beautiful and dressed in light coloured, delicate clothing. When she closed her eyes and inhaled, though, she noticed the chattering had stopped and the air seemed to stiffen.

Opening her great, amethyst eyes, she saw the reason why. Striding toward the tree was Fiern, head night from the dark, or Star, court. Enemy of Steana's beloved Earth Court. He was a magnificent creature, even beyond his light golden hair and his eyes that shone like the purest, cleanest copper that could be found. She knew because she spoke with him once, before she was appointed to the court. It was a memory which she cherished, but shared with none. A memory always brought back by the few appearance he made in the Earth Court.

Steana had only been a mere commoner at the time and, in an effort to get out of Fiern's way as he was leaving, she'd slipped and fallen in the mud. The thin, slick mud had coated the front of her dress and face. Grumbling in annoyance with herself, she'd started to stand when she saw a hand by her face. Fiern had bent down and was actually offering to help her up. Steana's eyes had gone wide and she'd blushed as she took his hand, slicking it with mud.

"Are you alright? That was quite an interesting spill you took. I cannot be certain I've ever seen such a fall." Fiern had said with a smile, something both gorgeous and terrifying.

Steana'd stood, bowing and mumbling an apology for being in the way. The sound of his laugh had startled her, causing her to jump slightly. It wasn't the sound she'd been expecting. Not even close.

"Careful there. We don't want you to take another fall. And don't be absurd. You're not at fault here, nor are you in my way." His face had still been light and approachable when he leaned close to her, whispering in her ear. "If anything, I'd blame that wretched queen of yours." Fiern'd said with a wink. And at that, he'd straightened up, patted Steana on the head, replaced his smile with a look of stern blankness, and left.

Steana reached up and touched her cheek. Two years had passed, but she could still feel the heat of his breath against her face. She still shivered anytime she thought on it.

Still thinking of that encounter, Steana's eyes wandered to Sirani, her queen, as the Star Knight bowed in greeting to the Earth Court's figurehead. Remembering not to stare, Steana turned her gaze down and willed herself not to listen. Eavesdropping wasn't polite and it wasn't what courtiers did. Or they at least weren't to get caught doing so, but that seldom stopped the others from doing it.

"Fiern," Sirani said politely, though the smile usually residing in her voice sounded forced and hard, "I'd say it's always a pleasure, but as you well know, we fey cannot lie." This time the smile was real, she sounded amused with herself.

Steana looked up, curious as she was, but Fiern's strong expression hadn't shifted in the slightest. He didn't seem to notice the words of the queen.

"My lord sends me regarding the recent battle upon the Grassy Knoll. He has observed that both sides suffered a rather hefty loss. He ponders whether you might consider taking a break from the war. He tells me to make it clear that he is in no way yet discussing a treaty. However, he finds that both courts would benefit from some time away from being ravaged by war. Not to mention, it is of popular belief that neither court could afford another such battle. I have been sent as a token of the need for rest and momentary peace." As he spoke, his expression did not waver. Fiern looked more bored than anything, but when he finished speaking, he smiled. As if he was trying to sell his point.

There was a pause and Steana looked away, not wanting to get caught, nor hear what Sirani's response was. Steana's sister was killed in the very battle of which Fiern had spoken. She desperately hoped Sirani would agree.

"Tell Hirot that I accept his proposition. We shall put the war on hiatus for the next year. The year will be used to recoup and if, before a year passes, one court attacks the other, they will forfeit the lands and subjects under their rule to the other. Furthermore, if one court attacks, the crown will then be exiled from the expanse of both courtlands." Sirani declared, surely daring Fiern to object to her terms.

Fiern chuckled, a warm, liquid sound. "I am certain he will agree, considering the terms he stated were the same. You are more like your brother than you will ever admit." He flashed the queen a smile, bowed once more, and, plucking a low-hanging peach from the tree, headed off.

Steana let out a breath she hadn't realised she'd been holding and watched Fiern leave. Whispers of the hiatus spread around her, but she couldn't make herself care about the gossip. She excused herself quietly and stood. She followed Fiern and tapped him on his shoulder. He turned around, hand on his sword and poised to attack, but after looking Steana over, he seemed to relax.

"Yes?" He asked, raising a golden eyebrow so that it disappeared under some curls that passed over his forehead. "What is it?"

"I'm Steana." She said softly, unsure why she'd followed him in the first place.

"It's nice to make your acquaintance, but I really must be going, Miss Steana." Fiern crinkled his face slightly in confusion.

"I just wanted to thank you. I realise you're only here under the orders of your king, but still. Thank you. Please thank His Majesty for me, too." Steana said with a smile. She remembered how scared she'd felt upon their first encounter. So scared she'd never had the courage to thank him for helping her up.

"I will make sure to do so." Fiern nodded, his gaze raking over Steana's face. "Do I perhaps know you? How long have you been a courtier here?"

"Just under a month. Though I must admit, we've spoken once before. I slipped and fell in the mud. You helped me up." Steana tried to neither blush, nor look directly into Fiern's fierce eyes.

"Aha! Of course! That's where I've seen those eyes. Such an extraordinary colour. Quite hard to forget, if I may say so myself." Fiern chuckled and gently patted Steana's shoulder. "You seemed so terrified at the time."

"Well, you're a fairly imposing and intimidating character. I didn't wish to anger you by being in your way." This time Steana couldn't keep the fire from crawling up onto her face. The heat of his hand seemed to burn through her thin, silken dress.

"I've heard that of myself, honestly. I suppose it's to be expected. Disappointing, but a natural opinion." He seemed to pause for a moment, caught in his own thoughts. "Anyway, Miss Steana, I must be going. It was a pleasure speaking with you. I'll be sure to pass your message onto my lord." Fiern smiled and turned, walking off and leaving Steana standing in complete awe.