‹ Prequel: Russian Roulette



“Mckayla Jolene Garland.” David smiled waiting for me to start writing. Once I did he continued, “You were born in Colorado, Kyle Even, the blonde that visits you… he was a toddler when you were born. I guess your moms were best friends so you literally grew up together.” He adjusted himself in his seat, “Your mother’s name is Laura Bennett, your father’s is Jace Garland.” His face became uneasy, “But he walked out on you guys when you were a baby, so he doesn’t count.”
I stopped writing, “Why did he leave?”
He cleared his throat, “You know… I don’t know, I guess he wasn’t man enough. That’s why Kyle’s family stepped in so much.”
“What does that make you? My cousin or something?” I looked into his beautiful eyes trying to remember them.
He shook his head and chuckled, “Kyle and I are in a band, I met you through him. We’ve known each other for a while now, we were pretty close,” his eyes became dark, “You always came to me when Kyle and you were fighting, which in the events leading to the accident was a lot.”
“What about Tattoos?” I sat up becoming more and more interested with the story he was telling.
“Oliver Sykes, lead singer of a British band.” He seemed uneasy, ruffling his dark hair, “You actually don’t have much history with him.”
I shook, “I don’t? He kisses me every time he’s here…”
David frowned, “He does?” he started ruffling his hair again, “Well you guys had a fling at this tour we were both in. Kyle didn’t really approve of him, that’s why you guys were fighting. And you were drugging yourself…that too.” He stopped to look over at the crook of my elbow.
I looked over at the same spot, I didn’t see anything wrong.
“You were injecting yourself with pain killers.” He frowned.
I wrote it down quickly, “This is going to be so useful!” I smiled
“Anything else before they kick me out?” he seemed sincere.
I took a moment to think through all the questions I had in my head, “Why doesn’t Kyle like Oliver?”
David chuckled under his breath, “Honestly, Kyle hasn’t liked any of your boyfriends. Sure, some had good reason.” He laughed, “But Oli isn’t a bad guy. If you ask me, it’s because he’s in love with you. No guy can be friends with a beautiful girl his entire life and not feel any romantic attraction towards her.”
I smiled, “That makes sense I guess, he makes me feel safe.”
David smiled, “That’s Kyle for you.”
“Mckayla, that was 20 minutes.” Hilary walked in and stood next to me.
I watched David stand up and hold his arms open, welcoming me in. I smiled and walked into him wrapping my arms around him. He was warm and pleasant, his smell was inviting. I took a moment memorizing him, I had to remember him, he seemed to be the only person telling me the truth about anything, “Thank you.” I said into his chest.
“You’re welcome.” He kissed the top of my head, “I’ll be back to see you soon.” He said letting go.
I nodded as the security guard escorted him out a pair of silver doors. I happily gathered my notebook and pen taking Hilary’s side.
“Useful information?” she smiled pushing another button on the wall.
I nodded, hiding my notebook on the inside pocket of my robe, “He answered all my questions.”
“That’s great, hopefully it’ll trigger something.” She rubbed my back as we walked down the long white corridor back to the commons.
“I hope so.”
Once inside I saw Tasha remove her gaze from the television and smile towards me, “Henry!”
I hurried my way towards her and took my spot next to her on the couch, “He told me everything!” I gripped her arms the way David had gripped me.
Her white teeth gleamed, “You can get out of here now!”
My smile faded, that would mean leaving my best friend. I would leave her in here alone, no one else would watch over her, “I don’t want to leave you.”
“Don’t be silly.” She laughed waving my comment away, “Once you’re out you can find out about me.”
“I don’t even know your real name,” I frowned
“I know who does,” her brown eyes made their way towards Hilary, “Come on, all we need is my name. Once you’re out you can find out about me and tell me!”
I grew excited, “You’re right. Tomorrow morning when she’s taking me to see Blondie I’ll ask for the favor.”
Tasha nodded and stood behind me, she pulled out a brush and started cleaning up my hair, “So what did he tell you? What’s your real name?”
“Mckayla Jolene Garland.” I smiled feeling Tasha start French braiding my hair.
“What about the guys that visit you?”
“Apparently… Tattoos and I don’t have much history.” I furrowed my eyebrows remembering everytime he kissed my lips and caressed my face.
“And Blondie?”
“I grew up with him, he’s known me my entire life.”
Tasha finished my braid and sat back down next to me, “Everything will be okay Mckayla, you’ll be out soon.”
I furrowed my eyebrows at Tasha, she had never called me Mckayla. It had always been Henry, “I’ll get you out too. And we’ll go shopping and we’ll eat at fancy restaurants and get to live our life.” I grabbed her cold hands.
Her smile faced me again, “I know you will.”