A Three Way (but Not the Dirty Kind... Or Is It?)

Chapter One

Finn? Finn Hudson? I looked down at my phone as I walked to my car. He doesn’t call me. He hates me.
“Hello? Finn?” I answered surprised.
“Blaine, get to McKinley. Quick.” The line went dead. I stood wide-mouthed in the driveway with the phone still pressed to my ear for a few seconds before it sunk in. The only reason Finn would call me was if something happened. Something bad. Something that involved me; something happened to Kurt.

I was lying in the middle of the hallway, bleeding and scared. A crowd began to form around me. I curled up into a ball, hoping it would make this all go away. This is my fault; I deserve to be beaten up. How could I do that? I knew why… I would never admit it to myself, though. The voice of someone yelling pierced through my thoughts.

I rushed to McKinley as fast as humanly possible. I practically ran over that only lady crossing the street. After I got though all the horrific traffic, I was in the McKinley parking lot.

“Mr. Schuster!” the voice yelled. “It’s Kurt! It doesn’t look too good.” Moments later, I feel someone grab my hand. I tried to open my eyes to look at them, but it was like they were broken. They wouldn’t budge.
“Hey!” they screamed. “Don’t just stand there! CALL AN AMBULENCE!” It was my step-brother, Finn. “Kurt, can you hear me?! I just-I wanted you to know that Blaine’s on his way, okay?!”

The first thing I saw a stretcher being carried onto an ambulance. “Kurt!” I exclaimed as I bolted out of my car to the front of the school. Someone’s arm stretched out to stop me mid-stride. Falling to my knees in frustration, I buried my face in my hands. Not crying, just upset.
“Blaine,” the person that stopped me said in monotone. I looked up, way up; it was Finn.
“Finn- What-what happened?!” I implored frantically. Finn didn’t say a single word, but when he walked off, I got the feeling he wanted me to follow him. He stopped at a car-his car-and got in. I mimicked. Not another word left his mouth until we reached out destination, the Lima Heights Emergency Room.
“We’re here to see Kurt Elizabeth Hummel. I’m his brother, Finn Hudson, and this is his boyfriend,” Finn explained to the receptionist, jutting a thumb in my direction. She glanced at me, pondered for a moment, then got up and led us down a long hallway. We stopped at a door. Room 394.
When I saw him lying, motionless, and bloody, it didn’t look like my boyfriend. I scurried over to him, completely ignoring Finn as he ignored me. I held Kurt’s hand, pressing it against my cheek. It was ice cold. I sat like that, motionless, just as he, until he came to.

Everything that just happened must have been a dream because I woke up to Blaine looking down on me, sitting at my bed side. I then realized it wasn’t. He had a troubled expression on his face and I was connected to all sorts of tubes and monitors.

When Kurt woke up, I was relieved.
“Blaine? I’m so sorry…” he murmured, half-asleep. What would he be sorry about…?
“I’m so sorry…So, so sorry,” he began to cry. “So sorry,”
“…Why would you be sorry, babe?” He was crying too hard to continue.

I was blubbering so much, that I couldn’t speak. I felt exactly like a small child that just scraped up their arm, sobbing so profusely that nothing that was said was coherent. Blaine was so lost by my actions, all he could do was grab me and hold me tightly and silent.

After ten minutes, he finally calmed down enough to confine his story.
“I wasn’t thinking, Blaine. I’m sorry,” he said, face suppressed in my blazer.
Rubbed his back, “Sweetie, I swear, it’s okay. Tell me your story.”
He looked up at me, sniffed, wiped his face with the back of his sleeve then shakily said, “I-I, I told Rachel about, a-a about, K-Karofsky.” He shoved his face back down in my jacket again and wept. My jaw dropped. If he told Rachel, the whole school would know in approximately 5.2 minutes. Why would he do that? He told me that would be too heartless.
“Kurt,” I pealed him off me so I could look him in the eye. “Why would you do that?”
He tried to avoid my glance, but I held his chin, “Kurt.”
His stare at me was dead on, “I… don’t know.” I knew there was something else, but I couldn’t place it.
I think this was too much for him; he passed out in my arms. I stood up and gently laid him down on the gurney. “This conversation isn’t over,” I whispered in his ear as I kissed him good bye.
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I think Blaine talked a little too much in this, sorry. :D