Status: Attempting to revive this story

Tear Down the Cobwebs

Chapter 2

It had been a hectic few weeks getting ready for Warped. We’d spent a week in the same city, getting extra merch ready and trying to find paying give to earn gas money for the tour. Figuring out how to fit everything in the van with enough room for the five of us took another week, but somehow we worked it all out, and we were waiting to meet with the coordinators.

Our little van looked so small and pitiful next to the RVs and buses the other bands had. But this was all we could afford, and we were on Warped Tour. This wasn't going to be too much fun though, seeing as we didn’t have a merch-person. Our days were going to consist of setting up our tent and taking turns running it, taking it down and performing, the setting the tent back up before packing whatever was left in the van. Maybe we’d get lucky and someone would let us borrow an extra person; at least while we were performing.

All the bands had to meet this morning to get the passes and the schedule for when and where we were playing every day. I watched as many of the bands greeted each other, but we were the new ones, having only played in small venues with up and coming bands. I stood by Aaron in the back our group, waiting for everything to be passed out and whatever speeches had to be made so I could climb back in our van and sleep. It took close to two hours and a cup of coffee magically produced by Blake, but I stayed awake through all of it.

“You’re going to have a hard time being a nocturnal creature for the next few months,” Aaron said as we walked back to the van.

I shrugged my shoulders, climbing in. “I’ll find a way. You know that.” Aaron nodded in agreement. “Come get me up for this little party tonight where we’re supposed to meet the other bands.”

“Alright, sleep while you can. I’ll be back later.”

I watched Aaron’s silhouette fade before stretching out across the set, pulling my blanket over my head. The tinted windows kept it dark, but not dark enough for me. Despite the coffee I’d had so recently, I fell asleep instantly.

Several hours later...

“If you don’t get up you can’t have more coffee.” It was so tempting, but I was comfortable and actually getting some decent sleep for once. And as much as I loved my coffee, I’d had some earlier so I could resist it now. Pulling the blanket tighter around me, I tried going back to sleep. But Aaron wasn’t giving up. “Nope, you’re getting up,” he said, tugging the blanket. “C’mon Hailey, you need to start getting used to being up during the day. And not only that, but you can’t be an anti-social creature on this tour.”

“I’m not anti-social, I just don’t like people,” I mumbled. I rolled onto my back so I could see Aaron. “And why can’t I be nocturnal? I can drive at night, then sleep between shows and helping sell the merch.”

Aaron shook his head. “We’re not paying another ticket because you were driving without a license. And we’re going to have signings and photo shoots during the day that we need you awake for.”

“Okay, so I’ll sign the posters beforehand and I can be photo shopped into the photos.” Again Aaron shook his head. Since things weren’t going my way, I decided to go back to sleep.

“Hailey, get up,” Aaron whined, tugging at the blanket again. “If you don’t get up and start getting ready right now, I’m drinking your coffee myself.”

I shot up at that, instantly regretting it as the blood rushed to my head. “You wouldn’t,” I hissed, turning to glare at him. “You don’t even have coffee for me!” Aaron wasn’t holding any in his hands, and the cup holders were empty.

“That’s because it’s being made fresh. You’ll get it when you join everyone else. Now get ready.” With that, he climbed out of the van, but I could see him leaning his back against the window.

Within five minutes I’d fixed my hair and make-up. Aaron hadn’t moved, so I climbed into the front of the van and let myself out the driver’s door. I closed it quietly behind me and watched Aaron. When he was looking the other way, I ran around the van, leaning against it next to Aaron. I didn’t say anything as I waited for him to turn around. It took a minute, but when Aaron finally turned back around, he jumped at least two feet in the air.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” Aaron asked. “You almost gave me a heart attack.”

“There are lots of things wrong with me,” I replied, smiling innocently up at him. “You should know by now that there’s not enough time to list everything. So, can we go get my coffee now?” Without another word he linked arms with me and led me through the buses.

“Bloorgh,” Aaron said randomly.

“Hey, don’t make fun of my uncle,” I replied. A few feet from us I saw Hunter, Blake, and Zach talking to three people in black with their backs to us.

“I didn’t do anything to your apple.”

“How many times do I have to tell you this? They only follow me around when they want to go to the carnival.” Aaron and I ignored the confused looks we were getting from the three I could now identify as Chris Motionless, Angelo Parente, and Ricky Horror. The fan girl in me had to resist the urge to hug them forever.

Hunter sighed. “You’ll have to excuse these two; Aaron is getting used to being off his meds and Hailey was recently released from the psych ward of the hospital.”

“Yes, but you were the one to sign the paperwork to release me,” I said.

“Here, shut up and drink your coffee before you get sent back,” Blake said, handing me the cup he’d been holding. “It’s special,” he added with a wink.

I raised an eyebrow, suspicious. “What did you do to it?” I asked.

“Why do you assume I did anything to it?”

“Blake, this is you we’re talking about,” I said. “Why wouldn’t I be suspicious when you say my coffee is special?”

“Hailey, just drink it,” Hunter cut in. I obliged, taking a small sip. I’d burned my tongue way too many times already by drinking coffee before it had had a chance to cool off.

“It’s hazelnut!” I squealed. Very few of the gas stations we stopped at had hazelnut flavoring for their coffee.

“They said you’d like it,” Ricky said. “I stocked up on it before we left.”

I nodded. “I might have to steal some. And a coffeepot,” I said, forgetting there was nowhere to plug one in on our van.

“You don’t have to steal it, I’ll share whenever you want,” Ricky said, smiling. Damn, that smile made me want to hug him…or more. I sipped my coffee as everyone else talked about something I wasn’t paying attention to. It wasn’t long before I got bored just standing there. Looking up, I saw Ricky watching me.

“Do you want to go walk around?” he asked. "We have some time to kill before catering sets up."

I nodded. I've always had way more energy than I know what to do with, and I can’t do anything with it by standing in one place. "Sounds good to me. The only people I know here are my band and the voices in my head, and currently they're all ignoring me,” I said, glaring at Aaron. Usually he was the one who made sure I didn't drift off somewhere on my own when I got too bored.

“I’ve never found voices in my head the best company. But if you want, I’ll walk around with you. I nodded in agreement, and we left the group.

“Bye you two,” Chris yelled after us. “Have fun together!”

“And remember to use a condom,” Aaron added. I saw Ricky blushing slightly, and I flipped Aaron off without turning around.

“We already know what you’re going to do, you don’t need to tell us,” Aaron shouted.

I rolled my eyes. “Will someone please remind me why he’s my best friend?”

“You two aren’t together?” Ricky asked, looking somewhat surprised.

I shook my head. This wasn't the first time someone had thought that way about us. “No, he’s my unofficial twin; that would just be weird."
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