Status: A contest entry for Angel of Vengeance.

Any Kind Of Guy

Know what's inside your head

Most people would say photography isn't a steady career. Those people are wrong. I'm doing very well with my profession as a photographer. I've met some of the nicest people with this job. I used to travel around to take photos of a band called Never the End. Sadly they had a big falling out. That's when I had to think fast and think of something to get me that pay check at the end of the day.

Oops. Perhaps I should rewind a bit. My name is Skylar Mae Pawlak. I'm sure some of you realized the initials of my name, backwards, spells out PMS. That alone should tell you how high school was for me. Well, for those of you who aren't the brightest, it was shit. Yes, it was. I mean it definitely is a great character builder.

My father was barely around. When he was, he would always leave a sour taste in my mouth. Soon he found another wife and now has a perfect life, while I rotted in the hell hole I called home. My mother was a tragedy. I was eleven when my mom finally decided to re-marry. I didn't know the guy all too well but, he did get arrested almost a year later. My mother just gave up on life then. That's where my grandmother takes place. She was the one to raise me as I am now.

I think I got sidetracked again. I was talking about photography. I wanted to tell you the tale of a love story. My love story to be exact. I won't blooper any of this either. I'm going to be honest and tell it how I remember how it came to be.


It was early one Saturday morning when I got the call. I never was one for waking up before 8 am. I of course answered the call. I was still in bed when my arm flung from under the sheets to the telephone.

"Hello?" my voice still raspy from sleep. My head still rested on the pillow, eyes still shut tight.

"Skylar Pawlak?" a female voice questioned from the device in my hand.

"Yes, it is. How may I assist you?" I replied annoyed that I was being woken up at such an ungodly hour.

"Well, it's nice of you to answer your phone," the voice of my boss rang.

I instantly woke up. Was I supposed to be at work today? Shit! I am totally screwed, "Yes, Ms. Bryar."

"You have to be in today. Did you know that we have a band coming in for a photo session in two hours? You should have been here already," she said before the phone went dead.

My entire body flung from under the sheets. I got ready in the usual fashion I'm used to. First shower, get dressed, then have a cigarette. I didn't even have time to eat. I checked my watch to see the time. It was almost nine o'clock. I sighed as I grabbed my things and headed to the studio. I was currently working for a stupid teen magazine that had stories on Disney and nickelodeon stars. Even though I hated this job with my entire being I had to do it. I was only twenty and needed to get that pay check.

I lived in California all by myself. I know I should probably get a room mate but, I had trust issues. Not to mention I didn't have super tan skin, bleach blond hair, and wear expensive clothes. I was a girl you might find on the streets of New York. At least that's what people tell me.

I finally parked the car and rushed in the studio. I put my things down as I went to go get some coffee. By time it was done, I had to urge to have another cigarette. I pushed the urge aside and ate a bagel first. I had to be as focused as I possibly can. Even though this magazine was for teens and pre-teens, it was run by huge assholes.

"Skylar!" I heard my manager's angry call.

"Yes, ma'am?" I turned to be face to face with her. She was not pleased. I could tell that much.

"Are you set up and ready?"

"Uh, just about, "Yes," I nodded.

"Well, the group is here a half hour early. Finish whatever you are doing. They don't have time to wait for you to dilly dally," she said then turned on her four inch black pumps and scurried off to her office.

She waited for one. It was my first time being late and I was already on her shit list. Not to mention I've been working here a month. I guess she expected more from since I loved what I do. Sure, I loved being a photographer. I also loved sleeping, dammit!

"Alright guys," I heard a chipper voice in the distance, "My name is Stacy. I'll be your stylist. Come with me and I will give you the outfits for the photo."

I mini barfed at her cheerfulness. How can someone be that happy all the God damn time? Seeing her puts me on the edge. Well, most of the crew here do. Either they're too chipper or just plain douche bags!

I got a good look at the group and it consisted of four guys. Two obviously tall and two shorter ones. I was five foot nine so, I like taller guys. One looked far too much like a pre-Madonna. His hair was silky and his cocky smirk needed to be slapped off his face. The shortest one was Hispanic, I think. His skin was a mocha color and his smile was pure. He was adorable. Adorable in a cute little brother way though. The second shortest with brown spiky hair and small dimples did not smile. I was thankful for that. His hands were in his pockets as he followed Stacy. The last one and second tallest in the bunch had sand colored hair and thick eyebrows. He gave the girl a half smile and I saw a hint of a dimple. His arms were crossed over his chest as he followed. He scanned the room and his eyes landed on me. I furrowed my brows as I stared back at him. The only way to scare someone off is to just stare back. His gaze averted in front of him. He and the rest of them disappeared behind the curtain to the wardrobe.

From the stare he shot me, I saw his green-gray eyes. His eyes showed curiosity. It was then when, for the first time in a long time, I was curious. His blank stare was intriguing.

"Hey, photographer," I heard a yell. I turned around, "get your shit together."

"Suck it, you asshole."

"When and where baby."

"In your mothers bedroom."

"My mother's dead, bitch!" he sounded offended.

"So is mine! We should have a fucking party."

I turned to see the four guys stare at me and the man yell at each other. I motioned for them to take their place. They did so, without hesitation. Good, I scared them.

I grabbed a camera from the table and walked over to the set that had been made. It was a blank screen. Later on there will font and such added. The design team for the magazine aren't too shabby either. The only thing is they are the other side of the building.

Before I could even snap one photo, I heard my boss call me, "Skylar!"

I removed the camera from my face and turned to see my boss storm over to me.

"Oh shit," I mumbled.

"Skylar," her face was scrunched in anger, "we need to talk."

I said nothing as I lowered the camera, "Look Jane it's not like we have all the time in the world. Can it wait?"

"No, it can't!"

I sighed and placed the camera on the table it had been before. I then followed Ms. Bryar. I could feel the anger wafting over to me.

"I heard what you said Ms. Pawlak. I don't think it was very professional," he hands went to her hips.

"What? The argument I had with the lighting guy?"

"Yes, that one."

"I didn't even start it," I rolled my eyes.

She sighed, "I would fire you right now if we didn't have any appointments."

"I'm sorry Mrs. Bryar."

"Very well. Get back to work. You wasted enough time."

"What? You-" but I stopped as soon as I saw her eyes bulge.

"Sorry," I said and tuned to get back to work. I took the camera from the table and saw that someone had touched it.

"Can we start now?" I heard the bands manager sigh in impatience.

"Maybe if the people that work here doesn't mess with my shit," I had to get my other camera. I unzipped my bag and pulled it out. This one was better than the other and costs more. It was my baby. It was the camera I bought with my first pay check.

I walked over to the band and saw them tense. They looked really scared of me. I just rolled my eyes. I positioned myself and snapped a practice shot. It came out nice and noticed that only the one with the blond hair had smiled. I looked over at them again. His smile was now gone and he had a bored look on his face.

"Alright guys," I started, "ease up."

The guys were still tensed up.

"Seriously, you guys look so tense. Just relax. I don't bite," I gave them one of my award winning smiles.

This time they all relaxed. They settles in their usual positions and I checked my camera once more. Everything was set and I started snapping photos as the boys moved in different poses. Soon after my camera was full and the guys stopped smiling.

I was going through the photos, "hey," someone interrupted me. I looked up from my camera to see the blond guy.

"Hi," I replied.

"I could tell a fake smile to a real one. Apparently the other guys can't."

"Point being?" I rose my eyebrows.

He just shook his head with a smile and walked off to change to his own clothes.

I went to show the manager of the magazine the photos. I was curious to what this boys intentions were. What did it matter that i was only putting on an act? I was definitely intrigued by this boy. I just rolled my eyes. Idiot! He's just a pansy. Get it together!

"Good work," Mrs. Bryar snapped me from my thoughts, "this is why I push you. Your photos are excellent. You may go."

"Are there any more appointments?" I asked.

"No, you are done for today."

With that I walked out and took the camera with me. I had already given the film to the manager and I was done with work. It only took an hour to get the photos that were needed.

"Hey goth girl," I heard a remark.

"Oh, hi Jill," I fake grinned at my bosses daughter. She was fifteen and a stubborn brat.

"I thought you would have been fired by now," she flipped her long blond hair over her shoulder.

"Sorry for the disappointment," I sighed. She just snorted and turned on her heel to her mothers office.

"No one seems to like you here," a male voice echoed from behind me.

I turned, "Nope. Bye!" I waved and began to walk.

"Look, I'm sorry. Can we start over?" he grabbed my arm, "I'm Kendall," he then let go.

"I'm Skylar," I gave him an awkward look.


I woke up the next morning to a call from Kendall. The ring tone was an Incubus song, which was his favorite band. I smiled because I didn't know he changed it.

"Hey," I answered.

After the photo-shoot yesterday I spent an entire day with him. I was formerly introduced with the rest of the guys of Big time rush. This time they weren't tensed. I had a smile on my face the entire day and it was genuine.

"So, can we meet up later?"

"Don't you have rehearsals?"

"Yeah, so?" he laughed.

"Fine. At the studio?"

"Yep, you know where?"

"Of course I do," I giggled. I heard Carlos in the background making kissing noises.

"See ya," he then hung up.

I got ready as quickly as I could. This time I didn't mind waking up before eight. I showered and ate a fast bowl of cheerios. I was ready within forty minutes. I got in the car and was off to see Kendall.

To be honest, I had no idea what was going on between us. I had this strange feeling pulling at my heart. I only knew him for a day but, it didn't seem to matter. I was starting to grow feelings for him. I wasn't even sure if he felt the same way. I mean we did have fun the day we met but, I was bad with knowing if a guy liked me. Before I even realized, I was already at the studio. I parked and walked through the side door.

"hey," I heard Logan call from the couch. He had papers in his hands, which most likely had lyrics on them.

"Hi, where's Kendall?" I asked.

"Um, I think in the back room."

"Thanks," I smiled at him and walked to the back room.

When I got there I was shocked. I was not expecting to be presented with Kendall kissing another girl. I know we never were together but, it still hurt. It was the same nagging feeling in my heart. The tears didn't seem to shy away from my eyes. I didn't know what to do so, I ran.

I grabbed my car keys and sped off to my apartment. I surprisingly got there safely. I locked the car and ran up the stairs and into my apartment. Regretfully I hadn't put away the negatives from the photo-shoot I did yesterday. I, being the idiot I am, looked through them. The tears came pouring down now.

My phone rang continuously but, I didn't answer. I couldn't talk to him. I didn't wanna hear what he had to say. I wouldn't believe any excuse he gave me.

Just then there was a loud rapping at the door. I didn't get up. Had I locked the door? Shit, I didn't! Not even a second later the door creaked open.

"Sky?" his voice broke me back to heartache, "Skylar," his voice was now closer, "I'm sorry," he was now behind me. I could feel it.

I felt his arms wrap around me. The warmth of him was both comforting and deceitful. He was sitting next to me.

"Don't," I whispered. My emotions calming down.

"Please believe me when I tell you," he nestled his face in my neck, "that was my ex," I felt his own emotions, "she doesn't mean a thing to me. She kissed me. I don't care about her. She was just being devious."

"Stop," I sniffled.

"I'm sorry Sky," he let go but, I grabbed his arm.

"Don't stop," I looked over at him. His face turned when he saw me. I knew my face looked bright with color and my makeup had run down my cheeks.

"I'm so sorry," his arms twined around me once again. This time I hugged him back, with my face in his chest.

"Is it true?" I looked up at his face while he looked down.

"Yes," his eyes said it all. That's one thing I learned in the short time I spent with him. His eyes never told lies.

"Then I trust you."

"I would be any kind of guy for you," he mumbled in my ear.

"I don't want any kind of guy," I smiled, "I want you just the way you are," his lips were then on mine. And the kiss we shared would be the icing for my aching heart.
♠ ♠ ♠
Word Count: 2688

At the photo-shoot
The Next day

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X Dani