Status: Don't be a silent reader<3

The Serpents' Kiss

"O speak again, bright angel..."

Alby awoke at a pace only recognized by the elderly, half a kilometer per hour. His eyes could barely open on their own, so he sub-consciously prized them open by rubbing the tips of his 3 longest fingers across the lightly tanned area. His mind was completely blank, no memory at all, just a deep, jet blackness.

Thoughts were rapidly travelling through his mind, they wouldn’t stop, they told him that he was where he was supposed to be, he was supposedly ‘home.’ Home had always been a difficult concept for Alby to understand. What was home? Home was always with Mum and Dad, not Mum and Lachlan, not with Mum and her terrible drinking habit. He missed his Mum horribly, not the new one, the old one. The one who would smile at him when he went to school, the one who hugged him because she loved him, not the other alcoholic, Lachlan-loving demon that replaced her.

Everything ached; every single area of his body was extremely tender. Thoughts of his Mum just made it worse. He tipped his head back to relax his body and rest his throbbing mind. He turned marginally to face the roof, black walls? No windows? Completely and utterly spotless!? Where the bloody hell was he? He felt sick, really, really sick. Why was this room so empty and ancient? He was scared, for the 100th time in his life, he was scared.

He placed a hand on the flat, cold floor and tried to extend his body upwards, he tried but struggled to actually get to his feet. Wobbling slightly, he stood there for a second in a slightly tipsy-feeling haze. He remembered a dark cave, but all he could come up with was he was watching that odd scene in New Moon where Bella Swann is lying there in the hustle and bustle of a pile of leaves moaning and- okay I’ll stop now, and don’t worry, Alby hates Twilight- everyone hates Twilight.

A young woman’s voice pierced through his brain like shots of adrenaline.
‘No, you imbecile, that’s Alby err... Johnston I think. Yes, Alby Johnston. Jaculous, of course. You must’ve known that. No, that Spanish one is the rich one, Alby is the normal New Zealand kid, the one without a Dad? That’s not funny, it’s sad. I have to leave now; I’m about to see him. Yes, okay. Good-bye.’
A shudder of cold air crept through his veins, what in gods name was going on here? The young woman crept behind the door and took a deep breath, expanding her shadow on the wall from the size of a miniature pony, to the size of a fully-grown horse… odd.

She drifted around the corner, with the elegance of an angel. Dark red hair drifted down her shoulders bathing her neck in temptingly touchable hair. Alby was completely transfixed, waiting for her to speak again. He was tempted to recite some Shakespeare, ‘O speak again bright angel,’ but the sense of feeling clichéd was far to strong for him to say a thing, so he stood there and stared at this masterpiece. She walked over and spoke to him, ‘The names Aries,’ she spoke with the softest tones, her voice was just as perfect as every feature of her body.

He stood there, fantasizing about her, but by this time he hadn’t said a thing, she was getting slightly impatient, ‘Earth to friggin Alby!?’ Speak godammnit! SPEAK! ‘Uhhh… *stutter* h-hi.’ What the hell was that, dumbass? ‘He speaks!’ Oh god, he really was going to faint this time. Her beauty sent a million endorphins shooting through his veins, he was once again transfixed. He fell to the ground and hit his head hard against the cold floors. ‘Alby? ALBY!? AL…’ He was out of it, again, but this time… it would take him awhile to wake up…
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Haha... this is a pretty bad chapter.