Status: Changed quite a few things in the whole story so if you've read it and the new chapters don't make sense, you have to go back and re-read the first chapters(:

The Silent Ones

The Surprise

Later that afternoon I found myself couped up in my room, thinking about anything and everything.

Jules and Mrs Logan's affair, Braxton, Kim's possible attraction to Jules, Braxton, Whitney getting shut down two times in one week, Braxton, my Mum, and Braxton.

I tried everything but couldn't stop thinking about him. Every time I thought of something else, he popped into my thoughts, and just when I thought nothing would work, Kim came barging through the door with a huge smile.

"I have a surprise for you! But you have to wear this." she said holding up a blind fold. It was times like this that made me think my sister was a five year old in a teenage body. Then a crazy thought hit me. Maybe Braxton's here. Maybe he's downstairs and he's the surprise.

I got up and let her put the blind fold on me.

"This better be worth it, Kimmy. I swear if I make a fool of myself in front of anyone, I will chop Mr Socksy's legs off. All four of them, you hear me?"

Kim tightened the fold really hard, hurting me a little.

"Don't you dare threaten me with Mr Socksy, sissa. You know he's my baby and I'll do anything to keep him safe. Anyway, I guarantee you will absolutely love this surprise."

Mr Socksy was her Sheep teddy that Jules won for her a year ago. Sometimes I think she loves Mr Socksy more than she loves me!

Anyway, I let her lead me down the stairs and my heart started racing when I heard a boy's voice that didn't sound like Jules, Xav or Skye. But that soon changed when I heard a girls voice. I couldn't quite hear the voices properly but I was sure I didn't know who they belonged to.

Alot of confused thoughts went through my head until Kim pulled the blind fold off. Two very familiar faces stared at me. My little brother and sister.

"Chessy! Cubby!" I yelled as they ran up to hug me. Caprice jumped in my arms, while Chester wrapped his around us both.

"Jurns, I've missed you an Kimmy soooo much! You two just had to move out and leave me with Chessy."

I laughed when Chester messied her hair and she slapped the back of his head.

"I see you still haven't changed though!" I gave Chester a questioning look. He reached his thumb out to my face and wiped away the tears I didn't know were there.

"You still cry easily." he said.

I smiled at him and tightened my grip on my little siblings. I missed them so much, but I was wondering why they were here. I heard my friends leave the room and felt Kim's arms join our hug.

"So, how's Mum and Dad?" Kim said breaking the silence.

We pulled away from the hug and sat down.

"Well," Chester began as Caprice lowered her head. "that's kind of why we're here. Mum's good, but Dad's, uhh Dad's-"

"Dad's left us for another woman."
♠ ♠ ♠
It's been awhile since I've updated. Was thinking of deleting the story :/