Status: In Progress

Amnesia Causes Many Things . . . Falling for My Enemy Isn't One of Them

Chapter 2

Several days after my first meeting with Lord Salvador I received a letter from Conner, my one and only beloved. When we were kids, we were best friends and we would run through the castle giggling while our teachers tried to restrain us. Back then, we were little rebels who only wanted to play. Now that we were older, we held a responsibility to our country, even if it included getting married.

I was hiding among the books in the library when Elinor suddenly burst into the room, her outfit rustled as she looked through the bookshelves to find me.

"Lady Selene! Lady Selene!" Her voice echoed throughout the library, and when she found me, grey eyes pierced mine in excitement.

"Lady Selene!" she huffed, putting a hand on her hip and catching her breath as her mouse brown hair stuck out at all odds and ends. "There is a report from the troop!"

The tone in Elinor's voice caught me off guard for a moment. It took a few seconds for the words to trickle through my mind before my green eyes widened and a small smile appeared on my red lips as I lifted my simple red dress and passed Elinor in a rush of red. Conner had promised he would send me a letter with every report, no matter the situation.

As I hustled down the hall, princesses weren't allowed to run, I recognized Deimos standing near the top of the red carpeted steps holding a book in one of his hands while his other was stuffed in his pocket. From what I saw of his face, he seemed to be in deep thought until he suddenly looked up, his piercing blue eyes almost made me pause in my rush, but I managed a quick curtsied with a mumbled 'good morning' before I rushed past him and down the steps.

I could hear Elinor behind me making small conversation with Lord Salvador about my odd actions, but I couldn't help but smile.

As I reached the bottom of the stairs, I took a sharp right to head down the hallway beside the staircase as I held up my red dress and my hair swished with the sudden action. Father's study was only a few doors down and I couldn't seem to reach it quick enough.

I reached out instantly, forgetting my manners, and opened the study doors quickly and brushing inside, my green eyes sweeping over the books and the large window just behind the desk. Father sat in his chair while a young man stood before him, his clothes dirty and worn while he held in his outstretched hand two papers, both sealed with red wax. My green eyes didn't leave the letters until I suddenly felt a bit strange. I looked up to see my father look at me with slight amusement as a small smile creeped up on his lips while the young man looked at me almost as if I might be ready to launch an attack.

"Selene!" My father chuckled, taking a hold of both letters before looking at the seals enclosing the contents of each one. His grey eyes glanced up at me before he gestured one of the letters my way. I smiled and rushed forward and grabbed the letter before I rushed out of the room as quickly as I had appeared. I could hear my father's booming laugh as I closed the door and ripped open the seal before my green eyes settled on the handwriting scrawled across the parchment.

My dearest Selene:

I hope you are doing well and that you haven't yet read all of the books in the library. If I find any interesting books, I'll be sure to pick them up for you.

We have reached the sea Selene. It is absolutely beautiful. The sand is white hot and the water is bright blue. I wish you could be here to see it. I'm hoping to have one of my men make a sketch just for you.

I can't tell you any more details involving the troop, but what I can tell you is that I miss you greatly. I'm also missing the home cooked meals. I was also told that you have a guest in the castle. Be polite my dear, even though I know you can be a bit feisty.

Please send my regards to your mother. I miss all of you, but I miss you the most Selene. Wait for me, I'll be home as soon as I can.

Your Dearest,

A smile touched my lips as I closed my eyes and held Conner's letter close to my chest as I heaved a small sigh. He was such a sweet person. Never thinking about himself, but always thinking of someone else.

As I opened my green eyes, I noticed out of the corner of my eye someone was standing just a few feet from me. I raised my head, my ash brown hair framing my face as I looked at Lord Salvador. The look on his face was a calm curiosity, but I could tell there was something else brewing just underneath the surface.

"A letter?" he asked simply, his blue eyes landing on the letter that I still held close to my chest before raising back up to meet my green eyes. My breath quickened as I shifted my weight before I simply nodded.

"It's a letter from Conner," I replied, glancing over the letter once more before folding it and tucking it away in the folds of my dress before I looked back up to gaze at Deimos's face. "He's my fiancé."

His face seemed to twitch at those words, but a smile still brushed his lips as he bowed respectfully, his eyes never leaving my own.

"I'm very happy for you Lady Cressida." His rough voice was polite and soft and I blinked just to try and clear my mind. The expression this man wore on his face almost scared me enough to throw him out. It wasn't threatening, but very strange.

"Please, call me Lady Selene. Cressida is my formal name," I replied with a small curtsy, raising the folds of my simple red dress slightly before dropping them and raising my head. Lord Salvador's face seemed frozen in time as he stared at me with the most perplex expression I had ever seen anyone wear.

My eyebrows drew together questioningly as the man before me stood as if he was looking at someone he knew. Just like the other night at dinner.

With a small cough, I managed to grab Deimos's attention as I slipped by him. "I must go Lord Salvador. Please enjoy your stay," I replied softly before walking nonchalantly down the hall and returning up the carpeted steps. My hair bounced slightly with every step I took as I reached for Conner's letter once more.

Gripping it almost as if it could connect me with Conner, I traveled back to my room to stash the letter away. I wouldn't let anyone read the letters besides myself. They held a close spot to my heart that I couldn't dismiss, and it seemed as if someone else read them, it would be an invasion of my privacy.

A small sigh escaped my lips as I dreaded leaving my only connection with Conner alone in my room, but I needed to see my mother about my birthday plans. We were selecting color themes today and possibly decorations.

I turned on my heel and opened my door, taking one last look at the drawer I had stashed my letter inside, before I closed my door and walked calmly down to ball room where my mother awaited me.

As I walked through the wide double doors, I noticed all of the people below me, rushing about as my mother asked for colors, designs, and table pieces. The doors behind me closed with a boom and my mother glanced up with a smile on her face.

"Selene! I'm so happy you're here. We have much to do today," she stated before she turned around to order around another poor soul. I smiled and walked down the single staircase as it sloped against the wall of the ball room. This would be my entrance on my eighteenth birthday. We had yet to choose a dress, but I had a feeling that would be fixed sometime later in the day.

My white heels clicked softly on the bronze tile as I made my way to my mother. I noticed all of the colors that were being sent her way. Baby blue, light pink, dark red, along with a few crème colors.

"Alright Selene," my mother stated and turned to me expectantly. My green eyes gazed at her glittering brown ones with curiosity. There was no telling what my first job would be. A smile lightened her face as she gestured to each of the men standing before us, all of them holding two colors. Pastels, neon, and crème colors stared at me almost as if their life depended on my choice. That was when I realized that their life did depend on my choice.

I glanced at my mother with a small smile as I shifted my weight from one foot to the other, making my red dress lightly sway with the movement.

"I just need for you to choose a main color theme sweetie. No matter what you choose, I know it will be lovely."

My green eyes winced slightly, but I nodded my head nonetheless. Now all the pressure was on me. I glanced at all the colors before me with careful consideration. Gold was overrated, that was for sure. So I ushered all of the shades of gold to leave. Then I looked at pink, but that was too girly, even for my taste. With a sigh, I waved those away too. Blue seemed too traditional and red was a bit too much. Then my eyes landed on a lavishing purple shade. My eyebrows drew together as I pondered the lavender color. It would match well with the ball room, and it was light and easy on the eyes.

With a smile, I pointed toward the lavender color, my green eyes sparkling as ideas floated around in my mind. The color was only the first thing I had to choose. My mother nodded, obviously agreeing with my choice while all of the other men rushed to put up the colored fabric and begin showing us centerpieces for the tables including flower choices.

After hours of pondering and searching, my mother and I had decided on several things. Lavender for the main color, dark purple for the napkins, and as for the flower choices, they included pink and blue bluebells, pink rose mallows, and another blue flower that I couldn't quite identify. It's wide spread petals were gorgeous and mixed greatly with the others, so I added it at the last minute. The flowers would be the centerpiece of each table and would be held in short glass bowls etched with silver designs.

I bid my mother a good night and curtsied to the last decorator as he left before I sighed lightly and made my way up the red carpeted staircase toward my room. It had been an exhausting day and the sun had set long ago.

The moon held herself high up in the sky before I finally lay down to sleep. The bright moonlight washed into my room and filled it with its brilliance. For a moment, I could only stare and the beautiful sight as the rolling hills barely showed themselves. With a contented sigh, I rolled over in my soft bed, curling up against one of my many pillows before I drifted off to sleep.