Status: One-shot.

You'll Need Me to Hold


There are two days left until the All Time Low band and crew go on tour, and Rian and Grieco were spending their last night together in Rian’s apartment. Tomorrow Grieco would go back to the apartment he shared with Evan and pack his clothes for tour, the two of them then travelling to the first venue on separate buses. But for tonight, they had much needed alone time.

“Babe, can you get the marshmallow fluff?” Grieco called out loudly.

“You’ve already got chocolate spread, do you really need it?” Rian called back from the kitchen.

“What if I want you to suck it off my dick?” Grieco grinned.

Rian appeared at his side in a flash, only making Grieco burst into laughter.

“You fell for that?” Grieco giggled, clutching at his stomach.

“Cocktease,” Rian grumbled, slumping down next to his boyfriend.

“You love me for it,” Grieco winked, taking the marshmallow fluff from Rian and dipping his finger in it.

Rian couldn’t tear his eyes away from Grieco, as his lips closed around his finger, as he swirled his tongue, as he released his finger with a pop.

“Fucking cocktease. Why do you have to torture me like this on the last night we can actually fuck in an actual bed?!” Rian whined.

Grieco shrugged. “Because I can,”

Rian groaned and turned his head to face the TV, trying to block the waves of lust coursing through his body. Grieco always knew what to do and say to push his buttons in just the right way. He always knew.

“I won’t hold out all night, babe. Don’t worry,” Grieco smirked.

“You’d better not,” Rian grumbled.

Grieco giggled again and pressed a sticky kiss to Rian’s cheek before leaning back in his seat. He knew Rian wasn’t really mad at him. Rian could never stay mad at him.

“What do you think this tour will be like?” Grieco asked cheerfully.

Rian looked at his boyfriend, and frowned. Uh, what?

“I don’t know. Why do you ask?” Rian asked, confused.

“Just curious to see what you think, babe. I wonder who’ll hook up this time round,” Grieco grinned.

“You would think that, you horndog,” Rian snickered, shaking his head.

Grieco just shrugged, unashamed. Rian chewed his bottom lip, thinking about what his boyfriend asked.

“I think Evan and Jeff will be giving each other blowjobs in the sound and lighting booth, as always, but will still deny everything, as always,” Rian started.

“That’s a given,” Grieco nodded, smiling.

“And I think Flyzik and Collusy will get a little too close for comfort, but will only get caught a couple of times,” Rian added.

“Only a couple of times? I think I’ll make it my mission with Vinny and Ian to hunt them down and catch them,” Grieco snickered.

Rian rolled his eyes. “I think Zack will crack and tell Alex how he feels,”

“Oh fuck no, Zack will never crack. He’s too scared that Alex will reject him,” Grieco replied, shaking his head.

“What about…Danny and Jack?” Rian asked.

“What about them?” Grieco frowned.

“Haven’t you noticed how Jack always pays Danny a little more attention than everyone else? Or how Danny always blushes around Jack?” Rian pointed out.

“Well, I can definitely say that Jack has a crush on Danny, but I don’t know if Danny has a crush on Jack. Danny has that boyfriend, Craig…Charlie…Chris,” Grieco replied.

“Hmm, well, we’ll see,” Rian shrugged.

“I bet you a rimjob that you’re wrong about Danny and Jack,” Grieco said innocently.

Rian smirked. That was a bet he was easily going to win.

“You’re on,” Rian grinned.

Grieco giggled and pressed a slow kiss to his boyfriend’s lips, giggling again at the moan that slipped from Rian’s lips.

“Someone’s eager tonight,” Grieco purred.

Someone can’t stop turning me on. Shirtless? Sucking marshmallow gloop from your fingers? Kissing me slowly? Like I said, cocktease,” Rian grumbled.

“How about we change that?” Grieco grinned.

Rian raised his eyebrow, a small smirk slipping onto his lips as Grieco stuck his thumbs in the marshmallow fluff before swiping them over his nipples. Holy shit. They’d never used food during sex before – and Rian was wondering right now why they never had.

“You know what you want to do,” Grieco said, his voice dropping to a husk only Rian had ever heard.

In an instant, Rian had grabbed Grieco’s hips and had roughly pulled his body so the smaller man was lying on his back on the sofa. Grieco swallowed heavily at the dark lust clouding Rian’s eyes, but moaned loudly as Rian’s lips latched around his nipple.

“Fuuuck Rian!” Grieco cried out.

Rian pulled off with a slight pop, smirking up at his boyfriend.

“Your neighbours will come round and complain again if you’re not quiet,” Rian teased.

Grieco just whimpered, making Rian chuckle before moving onto the other nipple. As Rian tortured the sensitive nub with his teeth, tongue and lips, Grieco bit his bottom lip, writhing underneath his boyfriend. Fuck, Rian knew how to tear him apart in just the right ways, with just a few simple actions. When Rian had finished all the marshmallow fluff, he pulled away with a self-satisfied smirk, wriggling his eyebrows down at the withering boy below him.

“I need more,” was all Grieco could moan.

It barely took Rian any time at all to strip the both of them of their clothing, Grieco moaning as Rian gave Grieco’s erection a few tugs before reaching for the marshmallow fluff.

“What are you gonna…”

Grieco’s breath hitched in his throat as Rian coated his fingers in the gloop and slowly dragged his fingers up Grieco’s hard-on, transferring the sweet fluff onto the hard member.

“Babe, you’re torturing me right now,” Grieco whined, throwing his arm over his eyes dramatically.

“Then you’ll know how I’ve felt all evening,” Rian retorted, sucking his fingers clean.

Grieco groaned, bucking his hips to give Rian a push. Rian chuckled and put the pot of marshmallow fluff on the coffee table before moving between his boyfriend’s legs, pinning his hips down with one arm. Grieco was prone to bucking his hips without thinking, so Rian had learnt to restrain him.

“Please babe,” Grieco whimpered, “Do something. Anything!”

Rian knew holding back any longer would just be cruel, so he licked his lips and took the swollen tip into his mouth. Grieco cried out loudly as Rian started sucking eagerly, his tongue swirling to remove all the marshmallow, only making Rian chuckle around him…which in turn made Grieco cry out even louder. This time Rian didn’t stop to tell him to be quiet – if Grieco wanted complaints from the neighbours, he could have them. Rian sucked, licked and dragged his teeth up and down Grieco’s throbbing erection, driving the younger man insane and almost delirious with desire, hollowing his cheeks out every now and again to really get him going.

“Cl-Close,” Grieco managed to choke.

Rian smiled and took as much of Grieco’s dick into his mouth right down to the base, his nose brushing the short dark curls. Grieco whimpered and clutched at Rian’s head, a pit of warmth building in his stomach rapidly. As Rian’s nails dug into Grieco’s thighs, Grieco stiffened impossibly before shooting his load into Rian’s mouth, crying out Rian’s name. Rian groaned, letting Grieco ride out his high until he was limp. Rian pulled away and swallowed (and Rian doesn’t just swallow for anyone, it took him 3 months into the 8 months they’d been together to actually swallow), wiping his mouth on the back of his hand as he sat up.

“Fuck,” Grieco groaned, trying to catch his breath.

Rian chuckled and leant down to press a gentle kiss to his boyfriend’s lips, chuckling as Grieco grimaced.

“Marshmallow fluff doesn’t taste as nice mixed with cum,” Grieco said, frowning.

“I don’t know, I don’t mind it,” Rian shrugged.

Grieco smirked, looked at the table, and then smirked harder.

“Marshmallow fluff might not taste as nice…but I think chocolate spread might,” Grieco grinned wolfishly.

Rian couldn’t get to his bedroom fast enough.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, uh, yeah...
Got a little carried away. Again.
I just had to do Rian and Grieco's story!
I might do Alex and Zack's story as a sequel of I'm Not Dead next =]

Feedback is appreciated!