

Info: Name:Alyssa(Aly) Age:24 Looks: Black Hair,Hazel Eyes,A Tattoo Of A Broken Heart On Her Left Wrist.
personality: She's An Awesome Drummer,Very Crazy,She's Afraid To Fall In Love Again Though. Ecspecially With A ROCKSTAR!



I hate them.

That's right.




The world is better off without them.

I sighed loudly as I threw more of myEX-boyfriends clothes out of my apartment window.

That two-timing piece of shit had the nerve to cheat on me, in my own apartment!

We had been together three years and he threw that all away for someone he met at 7/11.

Not only that, the douche bag got me kicked out of our band.

He actually got me kicked out.

I helped get the band started, and he dropped me like last weeks newspaper.

Told all of my bandmates that I'm crazy and we should start looking for a new drummer.

As if the humiliation of getting cheated on isn't enough, he has to tell everyone lies as well.

I ignored the tears burning my eyes as I threw the rest of his shit out.

I don't want any reminders of him.


He tossed me aside without a second thought.

Well, I'll do the same.

I heard a knock at my door and I turned quickly.

He can't be that stupid!

I reached for my baseball bat and walked towards the door.

I let it swing open and pointed the bat outside the door.

"What the fuck are you doing here asshole!" I yelled.

I heard a high pitched scream and heard a loud thump.

I looked down and saw my best friend Melanie flat on her ass.

"What the hell Aly! This is how you treat your best friend! Trying to bash my head in?!" She yelled.

I rolled my eyes and lent her a hand.

"Stop being so dramatic. I didn't even swing at you." I told her, letting her in and slamming the door behind me.

She looked around and whistled.

"Wow. Looks like spring cleaning came early this year." She said.

I flipped her off and threw myself on the couch.

"Asshole should have known what would happen." I grumbled.

"Yeah he was never the brightest crayon in the box." Melanie said.

I crossed my arms over my chest.

"And he got me kicked out of the band! Can you believe that?! Whatever. I know I can play the shit out of the drums. It's their loss." I told her.

She came and sat next to me and I laid my head on her shoulder.

"Why don't you tell me how you really feel?" She said softly.

I felt the tears burn my eyes and slide down my cheeks.

Melanie has always been able to see threw my bullshit.

And that's not always a good thing.

When I want to keep it together, she just gives me that look and I break down.

She just lets me unload all of my feelings on her.

She's the best friend a girl could ask for.

"I feel stupid. I should have seen it coming. He was acting so weird. Always checking his phone. Leaving when he answered. Texting under the table. I was so wrapped up in music, I completely ignored him. That's why this happened. He found someone else who would give him attention." I said, tears rolling down my cheeks in waves.

I don't think anyone really understands how low you start to feel after being cheated on.

It's not a feeling I would wish on anyone.

"You shouldn't feel stupid Aly. He's the fuck up. You have always been way too good for him. I've been telling that since day one. He thought he was getting the better deal with that skank he's banging now. But when he realizes she's got nothing on you, he's gonna be sorry. I promise you that short cake." She said.

I smiled at her nick name for me.

And while Melanie is always the one to make me cry when I need to, she's also the one that puts a smile on my face after the tears are gone.

"Hey. Doesn't Toni have a Black Mercedes?" She asked nonchalantly.

I looked up at her and wiped my eyes.

"Yeah. Why?" I asked her in confusion.

"The damnedest thing happened. Someone vandalized his car. HIs windows were busted, his tires slashed. Someone must've been pretty pissed at him." She said with a sly smile.

I laughed and hugged her tightly.

"I love you Lennie." I told her.

She hugged me back and chuckled.

"You better. If the cops come looking for me, you're my alibi." She said.

I laughed even harder and sat back on the couch, content that I had at least one person that I would always be able to turn to.


Who needs them?

I know I don't.

Three Months Later

My bedroom door slammed open and I jerked awake.

I didn't realize how close to the edge I was, and before I knew it, I was on my ass on my bedroom floor.

I heard Melanie's laugh echoing through my room and I threw my pillow at her face.

She caught it and threw it back.

"Nice try. What are you still sleeping for? It's two in the afternoon." She said.

I groaned and rolled on my stomach, covering my face with my blanket.

It was snatched back and I grumbled.

"Not gonna happen short cake. Get your ass up. We're going to a concert." She said.

I rolled over and looked up at her.

"A concert?" I asked.

"Yeah. A concert. As in bands play music. There's food, beer, port-o-potties and mosh pits. It's way passed due and there's no way your squirreling your way out of this. So get up. And get dressed." She said, throwing the blanket back on my face and turning to walk out.

I laid my head back down and I heard her footsteps stop.

"If you're not in the shower in two minutes, I'm bringing the bucket of cold water in here. I remember you always loved being waken up that way." Melanie said.

I shot up and heard her laugh down the hall.


There are times when that girl is just too much.

But I love her.

And she's really been here for me since my bad break up with Toni.

As sad as it is to admit, I was a wreck after we broke up.

I just couldn't find my way out of the rut I've been in.

And it sucks really bad.

It took me less than twenty minutes to shower and get dressed.

And then I was out in the living room and sitting next to Melanie.

I laid my head on her shoulder and she chuckled.

"You actually look human. Now, we're going to an Avenged Sevenfold concert. Please don't scream my ear off. I know you love them. Which is precisely why I bought the tickets." She said.

A smile went across my face.

A real smile.

I can't remember the last time I was this excited about something.

I mean this is Avenged Fucking-Sevenfold!

Only the best band in existence.

And Jimmy "The Rev" Sullivan is my idol.

He is a god on the drums.

He's the whole reason I decided to be a drummer.

And in this moment, I don't think I could've loved Melanie more.

She really does know me better than I know myself.

She saw my smile and hugged me tightly.

"It's time to get you out of the slump you've been in. And a little bit of Avenged Sevenfold therapy is just what the doctor prescribed." She said with a grin.

"I love you Lennie." I told her.

"I love you too short cake. Now let's hit the road. I want good seats so I can see my future husband, M. Shadows." She said, her eyes going all goo-goo for the lead singer of Avenged.

I laughed and we started our little journey.

It took about an hour to drive to the venue, and by the time we got there, there was already a line a mile long.

There were fans screaming and yelling, hugging each other and sending out greetings to me and Melanie as we walked up.

Fans of Avenged Sevenfold are really a family in their own.

We band together in our love of their music, and how it's affected and helped us through.

It felt like forever before we were finally let into the venue.

Me and Lennie pushed our way so we could get a little bit closer the stage.

And right when we hit the front, the lights went out.

I couldn't control it anymore.

I screamed loudly and started jumping up and down, gripping Lennie's hand in mine.

The piano intro to Critical Acclaim started up and then the fire effects started.

I could feel the heat on my face and I started cheesing like a freak.

I heard the crowd go crazy and then I saw the guys make their way on stage.

My breath caught when I saw Jimmy.

He is one gorgeous man.

As he started hitting the drums, I wanted nothing more than to be up there jamming with him.

I listened to all the songs.

Sang along with Lennie, screamed my heart out and had more than I've had in a long time.

It was towards the middle of the concert when Bat Country had just finished, that Matt faced the crowd.

"Now I hear, that we have two special guests that are going to be joining us on stage and hanging out with us after the show. Who are those lucky two?" Matt asked.

I looked around, ready to pounce the people who were so lucky.

But I didn't see anyone.

"Those lucky bastards." I grumbled.

But Lennie was waving her hand up in the air like a crazy person.

And Matt was looking right at us!

"Matt's looking at you Lennie!" I exclaimed.

"I know. Because we're the lucky people he's talking about." She said happily, a huge smile on her face.

"What?!" I asked in disbelief.

But she wasn't able to answer me, because the spot light was on us.

Everyone was looking at us and clapping.

And all of a sudden, Matt and Zacky were standing in front of us, hands outstretched.

Lennie instantly reached for Matt's hand and he helped pull her on stage.

She danced to the middle of the stage, staying close to Matt.

I saw Zacky and Dan came over to help me on stage.

I can't believe I'm on stage with my best friend and Avenged Sevenfold!

"Well, hello ladies." Synyster Gates said over the mic.

I walked over to Lennie and we linked hands, standing in the middle of the stage.

The spot light was on us and thousands of eyes were watching us.

It's a pretty intense feeling.

But when I turned around to look at Jimmy, he was already staring at me.

I couldn't help but smile because it looked like he winked at me.

"Hey ladies. What's your names?" Matt asked, his eyes focused on Lennie.

She grinned and batted her eyelashes.

"I'm Melanie. My friends call me Lennie." She said.

Matt grinned and shook her hand.

"Why don't you guys say hi to Melanie." Matt said to the crowd.

They all screamed and she smiled.

Matt turned to me next.

"And what about you pretty lady?" I heard Jimmy say behind me.

I turned to face him and sent him a grin.

"I'm Aly. Nice to meet you Jimmy." I said.

I heard Jimmy's distinct laugh over his microphone and I couldn't help but laugh too.

"Ooh. Looks like Jimmy's in loooooove." Synyster said with a grin.

I couldn't help but blush.

"Why don't you ask her out Jimbo?" Zacky asked.

"Yeah ask her out!" Matt laughed.

"She's been in love with you for years!" Lennie yelled.

I punched her in the arm, feeling myself blush even more in embarrassment.

I can't believe she admitted that in front of a venue full of people.

"Well it looks like the feelings are mutual. What do you say sweetheart? You wanna have some fun?" Jimmy asked with a smile.

I stayed quiet for a minute.

I wanted to say yes more than anything.

But as I looked at Jimmy, a picture of Toni's face came into my mind.

Even though I know Jimmy is nothing like him, I can't help but wonder if us going on a date is even possible.

If it would even go anywhere.

And I don't know if I can do the casual date thing.

Not with someone I've had a crush on for so long.

I felt someone nudge my shoulder.

Lennie was standing next to me.

"Come on Aly. This is what you've always wanted. Your dream guy to ask you out. What are you waiting for?" Lennie urged.

And suddenly I knew I wouldn't be haunted by Toni's bad memory anymore.

That I could move on and be happy again.

And I think Jimmy is just the person to help me do that.

I turned back to him and smiled.

"I would love to." I told him.

The crowd went insane and Jimmy's smile made it all worth it.

Now I'm anxious for our date.

It's going to be an adventure to say the least.

And I can't wait it to begin.