Status: Actie

If You Really Knew Me

Intrduing _ Miss Laura Lazz Rimmer (Boys)

If you really knew me you'd know me more than I do. The truth is I don't know who I am any more. You'd know that I struggle to define myself. You'd know that my smiles are fake and I'm breaking inside. My heart is being ripped apart. I'm grieving for the kids I'll never have. You'd know the names I had ready for years to come. You'd know that during my 16 years I've been to 8 funerals, all family members, had a cancer scare, was told I'm infertile, Almost lost my leg, been through 12 cases of cancer in my family, struggled with my weight, with depression. You'd know how much it takes for my to trust a person. You'd know that I only do some of the outrageous things to distract me from what's going on inside my head. You'd know why reading and listening to music every night locked in my room provides sanity for me. You'd know I'm not a slut, I just want to feel loved truly for the first time in my life. You'd know how to stop me slipping into oblivion.

If you really know me then I beg you... Tell me who I am. Tell me how I lost myself. Tell me who I need to be. Tell me you need me. Please?

Miss Laura 'Lazz' Rimmer (Boyes)

I need to say it, If that makes any sense? Thank you xo
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Dear Miss laura <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Almost me me cried my eyes out! =(!

I too lost a family member to cancer, the pain still there today.

I too spend every min I possibily can in my room, watch tv, write, read or listen to musc to keep me from completly loosing it.

You are a beautiful,amazing person, you will find your way bac to the better life one dy.

You should smile, you would never wkno who will fall in love withit

best of luck to u!