Status: Actie

If You Really Knew Me


If you really knew me you would know that I was raise a conservative Christian. In my religon we are taught that homosexuality is a sin and that dating before you're old enough and ready to be married will lead to too many temptations, so it should be avoided at all cost. If you really knew me you would know that I'm attracted to guys and girls. You would also know that I had a boyfriend and the relationship lasted for about three years. During that time we did stuff we we're suppose to. Becuase of that, I hated myself, becuase my religon told me that I'm not on God's good side.

If you really knew me you would know that I'm my friend's lifestyle guru, but I don't tell them of my issues. Not because they're not willing to listen, but because I'm not willing to tell them. I don't want to burden them with my problems because they have enough of their own. If you really knew me you would know that I almost attempted suicide once, but I threw out the pills. Not because I didn't want to die, but because I was afraid my parents would find them before I had a chance to take them. You would know I berated myself about throwing them out for about a year after the incident.

If you really knew me you would know that was about two years ago and I'm starting to let the past be the past. I'm not beating myself up about what I did anymore, because it's a waste of time. Now I look forward to what's coming instead of back to what came. If you really knew me you would know that there are still days where I wish I had of taken those pills, but those days are getting less and less. You would know that I'm looking forward to graduating highschool in June and going to college in the fall.
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