You're the Love I Wanna Be In

You're the Love I Wanna Be In

Brian’s POV
I woke up this morning and looked to my right and there I saw a blond girl with Double D’s most likely fake. I couldn’t remember. Last night was so foggy, the only thing I remember was yelling at Matt and his girl saying how much I missed Michelle, and no not my ex wife, but the girl that I had met in Texas.
She was different, heck she didn’t even want me to call her Michelle after I told her what a horrible wife Michelle was. She wanted me to call her MiMi, which was adorable. Her smile stuck in my head and I swear I could see it everywhere.
I wish I wouldn’t of messed up and lost her. I had thought I loved Michelle, but I had never felt for her the way I felt for MiMi. Something was different about her; she refused to call me Syn, which made me warm inside.
There was only one problem with MiMi; she was taken.

Mimi’s POV
I know I should be happy; I have the greatest boyfriend in the world. He treats me like a princess, takes me out on dates, shows me off to the world, but something is missing.
Just recently I had met someone and the moment our eyes met something inside of me changed. He wasn’t what I thought he would be, he had been hurt and I could see it in his brown eyes. My heart almost broke knowing there was nothing I could do to help his pain.
I look back at that night and it was the best night of my life. I had just moved back to Houston with the guy I had been with for the past year and a half, and he had bought me Avenged Sevenfold tickets for my best friend and I to go and have a good time. What he didn’t tell me that when we would get there that we would go backstage. I was so happy at that moment; I got to meet the boys and watch them perform from the side stage.
We walked along the hallway to the meet and greet area there was a small line of people taking pictures and having things signed. One girl with blond and pink hair pulled her chest out of her shirt and was having the guys sign her bra.
“What a slut.” Randi said into my ear, as I nodded and smile in agreement. I was glad Randi was the one here with me; she always made everything more fun. We laughed at all the slutty girls and guessed which ones would offer it up to each one of the boys. She was right almost every time.
It was finally our turn to meet the boys. I was so excited I almost screamed like a little fan girl, but I contained my composure. I got a picture with each one and they all signed my shirt, and bandana that I had.
I had finally gotten to him, Synyster Gates; I was so in love with him. His smile made me weak in the knees and his eyes made my heart skip a beat. Well the pictures on my wall did, this time there was nothing in his eyes, and he looked like he wanted to give up. After the pictures and autographs we all walked to the fan space where all of us would watch the show, I turned and seen him. He was trying hard not to let a tear fall from his eye. “I’ll be right back Randi.” I took a step and hesitated, it was non of my business, but I couldn’t see him sad.
“I can’t wait until I see you play.” I said trying to break the ice.
“Thanks.” He didn’t even look up at me.
“I couldn’t help but notice you seemed a little upset.”
“It’s no-“ He started to say loudly, but our eyes met, and his tone changed “thing.”
“If you want to talk about your nothing, I’ve got ears that will listen”
“Bri, we’re on in 10.” Johnny called from the stage side.
“I’d like that.” Brian smiled at me.
Later after the show I met up with her and we sat on the bus and he told me everything I felt horrible how could anybody hurt him like this? He was the nicest guy and all he wanted was to be loved and be with the one who he had given his whole heart to.
It had been two weeks since I had seen him and let him pour his heart and soul out to me. I just had to see him again and tell him that he could have all of that with me. I broke up with my boyfriend and Randi and I bought tickets to go see them in L.A. their last show until the new album came out. We flew all the way out there and was scared what I might say to him, hoping he might feel the same way about me as I did for him. This time is wasn’t lust that I felt for him, but real feelings. He was on my mind constantly. Randi and I made a sign that told Brian to come and find me after the show by the merch booth for Schecter.
The show was over and Randi and I waited at the booth for an hour and a half. “He’s not coming MiMi, maybe he couldn’t see the sign.”
“He’s coming.”
We waited some more and they started to clear out. I was losing hope. I couldn’t wait another two years until I seen him again; it would kill me. I looked down, and my heart sunk; maybe he wasn’t coming.

Brian’s POV
I looked out across the crowd and seen the sign. I smiled and couldn’t wait until I could see her again. After the show I tried to get away but it seemed that people kept coming up to me asking me questions, wanting pictures and autographs, for me to talk to their friends who weren’t lucky enough to come tonight. I finally got to our dressing room; I needed to freshen up a little bit before I seen her. As I walked over to the Schecter booth very little people were there, a few people playing with the guitars and two girls who I had recognized from before; Mimi and her friend Randi.
I smiled; she was even prettier than I remember. I slowly walked over to her keeping my head down so no one would recognize me. She turned her back to me. Perfect, I could sneak up to her; I did just that. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her close to me.
“You wanted me to find you?”
“I did” she turned around and smiled at me. “I actually wanted to tell you something.”
“Wait, before you do, I want to give you something.” I leaned down and kissed and, and whispered in her ear “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Written for my girl MiMi =D <3