Status: this is a bit early, but this is my Christmas one-shot for this year

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

I rubbed my hands together and blew warm air upon them. The white snow was slowly hiding my dark hair as I waited on my friends. I wrapped my scarf closer around my neck and buried my face a bit in it as I felt a yawn take over. I was a bit tired, having so little sleep last night. I looked up to the dark sky which was clouded with small white spots from every snowflake that fell down. “Kayleigh!” I heard a voice call out, I looked around to find where it came from. A little away from me I saw Jessy running towards me, a smile took over as she once again fell, she was always so clumsy. “Are you okay?” I called towards her. She quickly stood up, cleaning her jacket from the snow before throwing me a dazzling smile, like I was used to see her wear. I laughed and shook my head. “I told you not to run Jessy!” I heard Jason’s voice say as they got closer. “Aww, I’m just happy to see Kayliegh and there was no harm done, I’m fine.” Jessy said with a laugh. “The rest isn’t here yet?” Jason asked. I shook my head, other than the twins in front of me, nobody was here yet.

About an hour later everyone had arrived at our meeting spot. Except for me, Jessy and Jason, we were now also joined by Max, Ally, Marcha, Cassidy and Marcus. Together we walked through the streets of our town. “Okay, so the plan is dinner, presents, karaoke?” Jessy asked us. We all nodded. Jokes were shared, stories were told all throughout dinner. Finally Christmas seemed okay again, last year almost forgotten. Last year Christmas was a horrible ordeal for me, being dumped on first Christmas day. My friends had to drag me out on the second day to join them. Ally interrupted my thoughts with a shout. “Presents!!!” she called. I laughed at her childish voice, she had always been the baby of the group. I took out my present for the ‘not-so-secret-Santa-exchange’. “Me first!” Jessy said, handing me my present. “Oh no, please let it be something decent.” I begged out loud, remembering last years present from Jason, her twin, which was a slightly see-through shirt that just about only covered half of my upper body. “Don’t worry, you’ll love it!” Jessy said. I opened the present to find a silver bracelet with charms dangling from it. A music note, for my love of music, a pen, for my love for writing, and a heart, symbolizing my kindness, if I have to believe Jessy. I hugged her and called dibs for being second. “Here you go Marcus.” I said, handing him his present. He eagerly ripped the wrapping off of it to find his favorite brand of cologne, which was quite expensive. “Oh my god, I can’t believe you actually got me this! It’s so expensive even I need to save up for it!” Marcus said before squealing and hugging me. Before you ask, yes, he’s gay.

Later that evening we were on our way to the karaoke only for us to be stopped when seeing them. Jessy and Marcus immediately stood closer to me, knowing what could happen. As I saw him with his arm around her I felt my heart break into a million pieces once again, wondering how he could cheat on me with her. The moment our eyes locked I felt my insides cry out. I still loved him so much, I just couldn’t help it. As they walked closer I tried to make my vocal cords to work. As he almost walked past my voice decided to work, letting out a weak hello. He stopped for a moment to look at me, before telling me hello and giving me his winning smile. “Casey, who is this?” her annoying voice came through. “That is Kayleigh, an old friend of mine.” he said. I scowled at those words. “Oh, well hello Kayleigh, my name is Ashley.” she said, holding out her hand for me. I looked at it like it was contagious, refusing to take it. “So this is your new toy? So, have you cheated on her already, or are you still planning?” I asked him. “What is she talking about sweety?” Ashley asked him. “Oh, you didn’t know? He left me after cheating on me with you. He has a fondness of dumping someone on Christmas.” I told her. Ashley’s look turned into disgust. “You cheated on her with me?” she asked Casey. I could see Casey try to redeem himself, but I knew it was useless. “You bet he did!” Jessy chorused from behind me, the other simply nodding. Ashley stomped her feet. “How could you!” she said, before stomping away. I grinned at Casey before leaning forward, our lips almost touching and our eyes locked firmly on each other. “Merry Christmas.” I whispered and then turned around to my friends. “Let’s go, shall we?” I said. Last Christmas I may have been foolish enough to fall for his tricks, but this year was going to be different. I’d keep my heart for someone special this time.
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So this is quite early for a Christmas One-shot, but I was listening to Last Christmas from Cascada and this idea just popped in my head. So I decided to write this, I hope you enjoy it. Messages are always welcome.