Status: Active :D

I'm Losing the Best of Me.

Everything was perfect before those words came from his lips.

'Lisa and I are getting married'

everything falls apart on the spot, everything comes crashing down before their eyes. Slowly the bands breaks up leaving some confused fans who try to take sides with the one they thought was right or the one that they generally thought was 'hotter' or 'sexier'.

They go their separate ways and loose contact with each other, not wanting to be reminded about the band nor the breaking up of the band.

Problems occur everywhere, flaws start to show through.

Then something big happens, causing them to meet again
  1. Introduction.
    I'm a sucker for gossip, man.
  2. Old friend, why are you so shy?
    1,958 words :D
  3. Get a Grip.
    2,551 words :D
  4. Manage Me
    2,793 words :D
  5. Harder... HARDER!
    2,171 words :D
  6. So Awkward.
  7. chapter 7