Status: One-shot. Complete.

Made Me Change My Ways


Zack was watching Alex. Like he always did. Sounds a little creepy, but it’s true. Zack Merrick had been in love with Alex Gaskarth since high school, and everyone knew it. Apart from Alex, unfortunately. Zack could never (and would never) confess his feelings to his best friend though, hence the watching. Zack’s desires faded a little when they weren’t on tour together, but seeing as they toured for 300 days out of the year, Zack really didn’t get much of a break from it all.

It was torture, really. Alex had few boundaries and even fewer morals, and he loved to flaunt that. Walking around naked because he couldn’t be bothered to get dressed. Grinding on anyone in the nearby vicinity when he was even remotely drunk. Singing in the shower, leaving Zack’s imagination to run wild. Hugging everyone, especially Zack because Zack was ‘huggable’, at any moment of the day when he felt like it. And then there were the nights where he masturbated loudly in the bunks, so Zack (and everyone else) could hear.

Zack always tried to give Alex hints. Like opening doors for him. Like making him coffee in the mornings. Like protecting him from guys trying to start a fight. Like holding him when he cried when his boyfriends and girlfriends broke up with him. Like walking around shirtless to entice him. Like working out as much as possible to get Alex to notice him. Like saving him the last poptart even when he wanted it. Just little things. But Alex never noticed. And Zack knew he never would.


“Zaaaaack!” Alex crooned, lifting his head from Zack’s shoulder.

Everyone was sitting in the front lounge of the crew’s bus, playing Xbox, eating pizza and drinking whisky. For some reason, Alex has decided (after losing another game of Mario kart to Evan) to sit down next to Zack and cuddle up to him. Zack knew it was because Ian was occupied by playing the next game and because Jack was too busy worrying over Danny, and that he was the next replacement. But he didn’t say anything.

“Yeah, Lex?” Zack said, looking down at the older man.

Alex giggled at the name, making Zack smile slightly. He was too adorable.

“Are you enjoying tour?” Alex slurred.

Apart from being tortured with feelings for Alex? Yeah, Zack was doing just fine.

“Mmhmm, I am. What about you?” Zack nodded.

“I love it! Where else can I spend time with my best friends?” Alex grinned.

Best friends. All that Zack would ever be to Alex.

“Very true. Do you want some water?” Zack said, changing the subject.

“No, not yet. I just want a hug,” Alex said happily.

Zack bit his bottom lip to hide his smile. Anything for Alex. Shyly Zack wrapped his arms around Alex’s slouching form, ignoring the looks that his friends were giving him. Yeah, they can laugh all they want, Zack wasn’t letting this opportunity go. After all, Alex wouldn’t remember it in the morning and when would he get another chance like this?


“Alright Boston! We’ve got a few more songs to play you, but there’s some things I think I need to say first!” Alex yelled out in the crowd.

Zack just stayed silent, standing by his microphone. It was normal for Alex to talk to the crowds, so he didn’t really pay attention.

“Last night Jack tried to stick his hands down my pants again,” Alex started, interrupted by screams and cheers from the fans.

“Fuck you, man, you said you like it,” Jack grinned, thrusting in Alex’s direction.

“Why would I want your bony hands on my dick when I could have…Zack’s?” Alex replied.

Zack froze, his eyes wide as the fans screamed again. Uh, what? Alex laughed at his shock, skipping over to Zack’s side. What the fuck is he doing?!

“Don’t you guys think Zack is much sexier than Jack?” Alex called out.

Again screams. Zack just forced a half-smile onto his lips, wishing that Alex would stop torturing him like this. It’s only for show, so he should just stop.

“You said I was your one and only,” Jack whined, winking dramatically.

“Fuck no,” Alex teased.

And then Alex crashed his lips to Zack’s. No, Zack wasn’t dreaming, this was actually happening. Zack froze as the venue exploded with screams, Alex clutching his face with both hands. But as Zack started to kiss back, Alex pulled away with a grin.

“Jack, we’re over. Zack is a much better kisser than you,” Alex said with a grin.

“Fuck you, you’ll be back in my bunk tonight,” Jack grinned.

“Not bad Merrick,” Alex whispered in his ear, winking at the front row of the crowd before jogging back to his microphone.

What the fuck just happened there?


“You know, you really should just tell him how much you want to pound his sexy ass,” Vinny commented as he vaulted into the seat next to Zack.

Zack didn’t need to ask who Vinny was talking about, seeing as Zack was looking directly in Alex’s direction while he talked on the phone, and seeing as there was no-one else around.

“You know, you really should try not to be so crude all the time,” Zack commented back, not even looking at the merch guy.

Vinny sighed and shook his head, motioning Ian over. Great, just what Zack needed.

“Planet, don’t you think Zack should just jump Alex’s bones?” Vinny asked with a grin.

“Fuck yeah. Like he could ever say no to someone with your body,” Ian grinned.

“I swear, for the only two ‘straight’ guys on the tour, you sure have a funny way of showing it,” Zack grumbled.

“Alright guys, leave Zack to his stalking,” Flyzik teased, grabbing Vinny and Ian by the backs of their t-shirts.

“Fuck you,” Zack muttered, blushing.

“Fuck Alex,” Vinny winked.


Zack was sitting with Evan, Jeff, Vinny, Ian, Alex and Colussy when he heard the other bus door slam and angry voices start.

“Uh, what the hell is going on?” Ian frowned.

“I don’t know. I’ll go and look,” Alex replied.

They sat in silence, until Alex didn’t return. Silently Zack got off the bus, the others following him, until they saw Flyzik, Grieco and Alex standing a little way away from Danny, Chris and Jack. Uh, what?

“What’s going on?” Zack asked Alex, frowning.

“Danny’s asshole boyfriend is here. He came up to the other bus, demanding to Flyzik and Grieco to see Danny, and is quite clearly talking shit to Danny now. Fuck, he’s such a dick,” Alex scowled.

Anyone that Alex didn’t like, Zack immediately loathed. Zack narrowed his eyes as Chris glared over his shoulder at them all, before frowning as Danny and Chris went down the side of the venue. That couldn’t end well, not with how angry Chris looked. Asshole.

“I can’t leave him to deal with this on his own!” Jack exasperated.

Uh, what?

“Jack no!” Alex hissed.

But Jack had already followed after the couple. Shit. Now it definitely wouldn’t end well.

“Who’s going after them then?” Flyzik asked.

We all turned and stared at him, confused.

“Well we can’t leave Jack to get in trouble, can we?” Flyzik pointed out.

Zack bit his bottom lip, considering it. Maybe Alex would take notice of him if he made sure Danny and Jack didn’t get hurt…

“I’ll go,” Zack volunteered.

Zack didn’t dare look at Alex’s expression, just in case.

“Then I’ll go too,” Jeff nodded, folding his arms over his chest.

“Count me in,” Colussy added.

“I think three should be enough. You’re the scariest-looking out of all of us anyway,” Evan teased.

Jeff punched Evan lightly in the arm, but Zack just frowned. Scary-looking? Now Alex would never want him.

“HEY!” Jack yelled.

We glanced over at the side of the venue only to see Chris hit Jack, and Jack to fall to the ground

“Fuck!” Alex whimpered.

“Let’s go, come on,” Zack urged.

Zack started walking across the forecourt, Jeff and Colussy following, watching anxiously as Chris and Danny’s arguing got louder and louder.

“WE’RE DONE!” Danny yelled.

Well that was unexpected. Chris looked angry, clenching his fists, but Danny just ran to Jack’s side. Zack raised an eyebrow as Danny stroked Jack’s cheek. Everyone knew that Jack had a crush on Danny, but did Danny like Jack too? Then Chris and Danny started arguing again, Chris’s anger getting even worse. Now would be a good time to step in.

“I believe Danny’s told you to leave a few times now. I think you should listen to him,” Zack said firmly, folding his arms over his chest.

All three heads turned to face them, Danny and Jack looking relieved while Chris just scowled, and spat at Danny’s feet before walking away. Oh good, he does know when his ass is going to be kicked.

“You will miss me, Danny! You’ll regret this! Don’t expect to come crawling back to me when you change your mind!” Chris yelled as he got into his car.

Danny breathed a sigh of relief as Chris’s car drove away, but Zack just chewed his bottom lip. He hated confrontation at the best of times (unless it involved protecting Alex, of course) and this didn’t really make him feel any better.

“I can’t fucking take it anymore,”

Alex? Zack barely had time to be confused before he felt someone slam him against the wall of the venue and press their lips to his. Oh this is definitely Alex. Zack remembered the distinct taste of his lips from the one time Alex kissed him before, during that show, but this time Zack didn’t hesitate to kiss back. Alex groaned and clutched at Zack tighter, one hand on Zack’s ass and one threading through his hair. Zack vaguely heard their friends saying something, but he ignored them, only caring that he had Alex’s lips on his, that he had Alex’s tongue begging at his lips. Alex whimpered and just pushed his tongue into Zack’s mouth before Zack could even reply, toying his tongue with Zack’s. Zack couldn’t help but moan, Alex squeezing his ass one last time before pulling away with a grin.

“Hey,” Alex murmured.

“Hey,” Zack whispered in reply.

They fell silent for a few seconds. Awkward…

“Why did you kiss me?” Zack finally asked.

Alex blushed lightly, stepping backwards from Zack. Zack frowned, thinking he’d done something wrong, until Alex took both his hands in his.

“Other than the fact that you were just really fucking sexy acting all tough and mean to scare Chris away…isn’t it obvious?” Alex said, embarrassed.

Zack just shook his head. No, it wasn’t obvious, not since Zack’s been practically in love with Alex for years and Alex had never noticed. So Alex sighed.

“I like you, Zack. There, I said it. Loud and blunt. I like you,” Alex said firmly.

Zack’s jaw dropped slightly. He didn’t know what he expected to hear as Alex’s answer, but he never expected it to be that.

“Y-You like me? Since when?”

Alex blushed again. “After the show when I kissed you on stage, I had a sex dream about us,”

Now it was Zack’s turn to blush. A fucking sex dream?! “About us?” Zack asked nervously.

“Mmhmm, about us. Like a proper, full on, sex dream. I’ve been having them every night since. I started to notice you in a way I never had before. The way you open the door for me and no-one else. The way you always make sure I have a morning coffee before you make one for yourself. Even the way you always sit as closely as you can to me without even being in the next seat,”

Alex paused, taking the time to run his thumb over Zack’s jawline, smiling softly as Zack failed to hide the shiver passing through his body.

“You’ve liked me for a while, haven’t you?” Alex asked, Zack’s mortified blush giving him his answer, “You’ve liked me for so long and I never had the fucking decency to notice. I’m such an asshole,”

Zack immediately shook his head. “You’re not an asshole. Why would a guy like you notice a guy like me?”

“A guy like you? You’re fucking perfect, Zack. Ah, don’t protest, you really fucking are. You’re sweet, polite, caring, you think of others before yourself, you’re so manly, so much more manly than anyone on this tour, you’re that sexy strong silent type every girl creams over in books and movies, you’re body is fucking ripped, and you’re really fucking beautiful inside and out. A guy like me would be lucky to get a guy like you,” Alex said warmly.

Zack could swear that his heart skipped a beat at hearing those words. Did Alex really think that about him? That he was beautiful? Alex chuckled at Zack’s silence, pressing another slow sweet kiss to his lips before resting his forehead against Zack’s.

“I’m sorry it took me this long,” Alex murmured.

“Don’t be. I thought I’d never get the chance, even if it is just this one time,” Zack replied softly.

“This is definitely not just a one time thing,” Alex blurted.

Zack tried to stop the grin from spreading across his lips, he really did. Alex felt his stomach flutter at how happy Zack looked, getting a I did this feeling that only made him happy too. Happy enough to take another chance.

“So…remember how I said I had a sex dream about us after the show?” Alex said innocently.

Zack blushed. “Yeah?”

“It involved you pressing me face-first against a wall and fucking me hard, rough and dirty,” Alex purred, pressing his body against Zack’s so the only space between them was their lips.

Zack swallowed heavily as he felt blood start to rush to his dick. If Alex could get him this hot and bothered with only words…

“S-Shouldn’t our first time be a little more…romantic?” Zack asked awkwardly, blushing even more as the words came out his mouth.

“Do you see a decent-sized bed around here? Rian and Grieco might be okay with fucking in the bunks, but I’m certainly not. Besides, we’ve got plenty of time on a hotel night for you to make love to me – I want you right here, right now,” Alex said firmly.

“But what about our friends? They’re just across the forecourt!” Zack choked.

Alex just stared him down.

“Right here, right now,” Alex repeated.

All Zack could do was whimper before pulling Alex’s lips back onto his. Zack ignored Alex’s smirk, picking the older man up by the hips and throwing his legs around Zack’s waist. Alex moaned softly in surprise but didn’t stop Zack from walking them down the side of the venue where Jack, Danny and Chris had just been. As soon as Zack put Alex down and pressed him against the wall, Alex’s hips were grinding against Zack’s, not leaving Zack any option to pull away as his hands went to Zack’s ass to keep him in place. Zack groaned as his dick started to harden even more, breaking the kiss momentarily only to move his lips in open-mouth kisses along Alex’s jaw.

“Such a fucking cockslut,” Zack groaned, pushing his hips back against Alex’s.

Never had dirty words turned Alex on more. With that in mind, Alex’s hands went straight to Zack’s zipper, fumbling with it slightly before finally getting it undone, and pushing Zack’s jeans and boxers down to the middle of his thighs. Zack squeaked in surprise and pulled back sharply from Alex. Alex froze, scared that he’d pushed Zack too far, until Zack chuckled.

“You don’t waste any time, do you?” Zack smirked.

Never had a smirk turned Alex on more either. Alex just dropped to his knees, Zack’s jaw dropping in time with him, and he took Zack’s throbbing dick into his mouth, bobbing a few times and swirling his tongue liberally before pulling off with a pop. Alex blushed slightly as Zack stared at him in a mix of lust and bewilderment.

“I don’t have any lube on me – I need something,” Alex shrugged.

Zack growled and pushed Alex back against the wall, putting three of his fingers in Alex’s mouth, the other hand unzipping Alex’s jeans. Alex moaned softly as he sucked on Zack’s fingers, making sure they were covered in enough spit as Zack roughly pulled Alex’s jeans and boxers down. But when Zack pulled his fingers out of Alex’s mouth, nerves washed over his body and he hesitated, making Alex frown.

“What’s wrong?” Alex asked softly.

“Are you sure you want this? I-I don’t think I can do this if you just want the sex and not me,” Zack said anxiously.

Alex cupped Zack’s face with his hands, making sure Zack was looking directly into his eyes.

“I want you, Zack. I know from the bottom of my heart that I want you,” Alex said sweetly.

That was all Zack needed to hear. Alex groaned then grinned as Zack spun him around and pushed him harshly against the wall, Zack spreading his cheeks and teasing one finger at his entrance.

“I-I can take two straight away, just so you know,” Alex panted.

No, Zack didn’t know. But he put this new information to good use, pushing in two fingers straight off the bat. Alex groaned loudly, his head dropping back onto Zack’s shoulder. It had been a long time since anyone had touched him like this. Far too long. Zack didn’t hesitate before he started moving his fingers, scissoring, pumping and twisting them in a way that had Alex moaning and panting in a way Zack had never imagined. And he’d imagined Alex like this a lot.

“I’m putting in a third,” Zack warned.

“Y-You don’t have to,” Alex managed to choke.

“I don’t want to hurt you by not prepping you enough,” Zack murmured, kissing Alex’s ear.

Alex just about melted at Zack’s care, and bit his bottom lip as Zack pushed in a third finger, trying not to whimper at the slight burn. Like he said, it had been a long time. Zack continued to stretch Alex until the shorter man was practically shaking, and quickly pulled his fingers out. Alex whined at the loss of contact, making Zack chuckle.

“I only want you coming from my dick, not my fingers,” Zack said lowly, his voice husky and growling.

Alex could’ve come from his voice, let alone his fingers. Zack lined his throbbing dick up with Alex’s entrance, kissing the side of Alex’s neck, slowly pushing in. Alex moaned the longest, sexiest moan Zack had ever heard, only stopping when Zack had pushed right up to his base. Fuck, Alex was tight.

“Tell me when you’re ready,” Zack grunted, even though every fibre of his being was telling him to just pound into Alex’s ass.

It didn’t take long for Alex to nod.

“Are you sure?” Zack asked.

“Mmhmm. Hard, rough and dirty, Zack,” Alex moaned.

Zack pressed another kiss to the side of Alex’s neck. “If you’re sure.” He pushed Alex’s hands higher up the wall and covered them with his own, leaving Alex no room to move whatsoever. And then he started thrusting, almost barbarically. The moans, groans, gasps and pants spilling from Alex’s lips only spurred Zack on even more, wanting to hear everything louder, knowing that he was the one causing it. Alex couldn’t control the sounds he was making, not even in the slightest. He’s never had anyone fuck him like this before, not even past boyfriends who’d known every inch of his body. Zack was a fucking animal and he couldn’t believe it had taken him this long to figure that out.

“H-Harder Zack,” Alex pleaded.

Zack just grunted and complied, Alex crying out as Zack’s hips shifted and hit a spot that sent sparks flying through his fucking veins.

“Found it,” Zack smirked.

Zack made sure to hit that spot with every rough thrust, Alex’s moans getting impossibly louder and brasher. Alex could barely feel his own limbs with the sheer pleasure coursing through his body, a sheen of perspiration covering every inch of his skin. Now that he’d had Zack, he wanted him again. And again. And again. Every fucking day. Every fucking morning and night. And maybe even after lunch. If he had his way, Alex would spend the rest of his existence with Zack’s dick in his ass. Fuck.

“Close,” Zack grunted, squeezing Alex’s fingers.

“Me too,” Alex whimpered.

Zack bit down on Alex’s neck as he stiffened impossibly and then shot his seed into Alex in long hot spurts. Alex cried out at the sweet pain in his neck, screaming Zack’s name as he came harder than he had in a long time across his t-shirt and the wall. Shit. There wouldn’t be a laundry stop until next week. Oh well, this was fucking worth it. Zack thrusted through their highs, only slowing down when he was spent.

“Fuck, fucking hell,” Zack groaned, slowly pulling out.

Alex couldn’t only nod, slowly turning around to face the taller man. Zack grinned and pushed Alex’s sweaty fringe from his face before kissing him slowly, lingering a little before pulling away. They stayed silent, smiling shyly at each other as they redressed themselves, waiting until Alex had zipped his jeans fully to look at each other properly.

Then Zack’s phone buzzed before they could talk. Vinny

Now that you two have finished fucking, come back to the bus and celebrate your long-awaited hook-up. Y’know, when Alex can walk again ;)

Fucking Vinny. Zack blushed deeply and showed Alex the message, at which Alex just laughed.

“So everyone knew huh?” Alex chuckled.

“About us fucking just now or about me liking you?” Zack mused.

“About you liking me,” Alex nodded.

“Pretty much. I never said anything but apparently I was a bit obvious. Not obvious enough for you to notice for ages, clearly, but obvious enough for them to tease me about it,” Zack shrugged.

“Aww babe, I’m sorry I didn’t notice. I was an idiot. I swear I’ll make it up to you though. Starting with this,” Alex grinned.

“With what?” Zack asked, confused.

Alex cleared his throat. “Will you be my boyfriend?”

“I never thought you’d ask,” Zack sighed happily, “yes!”

Alex took a step forward, intending to kiss his newly-acquired boyfriend, only to yelp as pain shot up his back.

“Shit, I really hurt you, didn’t I?” Zack frowned.

“I loved it, so I don’t care. I might need a piggy back ride to the bus though,” Alex grinned.

Zack didn’t hesitate to crouch down, letting Alex climb on his back.

“Let’s go! I want to show off my new boyfriend to all of our soon-to-be-jealous friends,” Alex said happily.

Zack just laughed and started walking. Anything for Alex.
♠ ♠ ♠
Again, I got majorly carried away with this.
I think I should go eat something before I go crazy ^_^
This is the end of this little universe...
Unless you want a Flyzik/Colussy chapter and a Jeff/Evan chapter?
Let me know ;)

Feedback is appreciated!