Status: a working progress...


Chapter 1

“Standing on the corner watching all the girls go by. Standing on the corner giving all the girls the SHARON!!!!” Damian yelled.
“What is it now Damian?” Sharon asked, her voice sounding exhausted. We had been rehearsing this song ALL day and every time Damian finds something to complain about. And it ALWAYS has something to do with me.
“Can you please tell HER to stop messin’ up!!!” he yelled. Alright, that is it.
“ME? Messing up?!?! HA!!! I am the professional dancer here buddy. NOT YOU!!! So, will you quit saying that it is MY fault!!! Cuz, it is probably yours!!!” And with that, I storm off the stage and I head straight towards the bus that I was staying on while we were touring.
“That kid can be the MOST annoying kid in the whole entire world!!! I mean, doesn’t he know NOT to mess with a girl who may possibly be pregnant?” I mumble to myself as I open the bus door. That’s right. I said it. There is a ninety-nine point ninety-nine percent chance that I may be pregnant and actually, I am gonna find out right now.
I walk into the bathroom and look at the object in the sink.

A pink plus sign.

I think that I may faint. I mean, how can I be pregnant? I got a whole career ahead of me and I just can’t deal with a kid. Not now. Not while I am only seventeen. I hear a small knock coming from outside the bus. Someone wants to come in. I quickly throw my results away in the trash (or so I think I did) and I headed towards the door. When I open it, the person who is standing outside is the person I would have least expected to be standing there. Damian.
“What are you doing here?” I ask coolly.
“Uhh… can I please come in?” He mumbles. I nod curtly and move out of the way so he could come onto the bus.
“Look,” he says, “I am just here to apologize to you for how I treated you today and I promise that it won’t happen again.”
“Who made you come over here and say that?” I question, not believing what he said one bit.
“No one!!!” He shouts. I raise my eyebrow at him.
“I’m serious!!!” he yells again. I look into his eyes to see if he is telling the truth. He is.
“Alright, I believe you. Now you can go.” I say. But he says nothing. Instead, he starts to stare at this thing lying on the floor. I turn around to see what he is looking at and when I realize what it is, my heart stops.