
Who's Zacky Baker?

"Five, Six, Seven, Eight." The head cheer captain said as she counted the steps for the group and lead them as they practiced in the school gym. It was only one in the afternoon, and while the rest of the school went through their fifth and sixth's hours, the cheer team was getting ready to go show off there new routine for the pep assembly.

Alix took in a few deep breath's as she followed the routine with her best friend and the rest of the group. She counted the steps in her head as they were being said out loud, matching her steps with those who were in front of her in the line up.

"An, that's a wrap, let's take a small break." The captain said as she and the rest of the team stopped and went to get there water bottles to take a sip from them.

A small tired sigh escaped from Alix as she walked with her best friend Hannah to get her water bottle, she sat on the bench and moved so that she was sitting in between the first and second bleacher's. Her back pressed against the back bleacher as she relaxed and chugged some of her water.

"Geez Alix, slow down. Your acting like you haven't drank anything in weeks." Hannah, Alix's best friend said as she took a seat next to Alix and took some small sips of her drink.

"It feels like that." Alix mumbled quietly as she finally pulled her nearly empty water bottle away from her mouth.

Hannah gave her a worried look, An Alix just brushed it off as she took another sip of her drink.

Sensing the small tension between them Hannah decided to change the subject. "So, tell me about this hot guy you met at that party." Hannah said, a small devious smile on her lips. Alix had talked to her the day after the party and told her everything she had remembered of the night.

"Well." Alix said once she was relaxed enough to start talking. "This guy I met was the cutest guy I have ever seen." She said, just trying to spice up the conversation a little since she had told Hannah about him and the night almost a million times. "He had jet black hair that was a little long but not past his ears long." She started to get a far away look in her eyes as Alix started to remember the guy.

"His eyes were a beautiful bright green color that stuck out against his dark hair." Alix took another sip of her drink. "He was taller then me, maybe around five seven, five eight or something, and his hands felt a little rough but soft at the same time." Alix sighed as she looked over at Hannah. A small chuckle came from her as she saw her friend with a far away look in her eyes, like she was trying to imagine the guy as well.

"An you said you don't remember his name right?" Hannah asked as she slowly pulled out of her daze and looked at Alix.

Alix just shook her head no, a small frown crossed her lips. "No, which is why I feel kinda bad." Alix sighed quietly. "But the night felt amazing, so I don't really know what to think of the whole thing. I only know parts of it."

A small groan came from Alix as she leaned forward and rested her head against her legs.

A bell rang through out the school, signaling that fifth hour had ended and that everyone now had to go to there sixth hour.

Alix raised her head and looked at Hannah, she was about to ask her what she was going to do later, but stopped as the gym doors opened.
In walked three guys who Alix didn't know and one that seemed familiar.

"Oh, hottie alert."Hannah said as she saw what Alix was looking at.

The two girls looked at the guys, Hannah checking them out while Alix tried to figure out why the only black haired guy looked familiar. It was only when the black haired guy turned around and glanced at them that Alix knew.

"That's him!" Alix said in shocked as she saw the green eyes from the guy. "He's the guy from the party." The green eyed man smirked at Alix then shoved his hands into his pockets as he turned around and followed after his friends.

"Uh, Alix." Hannah said, really uneasy.

"Yeah?" Alix asked, as she watched the guys leave through the other doors in the gym that lead outside. "That couldn't of been the guy."

Alix looked at Hannah with a confused look. "What do you mean?" She asked as she leaned back against the bleachers again and then rested her hands on her stomach.

"That was Zacky Baker." Hannah said, like Alix should of known him. Alix just gave her a confused look again and waited for her to continue. "He's an asshole Alix, he couldn't of been the guy!"

"But I know what I saw Hannah, It was him!" Alix snapped, she didn't know why she snapped but she didn't feel bad for doing so.

"Come on everyone, break's over!" The captain said as she got in her spot and waited for everyone else to get in line.

"We'll talk more later." Alix said as she got up and went to her spot.


Alix groaned tiredly as she got home. Her feet were sore from all of the moves she had done and her stomach was just all funny feeling, which didn't help her at all since she felt like she was going to pass out.

She went up to her room and as soon as Alix's head hit her pillow on her bed, her dad came in.

"Hey Alix. Are you feeling okay?" He asked as he walked over to his youngest daughter and sat on the edge of her bed. He placed his hand on her forehead to see if she had a fever or something, smiling a little when he found none.

"Not really, I just feel gross and exhausted." She told him as she laid on her side, curled up around her favorite stuffed animal. Which was a cute little unicorn that was pink in color, the mane was purple as was the tail, horn and the hooves.

"Well, you did have a big day." Her father said. "You probably just used to much energy, some sleep will make you feel better." He told her as he leaned down and kissed her fore head. "Night Kiddo." He said as he got up to leave Alix's room.

"Night dad." She said as her eyes closed, the sound of her dad walking out of the room and then closing the door echoing in her quiet room.

Alix laid quietly on her bed, thoughts of what happened at practice were running through her mind. "Zacky Baker." Alix said quietly as she laid on her back and stretched out on her bed. "Who are you?"


The next morning Alix woke up and groaned as she felt her head throb slightly. "Great." She mumbled as she slipped out of bed and headed towards the kitchen.

"Morning." She mumbled as she held her head tiredly as she walked to the medicine cabinet and got out something for headache.

"Morning sleeping beauty." Rachel said as she ate her cereal.

"Where's dad?" Alix asked as she got the pill she was looking for then put the bottle back in the medicine cabinet.


Alix grabbed a glass and filled it with water before she took the pill and washed it down. "This early?" She asked as she looked at Rachel.

"Alix, it's ten in the afternoon, he starts work at nine." Rachel said, like Alix was an idiot.

"Oh." Was all Alix said as she got herself an apple and sat next to Rachel at the breakfast bar. Silence took over the kitchen as the sisters both ate.

Then as soon as Alix was almost done with her apple, she turned to Rachel and asked,"Who's Zacky Baker?"

Rachel paused her actions mid bite. A look of shock was written all over her face. Then slowly she lowered her spoon as she turned her head to look at Alix. "Why do you wanna know?" She asked as she looked at Alix like she was hiding a secret.

"No reason." She said as she looked at the half eaten apple in her hands. "Alix." Rachel said in a warning tone.

A small sign escaped from Alix, she could never keep a secret from her sister when she used that tone. "I think I slept with him." She said quietly, so quietly she could barely hear herself. Apparently though, Rachel had heard her.

"You what!" Rachel shouted as she stood up abruptly, her chair falling back in the process. "Please tell me I heard you wrong."

Alix looked up at her sister a little confused. "What's the big deal? You slept with a few guys before, why's this Zack guy a deal?"

"Because Alix." Rachel said as she picked up the chair she had tipped over. "It's Zachary Baker!" Saying the name like it was a famous person's name and everyone should know it.
Alix just arched an eyebrow as she watched her sister clean up her cereal bowl and put it in the sink. "He's a player and an ass Alix, he's slept with nearly the whole school. Plus he's an even bigger drug addict then me."

"Oh." Was all Alix said as she looked at her apple, no longer feeling hungry. "He was nice to me though, I didn't think he'd be like that." A small sigh escaped from Alix as she rested her head on the table.

"That's how people get to you Alix." Rachel said as she left the kitchen, leaving Alix alone with her thoughts.
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This was suppose to be out Friday, but I got caught up doing Christmas shopping. I hope you all liked the chapter. :) Please leave me some comments to know if the chapter was any good. :)