Sequel: Hollywould Fix


Water Grill

We had pulled up to Water Grill one of the best seafood restaurants in LA. We were seated immediately. "Alex pull Reina's chair out for her," Allen commanded as he did the same for Baby. Alex jumped to do what he was told pushing me into the table once I was seated.

"I apologize for my son Reina, I thought I had raised a gentleman but obviously I was wrong. I don't even want to know how he treats you when I'm not around."

I looked over sympathetically at Alex who was pretending to be extremely interested in something on the floor. I understood why he hadn't wanted me to me his dad and I felt bad because I had insisted. "Actually, Alex has been a life saver Allen...sir," I said in his defense. Alex gave me a grateful look.

"Yes my son told me about your unfortunate situation and how he came to be staying with me a little longer than expected."

"I'm so sorry about the hurricane," said Baby. It almost made me laugh because she apologized as if she had created it but she was very sincere.

Soon the waiter came to take our orders while Alex seemed unphased by ordering wine in his father's presence, I decided to decline. I didn't think Russell would take it well if I showed up to my interview tomorrow hung over. Allen order a $115 caviar service for an appetizer and Baby ordered the gorgonzola salad with pear and candied walnuts but then asked the waiter to hold the cheese, pear, nuts, and dressing. "Baby you do know you just ordered a $15 plate of lettuce right," I said confused.

"Oh yeah I'm watching my weight. Babe, are pears a carb," she asked Allen. Alex rolled his eyes.

Dinner continued much that way for the rest of the night: Allen criticizing Alex, me doing my best to defend him, Baby making hilarious comments that I would have to remember to laugh at later. The only thing that made it even remotely bearable was the food. It was delicious and for dessert, Allen decided we need to sample everything. There was hazelnut mousse, almond cake, coffee, lemon, and lavender creme brulees, and a red velvet pudding with mascarpone ice cream that I knew Pete would love. After we exited the restaurant, I said good night to Allen and Baby and Alex and I sped away as quickly as possible. "Well that was interesting," I said lamely when I couldn't think of anything better to say, "one thing's for sure, your dad can certainly be charming when he wants be."

"How do you think that bastard convinced my mom to marry him?"

"He's not that bad, Alex. Do you want to spend the night tonight, get away from him?"

"Can't, I start work tomorrow for guess who?" "You're working for your dad?" "He's making me. He said I should get a leg up on college by studying business up close and personal."

"But you don't even care about real estate."

"He doesn't care." I drove Alex to his house, thankfully we beat his dad. He kissed me tenderly. "Night. Good luck tomorrow even though you don't need it. If this Russell guy has half a brain he'll love you."

"Thanks babe."

"Call me when you're done okay?"

"Alright goodnight."

When I got back to the house I set out my clothes for the next day and packed my new purse. I went to bed as soon as possible wanting to get my beauty rest.