Pigeon Mail

Chapter 2

Originality, that's what she has. Anna-Louise, Princess of Trandora. The only human in the party that actually stood out.

I sit on a tree deep into the forest as I admire Anna-Louise from afar. She is beautiful, the most sparkling human I've ever set eyes on. She may be Princess of Trandora, and I may be the town's poorest villager, but I want her.

She has more originality than any town person I know. I watch as she disobediently slips off her shoes and steps up the stairs. This is why she's different. She could be dancing with the Princes and finding her true love this early, but instead she goes to her window and stares at the stars like its something she never saw before.

I could care less about the stars, seeing them every night causes that. I could care less about the village, I never go there. Me being Stefan Cruz, villager's poorest man, nobody cares about me. I hope it stays that way too. If somebody cares about me, then it means I have to be more careful with my life, for their sake.

I live in the woods, better to do so because the plants grow food, and the food is free. I hunt too, trading it sometimes for cash. It's not hard to live in the woods if you know what you're doing.

Anna-Louise stares off into the trees, I watch intently as she stares at them dreamily. she looks at them as if she never could be able to step foot in it.

She probably is forbidden to step foot near the woods, theirs always rumors about murders, and carnivores walking around the woods. When in reality, their talking about me. I don't harm anyone and I don't eat anybody. I just live in the woods.

Does Anna-Louise know about the rumors about me? Does she even know me at all? Will she ever know me? I don't even think she's ever seen me, ever even taken a deep glance at the crowd she brings in when ever she walks into the town. That's the only time I ever step foot in town. Does she know that?

I whistle for my pigeon, hoping now is the time I could be able to send her a letter. A letter about how much I admire her courage of being a princess.

My Grey pigeon came at an ease. His name is Luke, I notice his identification from the small black spot on his beak to the way the tip of his feathers turn snow white. He's my pet and my only friend.

"Luke, I'm hoping today it the day." I whisper, making sure it stays quite so no wolves could hear me. My large hand lightly pets Luke as I pull out a small piece of paper. Luke knows who exactly who he's giving it to. We've been training for this since last winter.

"Don't be scared if she swats you away, she isn't used to you yet okay?" I look directly into his eyes and tie a note on his leg with a small strand of clothing.

"Okay," I breath out "You're ready for this."

Luke began to flap his wings, soon he was off, swiftly flying across the large yard of hers. Taking a bite of my apple, I lean my back against the tree and balance myself on a branch, watching as Luke swiftly slides into the curtains.

A high pitch scream echos through the trees.

"Uh-oh." I mumble.