Pigeon Mail

Chapter 3

The stars, the constellations, they told a story. Each little stars background, how much they’ve seen.

Each of them had a pair to create another story perfectly different from the first one. It amazed me how they could be so far away but still sparkle so bright.

I turned around walking to my bed. That’s when I heard a small creak, and a small gust of wind.

Turning around suddenly, I stuck my head out of the window, glancing up and down the fields and glancing into the forest once.

Finally satisfied that nothing was there, I turned around to find a small night gown of mine pulled off of the bed onto the floor.

Hesitantly, I walked over, picking up the light silk and folded it, putting it back on my bed. Chirp

My breath was caught in my throat as I turned around to face the sound. On my bed, picking at one of the tassels on my pillow was a small pigeon with a letter tightly bound to his talon.

Letting out my breath, I smiled and sat next the creature. “Hi there.” I whispered, as I carefully unhooked the note.

Unraveling the small letter, scrawled out was the simple sentence

“I could fill a 1000 pages,
telling you how I felt
and still you wouldn't understand”

I smiled at this little letter. How innocent. It wasn’t signed though, so who could be it? How should I approach this?

It’s not everyday you get a pigeon mail from some one whose “in love” with you. Well, it’s not uncommon for gorgous queens or presentable princesses, but me? That’s rare.

Then again, what if it was just Antonio, the gatekeeper? He was always up to practical jokes.

Questions swarmed my head and I took some sunflower seeds out of my rabbit’s cage and laid them out on the windowsill

Sliding in front of my bureau, I opened a drawer, taking out a fresh ink, feather, and paper and laid them out in front of me.

Carefully, I wrote out the letters “Was that your way of trying to impress me?”

Smiling triumphantly, I attached it to the pigeon. Just as I watched it fly back, regret hit me.

Why did I respond! I should have just let it be! What if it’s some creep? What if I offended the person?

Oh Anna Louise, what did you do!
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