Pigeon Mail

Chapter 4

I huge smile spread over my face as Luke flies back toward me, with a fresh new note on his leg. A soft chuckle escaped my mouth in excitement. She replied, she actually attached a pearly white piece of paper onto Luke and sent it to me.

What did she write? I love you too

She loves me? She loves me not? That is the question.

"You did great, Luke." I stroke my thumb across his head, his favorite petting spot, and feed him a piece of my apple, before lightly peeling off the note from his leg.

She wrote me a note back. What did she think of it? What does she think of me?

My stomach did knots and I relaxed myself back onto the branch I was kneeling on. I don't want to fall off this tree anytime soon. I was twenty feet up and I wasn't going to get down like that.

Here you go, Stefan, you're going to read the letter. The pearly white sheet of paper rolled through my fingers as I took in a deep breath and looked at the beautiful writing.

'Was that your way of trying to impress me?'

Then my heart dropped.

She wasn't impressed? Did she always get pigeon mail and mine wasn't surprising? Of course she did! She's Princess Anna-Louise. I let out a small groan as I read those words again and again.

She should have just written, Leave me alone you rodent if she wanted me to never write her back.

"Luke, why didn't I impress her?" I ask my Gray pigeon, chewing on the apple again. I already can hear Luke's voice.

"Because she's beautiful, educated, amazing, different, and Princess of Trandora. You're just Stefan Cruz, the poorest man in the village."

That's what he's saying, well if that's true, then why did she have the time to write back to me? Why did she have the time to write me back? The time to tie it onto Luke's leg and watch him fly away with it?

It's not her My mind accuses. then I realize it might be true. She wouldn't have had the time to write me back, but someone else would've. Somebody else was jesting with me.

If their jesting with my mind then I can jest right back.

I bite the rest of the apple off and feed the leftovers to Luke before grabbing my poorly woven sack, that I traded a handful of berries for, and climbed down the tree, branch by branch.

My worn out boots trailed me to a fully grown apple tree, filled with beautiful red apples worth eating.

My fingers grasped the juicy red apples and pulled them off into the sack. One by one, I examine them, making sure they had no worm holes or bird pecks on them.

Soon I had enough for at least a trade for two pieces of used paper and a dip of ink.

Sadly, I had to go into the village for that. Let the rumors begin. Villagers hide your children, men hide your wives, because Stefan Cruz is coming into the village, even though Anna-Louise isn't coming to town.

The villagers wont suspect it, they'll probably scream at the sight of me. I won't care, nobody jests with me and gets away with it.
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I apologize badly for not updating soon.