Illiterate and in Love


Do you know that moment where you feel like everything you've ever done has never made an impact on anything? I guess all of us have these moments; or at least a lot of us do. I just wish I had had mine earlier in life and not now as I'm being tracked down by an angry vampire and an even angrier shifter.

Water, I think. I need to get to water. If I can find some, I know I'll have a fighting chance. I bite my lip to keep from making any noise as I use my hands to feel along the wall. Darkness surrounds me in this large factory and I have no idea where the exit is. My whole illusion of security is shattered as I hear a soft snicker in the dark air above me.

Without any warning, I bolt, not caring what's in front of me or what's behind me. Some how a miracle happens and I burst through the main doors and out into the cold Louisiana air. It's lighter out here, but not by much. I sprint to my left, heading toward the forest rather than the road. I can feel the pond that resides here as soon as I break the tree line. If I can just get there...

"Stupid girl," the vampire mutters as he takes off after me. I know he can out run me, be miles ahead of me in three seconds flat, but he's prolonging his chase. I can still feel the strength of the water around me as I surge forward, taking a flying leap over a branch- and fall to my knees. I wince but stand as quick as possible. I hear him laugh once more, but I don't care at this point. I'm so close. He won't even expect what I have coming for him.

Just as the pond comes into view, I surge forward, trying to get to my destination. I'm only maybe twenty feet away when I'm grabbed by my ankle and pulled to the ground. My back slams against the wet earth and the wind gets knocked out of my lungs. I try to gather some of my breath, but I lose whatever progress I was making as the vampire straddles my middle, grinning and revealing his fangs. "Don't bother trying to breathe. You won't need to any more."

He uses both his hands to rip open the flesh on my neck, letting the blood spew all over us, the forest floor, and stain my white blouse. I cough and let my eyes close, fully prepared to die.
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